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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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The door opens a crack, as if someone was peering in without wanting to be seen, but then it slips open just wide enough for a rather well attired figure of a small female humanoid to enter. A somewhat cubit-sized, ghostly green bristly spider appears to be clinging to her.

"Hello all, it's me, Lilli, IAC wizard. Lotte here is with me, so no need to get all excited." she says, guardedly. She looks left and right as if looking for someone or something.

She makes her way to the bar; her eyes discreetly shift to one side as she passes the Tiefling, who appears engrossed in his book. There, the landlord hands her down a small beer and she thanks him in turn. "Hope you are well, hmmm?" She takes a sip and regards the tavern more openly.

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Malakai offhandedly notes the arrival of Lilli, one of his minions companions who had traveled with him to the d'Argent manor, and who, like him, had been rather brusquely shunted back to the Hanged Man after attempting to walk through the Manor's front door. He really should have tried to go back there, or determine if the threat he had been hired for had been eliminated, but frankly, he was only doing it for the minute possible chance of gaining some kind of favor with the d'Argent family, who at one time had been rather prominent. But, after learning that they weren't a family that was on the up and up with the rest of Daunton's higher stationed, Malakai wasn't convinced it was worth the effort, and certainly not worth the risk on his own life.

As far as min--- companions goes, Lilli wasn't horrible at all. In fact, that trick she pulled against some of those bandits made a nice bunched up target of bodies for his fires to feed on. She was useful if not interesting. But he was getting off track. With a sneer, the tiefling put his nose back into Dein's book, continuing to absorb what little he could from the series of rituals described in the book that might be of use to him in contacting his father in the depths of Chaos.

Son of Meepo

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Right on the heals of the devilish Malakai, a more angelic being enters the tavern. She carries a pair of enchanted spears, one shorter than the other. All sorts of gadgets and gizmos whirl about her, some you are quite convinced are otherworldly in nature.

"I see you made it back though the portal as well Malakai."

It appears certain that her comment was not meant to be cordial.

"Seekers of truth and wisdom. The Great Mentor has sent me to aid you with both wise counsel and stout spear. Approach and share what troubles you."

I still need my senior review for Dina at level 7 before I can use this character again, at which point she will be level 8.


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An average height dwarf of stocky build and fiery red hair enters with a calm demeanor. He is wearing average leather armour and clutches a quarterstaff. He stops briefly at the entrance to take a quick survey of the room before approaching the bar to order a flagon and a meal. Once served, he finds an empty table to sit, eat, and drink in silence.


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"Hello Dina," says Lilli, giving the Deva a waive. "Perhaps another time, thank-you. My problems aren't for all ears."

An average height dwarf of stocky build and fiery red hair enters with a calm demeanor. He is wearing average leather armour and clutches a quarterstaff. He stops briefly at the entrance to take a quick survey of the room before approaching the bar to order a flagon and a meal.

Whilst at the bar, the dwarf is greeted by the same even shorter well dressed female. The ghostly green bristly spider appears to examining another inhabitant of the room.

"Good day to you, stranger," says Lilli in dwarven with a welcoming smile. "Now, you weren't to know this, being a first time visitor here, but it is a rule of the house that newcomer's give their name and profession when entering this place."

"I'm Lilli, I'm a wizard that settled in this city. The spider is my companion, Lotte."

The ghostly green spider gives a chirp of what may be a greeting, but its attention still seems to be focused elsewhere.


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Flervin, quickly responds in dwarven, "My sincerest apologies, I mean no offense. I am Flervin Deathbeard a druid from a land on the edge of the valley." He bows slightly as he introduces himself to Lili, turns slightly to face Lotte, and nods in acknowledgement. "Fine city, from what I have seen of it thus far." He says sincerely.


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Lilli listens to the Dwarf speak and the cogs whirr, "Oh, you're from the Valley of Bone! How interesting! I've seen a sample of your Magari heiroglyphs, but haven't yet had the time to crack them," she says in her more 'classical' Dwarven.

"All," she announces to the room in Allarian, "This is Flervin, a Druid and indeed a stranger to this city, of which he has been most complimentary."

She bows to the dwarf.


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Flervin returns the bow, "Your kindness is much appreciated. I have not personally dabbled with the hieroglyphs myself, though have heard fascinating things about them." He turns and gives a general bow to the bar's patrons.


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Though able to pick up on Martelai's tone, Flervin still faces and bows with respect making quick note of the Half-elven's runic tattoo on the back of his hand. "My apologies if my presence is a burden to you, Warlock. I can say with certainty I shan't get in your way." Flervin bows again, purchases an additional brew for Lilli and thanks her for her kindness. He then proceeds to a nearby empty table to sit and eat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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