D&D (2024) Expectations for Patch 9?

The problem i see is they opted to fix Two Weapon Fighting via Nick, and not giving that to rogues really messes up the action economy again.
Playtest packet 6 lets you take two weapon masteries you have proficiency with - and daggers are one explicitly suggested option.

Edit: Misinterpreted. But the real reason rogues should get weapon masteries isn't that IMO. It's that having Vex moves Rogues from a class that needs to work to do their baseline damage to a class that should be overwhelmingly likely to do their baseline damage and can then do other things.

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I know what I would like to see in the next packet, but I doubt any of it will be in there:

An update on 1st and 4th level feats; a lot of things have changed since pack 2, and I think some of these need another pass.

Revisions to mixed ancestry characters. Unless my survey was an outlier, they never even solicited feedback on this aspect of species. I really think they can do better than reskinning one species or the other.


The problem i see is they opted to fix Two Weapon Fighting via Nick, and not giving that to rogues really messes up the action economy again.
But then are you saying that every rogue MUST take nick just to function properly? I've never once played a TWF rogue and never once felt my rogue was underpowered. It was just a choice. If a weapon mastery with nick can be taken with a feat, doesn't it remain a choice?

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