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Fallen World- 13th lvl homebrew (dark and mature)


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Okay, let's see. I was going to start writing a fairly lengthy piece of background, but it's seeming like I won't have the time today or tomorrow so for now I'll shelve that and submit a concept of the type you suggested.

Ysande Zalarrhim
Human Female Bard 13
Chaotic Good

Background: Ysande was born to a courtesan in the court of a minor demon lord, the result of her dalliance with one of the many Tieflings - most of them distant descendants of the lord himself - who were part of his retinue. As a result, she's always been used to surviving and even thriving amongst the subtle webs of abyssal politics. With natural intelligence, a great musical talent, and extraordinary good looks - the taint of demon blood providing a frisson of the exotic - she was a natural at these games. As she grew up she became a great favorite in court and proved well able to spin some webs of her own.

She has moved from court to court since she came of age, always in demand as word of her voice and her beauty spread. Demons like to play with mortal toys, and she knew the right games. She also had a natural instinct for the delicate business of judging that moment where the game becomes wearisome and the toy is smashed in a fit of pique. She's no stranger to close shaves, but so far she's always managed to walk the line. In her progress up the precarious and ever-shifting ladder of influence and position in the demonic courts she has certainly made her fair share of enemies, but she's also been adept at making the right allies at the right time. So far she remains one step ahead of anybody who would see her fall.

Personality: Ysande is something of an enigma. A life spent in intrigue and deception has taught her to keep her cards close to her chest, and that's precisely what she does. The face she presents to the world is elegant, refined and alluring, self-controlled and self-willed, with no hint of weakness. She is always composed, and always courteous. When she speaks, everybody in the room is sure she is speaking particularly to them, and when she breaks into one of her radiant smiles it is a private and confidential smile meant just for them.

She seems, in short, like a ray of sunshine in a world of horror and evil. She wades as deeply through the mire as anybody, but the dirt never seems to stick to her.

This is, as far as she's concerned, the great purpose of her existence - to be a light in the darkness, to bring a flash of inspiration and beauty into lives that might otherwise be quite devoid of hope.

Combat: As a pure bard, Ysande will be a buffer, healer, and all round support. She can help everybody do their job better while also disrupting the enemy and... generally being a helper.

She'll also be a great face for the party in noncombat situations. Perhaps even good enough to turn some combat situations into noncombat situations.

Hooks: Ysande should be easy to involve in any plot line, since she is working for at least one patron at any given time as some combination of entertainer, diplomat, concubine, spy or advisor. Her allegiances are flexible, malleable, diverse and often contradictory.

As for more specific hooks in her own background, she's left a trail of enemies behind her. Allies she's slighted, lovers she's betrayed, or in many cases both. Feel free to treat them as an infinite resource of nefarious schemes and plots. :)
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My idea is a psychic warrior half-giant. Ex-gladiator / slave type who escaped and does random jobs for people but is looking for something greater in life now. Better story below if you care to read. :) Might be a bit much for an alternate character but my wife and baby are sleeping so I have time to waste. :p

Big Ironmaul
Half-Giant Psychic Warrior 12

Sitting on a rotting stump of wood the barkeep was using as a stool Big Ironmaul thought back to the day he had died...

It had been hot that day in the slave pens outside the gladiator ring and he had been glad to get his hammer and get into the arena. Standing on the baking sand hadn't been much of an improvement but it was more or less clean and open compared to inside the pens. As he heard the crowd begin to howl for the fight to start he mentally began to prepare. He took control of his metabolism to slow blood loss from wounds, the air around him warped to protect him from blows and his mouth stretched out for it's new razor sharp fangs. The door dropped open and he strode into the ring.

He had known he was a dead man as soon as he entered the arena and saw the dozen men inside. Had known it ever since he had won a wrestling match his master had wanted him to throw and cost his patron a great deal of money. As a slave he had had nothing but his record of perfect fights and not even the threat of death would take that from him.

Mama Grater, the succubus in charge of the slaves, had always been fond of Big. Had in fact given him his name when he had first gotten to the slave pens and impressed her with his size. After the thrown fight she was the one who had whispered to him, "Trust the tiger's bite."

Then he had entered the arena and seen the men inside waiting for him. One of the men he noticed was wearing a tiger mask. During that long painful fight as Big crushed and ripped his foes he kept one eye on that man. He never really participated in the fight and the few blows he did make were all easily blocked and soon he was the last one standing. Badly wounded Big had staggered over to the man in the tiger's mask and tackled him to the ground. While they were wrestling he had felt a slash under his ribs and a soothing blackness had fallen over everything.

He had awoken several hours later half buried in rotten corpses in the Meat Pit, where the bodies of the dead are left till they can be re-animated for labor or to give the ghouls and cannibal human tribes something to eat so they don't venture into the slums. Thus started Big's life of freedom.

Big had left town after that and moved far from his roots to avoid bumping into any unfriendly familiar faces. He'd taken several jobs as guard, assassin, bodyguard anything really but had finally ended up in this dump tavern looking for something new. And this pathetic brew certainly wasn't it he mused with a frown at his beer. Slowly standing to his full height of nearly eight feet he grabbed his gear and turned to go. A bleary eyed drunk on a nearby stool stared up at him and whistled, "Damn you sure are BIG ain't ya boy?"

As Big left the tavern he paused at the door to say over one shoulder, "That's what Mama used to say."


Here are stats/treasure/skills all that jazz. :D

Big Ironmaul
Half Giant Psychic Warrior 12
Alignment: Neutral

Str: 24 (+7)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 10 (+/-0)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Cha: 8 (-1)

HP: 68 rolls + 36 (con) = 104 / 104
AC: 22 = 10 + 9 (armor) + 3 (dex)
Touch: 13
Flatfooted: 19
Init: +7

Fort: 16 (18 w/fire) = 8 + 5 + 3 Reflex: 12 (14 w/fire) = 4 + 5 + 3 Will: 12 (14 w/fire) = 4 + 5 + 3

Base Atk: +9 / +4

Grapple: +24 = 9 + 7 (str) + 4 (size) + 4 (imp. grapple)
G. Axe Atk: 16 = 9 + 7 G. Axe Dam: 3d6 + 10 (str) + 5 (concussion) (19-20 x3)
Bite Atk: 11 = 9 + 7 (str) - 5 (sec. atk) Bite Dam: 2d6 + 2d8 + 3 (20 x2)
Bow Atk: 13 = 9 + 3 (dex) + 1 (m. work) Bow Dam: 2d6 + 7 (20 x3)
Unarmed strike: 16 = 9 + 7 (str) U. Strike Dam: d6 + 3 (20 +x2)
Skills and Languages

Languages: Common, Giant

Autohypnosis: 5 (ranks) + 3 (wis) + 2 (synergy) = 10
Climb: 5 (ranks) + 7 (str) - 6 (armor) = 6
Concentration: 10 (ranks) + 3 (stat) = 13
Knowledge (psionics): 5 (ranks) + 2 (synergy) = 7 (9 if involves Psy. Warrior abilities)
Search: 0
Spot: 3 (wis) = 3
Sense Motive: 3 (wis) = 3
Swim: 4 (ranks) + 5 (str) - 3 (armor) = 6
Hide: 0 (ranks + 3 (dex) - 3 (armor) = 0


Power Attack
Imp. Unarmed Strike
Imp. Grapple
Imp. Initiative
Deep Impact (p)
Speed of Thought (p)
Psionic Weapon (p)
Greater Psi. Weapon (p)

Psionic Powers
63 / 63 Power Points
1st Level Powers Save DC: 14
Grip of Iron
Bite of the Wolf
Force Screen
Stomp (racial)

2nd Level Powers Save DC: 15
Body Adjustment
Psionic Lion's Charge

3rd Level Powers Save DC: 16
Empathic Transfer (Hostile)
Vampiric Blade
Dimension Slide

4th Level Powers Save DC: 17
Energy Adaptation
Inertial Barrier

Mithril Full Plate of Speed +1 w/ armor spikes (+8 armor +1 enchancement bonus; -3 armor penalty; counts as medium armor; 10 rounds of haste a day (not always consecutively) (26550)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25000)
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000)
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16000)
Keen Great Axe of Collision (large) (18000)
Bag of Holding (type 2) (5000)
M. work Composite Bow w/ +7 str pull(large) (1200)
Quarrel w/ 20 arrows
Adventuring Kit (stored in Bag of Holding)(bedroll, 2 months hard rations, several full waterskins, tent, everburning torch, 2 bottles fine brandy, 5 flasks acid, 5 flasks alch. fire, 100 feet silk rope, climbing pitons, hammer, and grappling hook, ink and pen and paper, 200 spare arrows) (360)

Gold: 1865

Other things of note:
Giant (not affected by charm person etc.)
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First Post
Here is mine...

The story of Catzan and Mouse

Catzan Emberwile and Emily “Mouse” Festron were both humans, originally from a small village right on the edge of the XXX desert in Cormand's domain. They grew up neighbors, and both families relied upon each other during tough times. So it was no surprise they became friends, lovers and eventually husband and wife. What is unusual is the line of work they gravitated to in order to support themselves - bounty hunting, body guarding, infiltration and some say assassination.

At first it started with small jobs here or there like caravan guards or retrievers of 'lost' goods. But, over the years, their successes as a team grew. Catzan provided the muscle, Mouse provided the magic, and both were sneaky enough for any 10 beings. It was not long before they were taking on ever more dangerous and lucrative jobs for important people, and fiends for that matter. Pretty soon their team handle of CatzanMouse, or just Cat and Mouse in the bar room rumors of the unwashed masses, was fairly well known in all the wrong circles.

So long as they were useful to the right people things went well. But that is sadly not how it went down in the end. Mouse knew that the only escape for their souls was undeath, and she had access to a wide range of spells that could help with that. Catzan agreed, and so both took the journey to undeath to prevent their eventual demise and the torment their souls souls would surely suffer. Such was not that unsual.

What was unusual was that both Catzan and Mouse wanted more. Secretly their funds had been invested into undead research and they were working toward creating smarter forms of basic undead (awaken undead - Spell Compendium). Forms that could be used for smithy, guarding or anything else that normally stupid undead could not do for that matter. Someone?'s agents began sniffing around, and when Catzan and Mouse were non-commital about it, the agents left. The duo immediately began packing up their things to move, but a lab does not move in a day.

They were not quick enough, for a raid of demons appeared that very night...


Catzan got back to his feet standing over the corpse of the bloated demon that dripped ichor unto his bedroom floor... Only to see the dazed form of Mouse held by two other clawed demons. One laughed and licked his lips and said, “Her soul will be ours... And yours is next human!”

“No!” he yelled as both blades rose to defend his wife, but it was two late. The other demon shoved a clawed hand though his wife's back and out her belly, as some blood welled from her mouth. He knew she was done for unless he could save her quickly. Then a sound from the next room as the door burst inward and other demons began filing in, many other demons. “There were still others?!”, he thought, “and they were summoning more.. It was hopeless. A total defeat. All those years of work... Or, was it?”

A smile crossed his face as he shouted, 'Maybe not fiends!”, and then more quietly, “I am sorry my love.” he dropped a scimitar and drew his dagger, a thanium (Comp warrior p137) dagger... And then tumbled into the demons midst, taking a claw for his efforts. But the import part was that he had stabbed his wife, and finished her himself. For the dagger now held her soul embedded in it. Her essence was safe from the demons, even if her flesh was not.

With a snarl just appearing on the demons lips, he gripped the dagger tightly and flitted ethereal (ring of blinking) through the house walls. Defeated, but not entirely so... no, not entirely he thought. He ran off leaving what sounded like dozens of ragging demons behind him. He focused his thoughts on the fact he had Mouse's soul in his blade, and tried not to think on what was surely happening back in their house...


Goals: So, that leaves Catzan having Mouse's Soul in his dagger, which he wears around his neck on a chain. Looking for a way to restore her (true res needed), as well as to build up enough power to be safe... As if that was ever truly possible in this world... Future goal would be to re-establish what they were doing. For example, cash in on what a horde of skeletal weapons smiths and armorers could do to their cash flow. Or start an undead nation.. Or, well... Whatever.

Plot hooks: Who sent the demon squad? Will they be back? What does Catzan need to do to get his fair Mouse back?

Concept: Catzan is LN/N mobility fighter/rogue. I.e. taking the scout/thief roll. Mouse is a rogue/priest cohort (not that that matters for now. It can be dealt with when/if it comes up..) who specialized in necromancy. Good or evil are pretty abstract for them and he/they can likely work with anyone.

I will email prc details for dervish prc now, not sure of copyright stuff so better safe than sorry... lmk if you get it.


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Currently looking at a monk or ninja/multiclass from an enclave that was destroyed, who seeks vengeance...but is pragmatic enough to think long-term. More details to follow.


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The Mystic
Human Archivist 11/Alienist 1/Contemplative 1
AL True Neutral

Background: The Mystic, or the Nameless One as he is sometimes called, is a disiciple of the balance. It all began when he read a book about the gods at the age of 8.
"Why have the gods gone, Mommy?"
"The demons took over."

As he witnessed the corruption and predation of the demons, he realized that something had to be done. But as he studied more, he realized that evil is necessary to balance the good, and that without one, the other cannot survive.

The balance had been disrupted, however, and our hero set off to restore it. Abandoning his previous name as part of his old life, and fearful of demonic retaliation against those he knew, he became the Mystic.

Appearance: The Mystic wears a chain shirt, a black cape, and a top hat. He carries a short metal walking stick (a heavy mace) which is powerfully enchanted, and a crossbow at his belt. Around his neck hangs an amulet of the Balance: a wooden scale, perfectly balanced. He is a young man of 21, with straight black hair cut short and a goatee.

Personality: Driven, focused, and dedicated, but has a great sense of humor and a scathing wit.

Dogma: Reality is an illusion, maintained by the four Great powers: Good, Law, Chaos, and Evil. These powers consistently struggle to reform the world in it's own image, and all of these would be bad. In a perfect good world, nothing could be achieved, and self-sacrifice would rule. A lawful world is a great gray space, a chaotic world eternally changing and random. and an evil world- where we are now.

As a side note, pseudonatural creatures are outside of this struggle and are good summons for neutral divine casters

Hooks: Will his traffic with alien creatures drive him insane? Will his identity be discovered?

Short of time, more to follow. Am I an alternate, or actually in the party?

As for the mechanics, I'm going to not take the balance domain (the domain power is for clerics only, and I can get the domain spells via the normal way of an archivist) and instead take the Illusion Domain, which is summarized below.
Granted power: You cast illusion spells at +1 caster level
1: silent image
2: mirror image
3: displacement
4: phantasmal killer
5: persistent image
6: mislead
7: project image
8: screen
9: weird

Some spells from SC/other, non-core sources or from domains from SC/other non-core sources I'm thinking about grabbing (standard action casting time unless specified otherwise, SR applies unless specified):
Snake's Swiftness (Druid 1): close range, give ally extra attack
Charm Person (Lust 1)
Ghoul Gesture (Hunger 3): ray paralyzes subject unless they make fortitude save, medium range, fortitude negates, duration 1 round/level
Enervation (Hunger 4)
Evard's Black Tentacles (Blackwater 3)
Vampiric Touch (Necromancy 3)
Shadow Evocation (Shadow 5)
Magic Jar (Spirit 6)
Word of Balance (Balance 7)
(<Evoc[sonic], V, 1StdAct, SR applies>
– Any Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful
Evil, or Chaotic Evil creatures within a 30’
radius Spread who hears ‘word of balance’ &
that has no more HD than the caster suffer
from the following effects (no save):
up to Caster lvl: Nauseated for 1 round.
up to Caster lvl - 1: Weakened for 2d4 rnds
& above.
up to Caster lvl - 5: Paralyzed for 1d10 min
& above.
up to Caster lvl - 10: Dead / Destroyed.
In addition, if the caster is on his/her home
plane of existence, any LG, CG, LE, or CE
Extraplanar creature in the area of effect
(even if the ‘word of chaos’ cannot be heard)
that has no more HD than the caster is driven
back to its home plane for at least 1 day
(WillNeg at a –4 penalty).)
Suggestion (Charm 3)
Charm Monster (Charm 3)
Haste (Celerity 3)

I'd pay full price (scroll+page cost) for these spells, of course.

Many of these domains can be found on crystalkeep, but hunger and celerity have been upgraded in the SC.

If anyone in the party thinks there are others we need badly, post them and I'll add them. I'll probably have a list of cleric and druid spells from the SC later too.

I can post the pseudonatural creature template later.
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I think right now I am leaning toward the Wizard choice. So a brief background:

Galfridus the (Formerly) Great
Human Venerable Male Wizard
Transmuter 3 | Master Specialist 6 | Master of the Unseen Hand 4
True Neutral

In his prime, Galfridus was an amazing Wizard. He would travel the land looking for adventure and excitement, challenges and mysteries, other wizards to test his merit. Recklessly he would dual other wizards, besting them and relishing the joy of arcane combat. However, this is how is greatness waned.

During a particularly exhausting dual, Galfridus had challenged a wizard of some repute. Knowing his abilities to be slightly inferior to his opponent's, he hoped on chance a little too much. The dual was fast paced, one spell canceling another while even more reigned down upon the two combatants until finally one remained victorious.

There Galfridus stood motionless, save for his lips and their incessant babbling. Having been struck by Insanity, his loyal familiar Apep cared for him. Over time the insanity waned in its power, more time was spent in relative peace instead of the complete chaos that would sometimes consume their lives. It was in one of these times when a partially insane Galfridus and Apep managed to cast a limited wish. Tinged with an insane edge, the spell worked mostly. To this day, lingers of that life-altering dual spell still affect the (Formerly) Great Galfridus.

Many years had past since his days in adventuring the world. In those years it had changed for the worse. Holed up in their magical mansion, Galfridus and Apep rarely ventured out, lest they become to focus of unwanted ire, for Galfridus' confidence is not what it used to be. However, as the world becomes progressively more evil by the day, he knows that balance must be met. Such places were not meant to exist under such conditions, and should this limitless evil continue unchecked, it could spell the ruin of all.

A wizened, frail looking, white bearded man, Galfridus and his loyal Apep know what must be done.


I just realized now, after wanting to run this PrC for a long time, that it doesn't have spell progression. My heart just sank. It looks like I will run the Druid Master of Many Forms.

As for the Exalted Feats, I'm not looking at anything that will get me killed immediately in this setting, and admittedly there are few that are really conducive to this build. There are a couple (Nymph's Kiss, Exalted Wild Shape, Exalted Companion) which would work without any issue, but that's about it. I'm perfectly okay with forgoing the rest of the feats. Or, if you'd like, we can swap them out for some ability score increases, like in Epic Levels. Yeah? :D

Anyway, let me know what you think, if you'd allow me to have full spell progression for Master of the Unseen Hand, then my choice is clear. However, long shots not withstanding, don't worry about the Exalted Feats.
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ethandrew said:
I just realized now, after wanting to run this PrC for a long time, that it doesn't have spell progression. My heart just sank. It looks like I will run the Druid Master of Many Forms.

As for the Exalted Feats, I'm not looking at anything that will get me killed immediately in this setting, and admittedly there are few that are really conducive to this build. There are a couple (Nymph's Kiss, Exalted Wild Shape, Exalted Companion) which would work without any issue, but that's about it. I'm perfectly okay with forgoing the rest of the feats. Or, if you'd like, we can swap them out for some ability score increases, like in Epic Levels. Yeah? :D

Anyway, let me know what you think, if you'd allow me to have full spell progression for Master of the Unseen Hand, then my choice is clear. However, long shots not withstanding, don't worry about the Exalted Feats.

You realize that to take an exalted feat you have to be good, and not namby pamby fence riding good, but the full fledge stand against the coming horde because it is the right thing to do go, no compromise, damn the consquences good. The Book of Exalted Deed describes the prerequisite of taking exalted feats as "A character of the highest moral caliber" and anyone who takes an exalted feat radiates and aura of good, the exalted feats being gifts from the powers of good.

Exalted characters present the same problem as a paladin and as such, unless Nephtys is willing to relax the requirements, I am not sure Vow of Poverty is an appropriate feat.


Whran - Neph was saying that he'd allow EVIL characters to take Vow of Poverty, so i don't think that's gonna be a problem.

WarlockLord - I'm assuming you're refering to the Psuedonatural from Complete Arcane, and not the Epic Level version? (Just making sure. *L*)

As for my character, heeeeere's Johny:
He was born William of Kalesh, Only son of Cormand, a minor lord of the deserts of Kalesh. His mother was killed when he was young, caught trying to smuggle him away from his father, though some say she is still alive in the dungeons, being tortured endlessly for daring to go against a Lord.

[sblock=Cormand info]
Cormand, fiendish a human from the abyss, and one of the consorts of the Succubus Lady Love seems to be deep under her sway, but perceptions can be deceptive. His domain, an area of deserts the size and shape of the Sahara is poor in souls but rich in ores, even of the rarest kind. Still, Kalesh is considered the weakest of the ordered domains and Cormand, lacking a reserve of soul-components to fuel his epic spells that comes close to most others of the spellcasting Lords is wise to ally himself closely to those who are stronger than himself. Because of his apparent poverty in Souls few demons follow him, but he holds great powers over the undead.
Of his two epic apprentices only Ilva remains, but her wereabouts are unknown.

William's early life was spent being trained in the arts of warfare, so that he could take his fathers place one day. Though he showed minor skills in magic (A side=effect of his fathers fiendish heritage, and perhaps a proving of the rumours that his mother was a descendant of ancient dragons), his father disdained having a mage for his only son, wanting to raise a Warlord. And so he did, training William in the ways of the Black-Guard.
But William was NOT his fathers son, and kept feeling that something was wrong. Still, this was the only life he had ever known, and as such, could not conceive of anything better. Until he met HER.

She was everything he could ever want... Beautiful, smart, passionate.. and above all, kind (Not something one comes across often in this world). She was too good to be true, but she WAS true. And she was his, as much as he was hers. The two of them shared two years together and then she became pregnant. This was when Lord Cormand decided it had gone to far. He would not have his son taken by some common girl. Cormand stole their baby and had her drawn and quartered in front of William. Thinking that both his love and his child were lost to him, William became withdrawn and cruel - Exactly what his father had hoped for. But when he found out that the child was still alive, a new hope sprang into his heart, and - renouncing his father and his evil ways - he stole the child back and fled his fathers land, taking shelther in one of the many monasteries that dotted the lands. He stay there for a year, recovering and taking care of his child, learning to control his rage and his anger from the monks.

That is also where he was found by the Knights of Shadow, and approached by an old monk who told him that he could teach him how to get back at his father, and to help others like himself.. his mother.. his wife.. and to, maybe, one day, make the world a better place for his child. Agreeing, William took a new name.. Windwalker, and reluctantly left his child to be raised by the monks, while he set out with the old man to train, and.. a year later.. He was given the rank and title of a Knight of Shadow, and released into the world, to help spread good however he could (without being captured or killed, preferably).

[sblock=Knights of Shadow]
The Knights of Shadow are an order of holy men who dedicate their lives to keeping Good people as seperated from the true darkness from the world as possible. They do this by placing their own souls and bodies between the innocents and the evil. As the Shadow stands between light and darkness, so do the Knights of Shadow.
They are a secretive organization - Akin to a cult in more 'normal' worlds, that hide their members across the lands, to avoid discovery and eradication. They are one of the few (If not perhaps the last) organizations of Good left in the lands.

Sir Windwalker (William to his peers) is steadfastly dedicated to Good, whether it be through Acts of kindness, Eradication of Evil, or whatever. He is a firm believer in 'doing the right thing', even when it's not always the smart thing. (Though that does not, as some have wrongly guessed, stem from a lack of intelligence, merely a belief that if it's the right thing to do, it's probably worth it).

William is not your standard 'stick up the rear' Holy Warrior, and is dedicated to the Spirit of law and Goodness rather than the specific innuendo's of it. As a Shadow Knight, he believes in the greater good, though not to the point of overwriting individual freedoms. There is a very fine line that must be walked between doing what you think is right for everyone, and taking away their freedom to decide that themselves.

The Knights of Shadow believe that by placing themselves closer to the darkness, they keep everyone else safer, and they do the things that the really good people shouldn't have to. Sometimes, if the knight is not pure enough, this can lead to a degradation of character, and some knights have been known to cross too far into the shadows, loosing themselves. It's tough to maintain your righteousness when you're constantly in contact with such
vileness, but William has managed to do so... Thus far. [/sblock]


First Post
Yes, the complete arcane version of pseudonatural.

Pseudonatural Creature Abilities:
True Strike (Su): Once per day, a pseudonatural creature can gain a +20 insight bonus on a single attack roll. In addition, the creature suffers no miss chance against a target that has concealment or total concealment when making this attack.

SR equal to 10+HD

1-3: Acid/electricity resistance 5
4-7: Acid/electricity resistance 5, DR 5/magic
8-11: Acid/electricity resistance 10, DR 5/magic
12+ :Acid/electricity resistance 10, DR 10/magic

Alternate Form (Su): As a standard action, a Pseudonatural creature can turn into a bizarre tentacled mass. This gives all enemies a -1 morale penalty on attacks (no save)
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