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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

Even averts his eyes to the woman's wonderful and terribly enchanting smile, feeling himself blush just a bit. Women in his village were not usually this forward (but he kind of liked it...). The sounds of drums and voice in his mind startled him slightly, but it brought a smile to his lips that he was able to find such an obviously skilled adventurer with hidden talents such as hers.

"I do have one horse remaining if any are brave enough to join us! Are there any takers?" He asks the assembled tavern of people.

OOC: Still no response from Sound of Stone. If there is no response at that point, I'll assume he is uninterested and open the slot to anyone else here who is lvl 5 to 7, or we'll move on to the adventure thread if there are none.


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Vander snickers at Ignatz's attempt to impress Joy and gains another mischievous grin. Having no water to splash at the barbarian this time, he instead flicks some fairy dust in the Ignatz's direction while the half-orc is distracted by Joy, causing him to suddenly start floating toward the ceiling.


First Post
Vander snickers at Ignatz's attempt to impress Joy and gains another mischievous grin. Having no water to splash at the barbarian this time, he instead flicks some fairy dust in the Ignatz's direction while the half-orc is distracted by Joy, causing him to suddenly start floating toward the ceiling.
"Whoop!" Ignatz reflexively holds onto his hat as he floats above Joy. He's disoriented for a moment, but then takes it in stride. His attempt to look suave dissolves in an unaffected, delighted smile. "Hey, iz hyu doin dot?"


First Post
Joy chuckled softly as Ignatz began to float upwards. His attentions had been amusing enough, and hardly off-putting to someone whose earliest clear memories were of life aboard a pirate ship whose crew included gnolls and kobolds. The strange music around her shifted into a wordless sailor's jig, and Ignatz and the other folk nearby felt their own confidence briefly flare as Joy's chuckle grew into hearty laughter.


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Kane chuckle's at the scene. As Joy's laughter grows so does Kane, joining in with his own heartfelt belly laugh, wiping a tear from his eye.


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Ignatz normally enjoys attention, but at the moment he's completely distracted by the novelty of flight. "Hoy, hy'z gettin' the hang ov flyink, hy tink!" He bumps a rafter, and then the pixie dust wears off and he crashes into a table, which breaks his fall but does not survive the encounter. Ignatz guffaws from the cloud of dust, one hand holding his hat firmly in place, and hops back to his feet to dust himself off.


"Ah Sheng, I see you arrived earlier" says a newcomer, a handsome man dressed in gaudy clothes of clashing colors. "Max, traveler and unwilling axe bearer salute you all. I raise a glass for our successs at beating savage minotaurs, vicious plants and rabid wolves. It was worth it - I found in the here some new boots and this absolutely fa-bu-lous new hat"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Max." Shortly addresses Sheng. His tea is served to him just in that moment. He ceremoniously lifts the cup slightly and gives small sips. He frowns apparently at the flavor. "Are you still carrying the cursed axe? The dwarf is probably deceased now, what meaning has to carry a weapon made for a dead man?"


"No, it stopped pestering me when it realized we were no longer useful. Even inanimate objects know they have nothing to do against someone of my strength of will and good looks" replies Max. "I managed to sell it to some credulous, incredibly wealthy dwarf. And here, by the way, is your part. Spend it wisely, though if you want my counsel on the latest fashion, I'll be glad to provide it for a small fee"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"I see." Sheng takes the gold coins and stores them somewhere beneath his heavy tunic. "I appreciate your willingness, but I hold greater destinies for the profits than mere aesthetics." Sheng takes another sip of the apparently terrible tea. "You of course don't know, but I'm in search of the last remaining members of the Zim clan. We were vanquished by the Oni demons that have besieged our kingdom and the survivors scattered across the world. I wish to reunite my clan and lead it to regain our honour and former glory, and once and for all eradicate all Oni, from their most powerful warlords to their unborn children in their mother's womb."

Voidrunner's Codex

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