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Fallen World- 13th lvl homebrew (dark and mature)


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I've been an active player in a lot of games on these boards for a while now, but I've never DMed before so I figure it's time for me to give it a try.
I'm looking for 4 to 6 players willing to risk wasting a little time on an inexperienced DM (but hopefully have a pretty good gaming experience in the mean time).

So without further ado, I present to you my homebrew setting created specifically for you:

Out there lie the infinite planes, turning forever in a cosmic dance to a tune noone can hear. Out there, connecting all planes, Sigil gleams and reeks in the center of all things. Out there are wonders and horrors beyond imagining, Angels, Demons, Gods. But here... Here are no Angels, and the only God left within our sphere lies dead and eternally rotting. There is no lack of horrors here, for the world is rich and full of life.

A great war among the gods nearly destroyed the world in ages far gone and threw down the greatest of their number to the earth where his corpse still lies seeping life and power into the twisted creatures that feed upon him. The remaining pantheon, wounded, weakened and horrified at what they had done both to themselves and their creation vowed to set themselves apart from their bone of contention and never again interfere in its affairs. Unable to break their vow they now look on in impotent rage as the world is raped.

The world healed and the gears turned. Patient beings looked on greedily awaiting the time to strike, manipulating events from afar. They had no easy task for the gods had raised walls to protect the world when they swore their vows, but all walls weaken in time and barriers that had been erected to fend off intruders from the outside could still be eroded from within. In the end a whisper was enough, a promise of power and bliss. Feeble or powerful, few men could have resisted that promise from that voice. The promise was kept, and the Artificer of Ogaan has been well rewarded for his crime.

They came trough his portal, the Demon-lord Xileg clad in the flesh of scorpions, his consort the Sucubus sorceress Love, the Horde Mistress and Marilith Yangava, Ingarr the Master of Balors, the Fiendish human Wizard Cormand and his half-human apprentices Ilva and Kio, the Trembling One, the Wormkeeper, Zarakhar, Valorash, The Creeper, Qagroth, The Vile, Geron, The Fleshcrafter, The Laughing Zephyr, Mersam, The Lady of Flowers, Ubilith, and a screaming torrent, an endless army of demons.

The world fell, for though the nations and powers of the world fought back they were soon overwhelmed. And when the angels came, called by the remaining priests of the Rotting God Lord Xileg was well prepared. The spell that slew him even as he carved his way trough his celestial foes came from another source and his body was consumed along with his enemies.

A triumvirate of Lords took over, but only helped to cause a civil war. The home, an infinite fraction of an infinite plane, was lost. And yet the war raged for nine years before a new order arose. The greatest of the Lords and Ladies divided the world and its souls into their domains and joined into a council to rule each other and coordinate their efforts against common threaths and the few remaining enclaves of unconquered mortals.

This is the world, your world, and there is no escape. The walls around the world are still too strong for you to break trough and death only leads to deeper damnation for the Demonlords have made their mark deep into their domains and the souls of the dead are theirs. The mortal enclaves are far from safe, in time their doom is assured. But you do not have the good luck to be living there.

Fortunately the Lords have need of competent mortal servants, and it's quite possible to live a good enough life for the few who are able to keep their favour. While most of humanity and goblinkind live in great sprawling urban slums kept fed by undead labour until their death brings in the harvest you have the potential for greater things.


So here it is. 13th level, standard wealth, SRD 3,5 (if you want to use other sources you'll have to show me the rules).

There will be graphic scenes of an adult nature, amateurish descriptions of all kinds of unpleasantness and pleasure. I'm not writing porn, but I'm not trying to deny human (or demonic) nature either.

Paladins will be unplayable, and good aligned characters will have to compromise their ethics if they wish to survive (In fact they will have been forced to do so several times in their lives already or they would never have reached 13th level). There is not always a Good-aligned solution to every problem. But even so, in a world where evil rules it is possible to be good without always doing good. Intentions matter.
Regardless of alignment the setting will be harsh to your characters in general. You can not expect to always be facing enemies you can handily defeat using only a fraction of your resources (or at all if you go up against someone obviously more powerful than yourselves), running away is an acceptable option.

But don't run away from the game, death and depravity can be a lot of fun (at least while you're safe behind the screen of your computer). :cool:
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While on the one hand I would love to get in on a Mature game (I've DM'd a couple IRL before and they're good fun), I believe ENWorld has a PG-13 policy. (Not sure on that one, though). Can anyone clarify?

BTW, if this IS allowed, I'm so in.. Would you allow the GreyGuard Prestige Class?


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I agree with Shayuri. This is interesting. I'll have to come up with some interesting consept. I'd like in.


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ethandrew said:
So what do you need for us to sign up? Character concept? I am very interested. Arcane magic user, all the way.

Sounds great. Welcome.

Yes. You don't have to write pages and pages worth of background, just enough to give me and yourself a sense of what your character is about. I know from personal experience that my own character concept usually changes while I'm playing the game, but still a little writing never hurt anyone and good writing can help you get in. It also helps me when I'm dming if the players contribute to the setting with details and plot hooks. The world is dark and twisted but quite chaotic, so there's a lot of room for diversity. This is a homebrew, and I've got a general outline of the world and a few ideas of where the game might be going but I'd like to keep a lot of options open. I generally don't like railroading.

Jemal said:
While on the one hand I would love to get in on a Mature game (I've DM'd a couple IRL before and they're good fun), I believe ENWorld has a PG-13 policy. (Not sure on that one, though). Can anyone clarify?

BTW, if this IS allowed, I'm so in.. Would you allow the GreyGuard Prestige Class?

Welcome Jemal :)

Thirteen year olds are pretty damned mature these days, but still I see the problem.
I'd like to keep the game on EN-World, I like this site and do all of my gaming here, but if I have to I'll try to find another board for it.

You'll have to show it to me first, but it sounds like a good name for a class ;).

Shayuri said:
Cautiously interested, but I have a lot on my plate right now...still, this has the virtue of being unique...

Welcome Shayuri and thanks.

Blackrat said:
I agree with Shayuri. This is interesting. I'll have to come up with some interesting consept. I'd like in.

Great to see so many interested players. Welcome Blackrat.
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First Post
I think I've seen a couple games with the [Mature] tag on them over on the Playing the Game board, so I definitely think it's feasible to do that here on EN World.

I have a few questions, or maybe just one: Are we limited to what races we can choose? Any LA? I'm feeling a pull to Master of the Unseen Hand, but I'm not going to set that in stone quite yet. How soon are you looking to start this off?


Well, how about we assume it's OK until someone tells us otherwise... I've read the EnWorld terms (though not recently), and unless you have 'on-screen' stuff of an 18A or higher nature (nudity/sex/etc), I think it'll be good.

On that note, Greyguard is basically a Paladin prestige class built for paladins who like to get their hands dirty. I think it would fit in perfectly with this type of setting. It's got all the Pally abilities(Except their 'smite Evil' slowly evolves into "Smite people you don't like"). They basically justify doing stuff "For the greater Good". They don't run into the moral quandries most Pallys do.. If the badguy is wearing baby armour, they don't go "OH NO, I can't kill babies!" THey go "Hey, the kids're gonna die anyways if I don't stop that jerk. SMITE HO!"
It's in Complete Scoundrel.
complete scoundrel said:
"The typical image of a paladin is a proud knight of noble bearing, resplendent in armor bright as sunlight and bearing a sword shining with the purity of his cause. This archetype, upheld by both idealistic knights and their enemies, has killed countless honourable warriors. Taking a cue from the enemies of their faith, many good-aligned religions have established secretive orders of their most dedicated and hardened soldiers. These Grey Guards are less restrained by their knightly vows, doing what must be done, no matter how unpleasant.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks
Special: Lay on Hands as a class feature.
Special: Must adhere to a code of conduct that prevents the character from committing evil acts."
They can still loose their abilities.. it's just harder, and the higher level they get, the harder it is. By lvl 10, they can get away with anything so long as they truley believe it's for a good cause. (Leading back to your 'good intentions' thing).

At lvl 13, the class levels would probably look something like Human Rogue3/Pal2/GrayGuard8
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Heh, I'd love to join in on this provided a couple of things. Probably won't be posting a concept till tomorrow (Don't have one in mind at the moment.) And won't have a character up till tuesday at the earliest (Days off don't start till then and I'm on day 15 of 17, don't expect much right now hehe.)

That said, I am sort of a goody two shoes at heart. I've always found difficulty playing truely evil characters. I'd like to try playing a goodish character, sort of the moral center of the group. If working for the 'Lords' he'd probably be the type that gets smacked around a lot for his mistakes, gets ridiculed for taking the hard way, but who they ultimately keep around since he is proficient and just skims the line of "too much trouble"

Just a thought give me opinions and all that =)


First Post
This sounds great to me. Lots of thought has obviously gone into the idea, and I've always been drawn to a style of play that includes insoluble moral messes and general nastiness. I'd love to get on board.

I'm drawn towards the idea of playing a Bard in a setting like this. A wandering chancer who's so far managed to keep just about above water by playing the right games with the right people at the right times, but who is always on the edge of going too far and coming to a sticky end. Also probably not, in the end, a bad person. Perhaps driven to try as far as possible to bring a little light into people's lives, but forced to make a lot of bad compromises in order to carry on with that work.

I'll think more on that and come up with some expanded ideas tomorrow. :)

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