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Exalted (d6). Help me, please.

Well... It seems like you'll be almost twice as likely for any single die to turn up as at either of the extremes (1 in 6 chance instead of 1 in 10 chance of either extreme)... I don't know if a d10 turning up '1' or a '10' has any particular effect in exalted, but that could cause some wonkiness... I'm not sure how to go about reducing that wonkiness if that is the case...

Maybe if you ignore the first '1' in any roll (likewise with the '6')...

EDIT: Also, you may want to start picking up d10s here and there if you are planning to continue to play exalted (or other d10 based games). Getting one or two at a time won't hurt your pocketbook as much, and you'll eventually get enough that you can play the game normally.


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First Post
Come on, people! This isn't hard!

He already has a bucket of d6's.

He does NOT have a bucket of d10's.

He does not WANT to buy a bucket of d10's.

Therefore, can he play a game that uses a bucket of d10's WITH a bucket of d6's instead?

The responses remind me of a question I had on a Paladin build I requested help on.

Me: I'm making a Paladin for a game. Any advice on Paladin builds?

Poster 1: Make a Crusader.

Poster 2: Make a Cleric.

Poster 3: Make a Druid.

Poster 4: What's a Paladin?


To answer the OP...no, as long as EVERYTHING in the system uses d6's, I don't foresee an issue. You MIGHT have to round down on some challenge ratings, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
Well, just by percentages, you'll have a higher likelihood of success and a greater chance of exceptional success.

On a d10, you've got a 40% chance of success and a 10% chance of that success counting as double.

On the d6, with a TN of 4 and 6 counting as double, you've got a 50% chance of success and a 16.66% chance of that success counting double.
So your godlike characters are going to be that much more powerful.

Our group varies on how many d10s we get out. I'm on the lowend with generally only getting 10 out. I get by just fine with that, but my more common dice pools include abilities which I have Ability Excellancy 2s for. Another player likes to get out around 30 d10s. Most of the group is somewhere in between.

Of course, I game with dice addicts.

EDIT - Oh yeah. Same increase in probability of rolling botches as rolling critical successes.


Front Range Warlock
Ao the Overkitty said:
Well, just by percentages, you'll have a higher likelihood of success and a greater chance of exceptional success.

On a d10, you've got a 40% chance of success and a 10% chance of that success counting as double.

On the d6, with a TN of 4 and 6 counting as double, you've got a 50% chance of success and a 16.66% chance of that success counting double.
So your godlike characters are going to be that much more powerful.

Our group varies on how many d10s we get out. I'm on the lowend with generally only getting 10 out. I get by just fine with that, but my more common dice pools include abilities which I have Ability Excellancy 2s for. Another player likes to get out around 30 d10s. Most of the group is somewhere in between.

Of course, I game with dice addicts.

EDIT - Oh yeah. Same increase in probability of rolling botches as rolling critical successes.

Thank you for the on-topic post. Much appreciated. Mathematically, I think pools odd six-sided dice will work out fine if your numbers are right (in fact, they may work out better). Blow the roof off, I say! :D

[For those who are unaware, the Exalted demo rules use six-sided dice instead of ten-sided dice]


Front Range Warlock
Satori said:
To answer the OP...no, as long as EVERYTHING in the system uses d6's, I don't foresee an issue. You MIGHT have to round down on some challenge ratings, but it shouldn't be a problem.

Thank you, as well. This was what I was thinking, but I wanted somebody more able than myself to run the percentages ;)


jdrakeh said:
Okay, a gushing actual play thread elsewhere (coupled with some bitchin' PDF handouts) has convinced me that I need to give Exalted a go. . . but I really don't want to buy a bucket of ten-sided dice at $1.00 a pop just to play. mainly, because I already have a bucket of six-sided dice. So. . .

I'm not looking to convert Exalted to the D6 System. Rather, I just want to use my six-sided dice in place of ten-sided dice (kind of like the Exalted demo). I'm thinking that if I change the default TN to 4 and then treat results of "6" as results of "10" I'll pretty much have it covered. . . however. . .

I'm not very familiar with Exalted. Is there some kind of statistical weirdness that migth crop up in actual play if I do this? Is there something that I'm missing. I shouldn't think that bonuses will change much, as they add dice rather than straight linear modifiers. If anybody could enlighten me, I'd be much obliged.

Yeah. If you do it with TN 4, you'll get 2 successes per 3 dice, instead of 1 per 2. The default target number should be 5, with 2 successes on a 6.

A die in d10 exalted averages .5 success per die, so you want to maintain that, to avoid slight mechanical funkiness.

Using a d6 pool in this way tends to have a slightly higher standard deviation than a pool of exalted d10s- you're more likely to roll towards either extreme (lots of successes or very few).

The other thing to note is that rolling damage dice will change. Normally, a damage die is 7-10 on a d10, 10s don't double. If you use 5-6 on a d6, that means that instead of each die doing .4 damage, it does .333... So damage rolls will tend, long-term, to be slightly lower. That shouldn't be a problem for you, really, just something to note. It does tend to slightly increase the value of charms like, um, Hungry Tiger Technique (I think), which turn damage dice into damage levels without having to roll that die.


Front Range Warlock
DanMcS said:
Yeah. If you do it with TN 4, you'll get 2 successes per 3 dice, instead of 1 per 2. The default target number should be 5, with 2 successes on a 6.

Ah ha! Thank you for that :D

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
So, now that that is cleared up for you, let's hear a bit about the tattoo. Did you ever post a pic somewhere?

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