Trailer Fallout - Official Trailer

Actually, this could be another tie-in to Fallout New Vegas. In that game, the crux of the NCR / Legion / Mr House conflict is control of the Hoover Dam, with the NCR planning to restore power cables to redistribute the power all the way back to California. It's possible that in this timeline that outcome was never fully realised, but that the NCR had got as far as restoring much of the local power infrastructure in anticipation of it. Moldaver would then have simply needed to piggy-back onto that existing infrastructure.
We won't know which ending is canon till next season at the very least, there are no different timelines. Right now the consensus is leaning towards the Mr. House ending. (Because The House always wins :p )

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God now I think about it we have several 1950s retro-future games in the 1990s - Fallout (1997), obviously, but also Full Throttle (1995), Grim Fandango (1998), and the much-forgotten Grand Theft Auto 2 (1999) - a game with one of the most misleading covers in history! Also in the '80s there was the 1950 retro-future film Streets of Fire - which by the way, whilst I hated it when I was a kid, is kind of an amazing movie, and according to Mike Pondsmith, a huge inspiration for Cyberpunk 2013/2020, which helps explain why they were kind of almost already retro-futures and only became more that way.

Notable that in general of all the arts games have I think engaged with serious retrofuturism most directly and frequently.

EDIT - In fact stupid sexy goth Willem Dafoe from Streets of Fire can be my avatar for now!
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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
God now I think about it we have several 1950s retro-future games in the 1990s - Fallout (1997), obviously, but also Full Throttle (1995), Grim Fandango (1998), and the much-forgotten Grand Theft Auto 2 (1999) - a game with one of the most misleading covers in history! Also in the '80s there was the 1950 retro-future film Streets of Fire - which by the way, whilst I hated it when I was a kid, is kind of an amazing movie, and according to Mike Pondsmith, a huge inspiration for Cyberpunk 2013/2020, which helps explain why they were kind of almost already retro-futures and only became more that way.

Notable that in general of all the arts games have I think engaged with serious retrofuturism most directly and frequently.
Full Throttle was a lot of fun. So was The Dig and Maniac Mansion. For a time, Lucas Arts made some great games.


It's the mixing, and also Nolan (not Jonathan Nolan, his brother, the film guy) is intentionally a dick about it, and very intentionally and consciously has mixed his film so even on most cinema setups, you have to strain to hear them clearly, because he delusionally thinks (or thought, he seems to have changed his mind somewhat with Oppenheimer and after the negative reaction and huge mockery for it with Tenant) that this "enhances the experience", rather than just screwing over a large part of the audience who are watching the movies in less-than-ideal theatres, have minor hearing issues which don't cause problems with other films, at home, and so on.

It's a slightly similar issue with high-end TV shows (including BBC ones here) - many seem to be mixed on the assumption that you have a 5.1 or better surround system that is fully and correctly set up. Now, what gets me is - we know that's completely false - almost everyone (I forget the exact figure, but it's very high, like over 80%) is watching TV with the sound coming from the TV's built-in speakers, or on a laptop or tablet or phone with terrible speakers or low-end stereo headphones. On top of that, many people just don't turn the volume up, because the mixing is such that, to hear the speech, "loud" sounds have to be VERY LOUD, and depending on the speakers, potentially even distorted. This is part of why so many people listen with subtitles on now.

If you have good quality headphones, or a proper surround setup, or even just a good soundbar, you probably won't come across the issue.
Thanks for confirming that it's not just because I'm getting old!

On the topic if episode 8;
The lights all coming on thing made some sense to me. Clearly, Moldaver knew about the possibility of getting her hands on the cold fusion. She had a machine ready to distribute the energy. It makes sense the NCR would have prepared for the moment with updated lighting fixtures. At least that’s how I reasoned it.
Actually, this could be another tie-in to Fallout New Vegas. In that game, the crux of the NCR / Legion / Mr House conflict is control of the Hoover Dam, with the NCR planning to restore power cables to redistribute the power all the way back to California. It's possible that in this timeline that outcome was never fully realised, but that the NCR had got as far as restoring much of the local power infrastructure in anticipation of it. Moldaver would then have simply needed to piggy-back onto that existing infrastructure.
I think my main issue with this is just that the skyscrapers all still look ruined. Like why bother fixing the lighting in them if they're just wrecked structures? I guess I'll just have to accept that it's artistic licence.

Full Throttle was a lot of fun. So was The Dig and Maniac Mansion. For a time, Lucas Arts made some great games.
I remember Maniac Mansion! That was such a fun game.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Thanks for confirming that it's not just because I'm getting old!

I think my main issue with this is just that the skyscrapers all still look ruined. Like why bother fixing the lighting in them if they're just wrecked structures? I guess I'll just have to accept that it's artistic licence.
The ruins could serve a few purposes. First, the infrastructure to power a community. The second is to hide in plain sight. Last time they built a city, it got nuked.

Though honestly if the dozens of strange things that occurred before this that make little sense didn’t bother ya, I’m not sure why this one is sticking?
I remember Maniac Mansion! That was such a fun game.
A total classic!


Something that occurred to me is that, aside from a brief glimpse at the beginning when Lucy is talking about how she loves teaching history, we never see any of the vaults’ children. I guess none of them were invited to Lucy’s wedding.

Also, when Lucy visits Vault 4, she goes into their classroom, but it’s empty at the time, and I don’t remember seeing any children in any of the other Vault 4 scenes.

And aside from Steph’s baby, I don’t think there were any children among the group that moved to Vault 32.

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