Trailer Fallout - Official Trailer

Since everybody is so Butthurt about the destruction of Shady Sands, now it is your chance to say how you destroyed it. roll on the table and tell me your results. :p


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Still fairly sure Hank or someone said something like "You know how there are things you can eat which makes you healthy or ill, well there are things which can make you live longer too" - dammit I'm going to have to rewatch the show with a notepad aren't I lol?
Just finished my rewatch. Hank doesn't say anything like that at any point. Neither does anyone else.

As an aside:
I can't remember if it was discussed here or I saw discussion about it somewhere else, but people were a bit miffed about how Barb would let Janey be out at a party with Coop when the bombs fell given she was the one who suggested Vault-Tec drop the bombs themselves. I'm wondering if maybe, although she was the one to voice that idea, she wasn't the one to press the button, as it were, and was thus caught unawares herself. @Ruin Explorer mentioned upthread that, in the games, it's clear that Vault-Tec wasn't fully prepared for the bombs. Maybe someone high up - like the shadowy figure watching the meeting in ep 8 - pulled the trigger early without telling everyone else.

That said, clearly Coop managed to get Janey to wherever Barb was; otherwise, why would he ask Hank where his "family" is? I mean, yeah, sure the writers could have been intentionally obfuscating things by having him say "family" instead of "daughter" ... but I reckon if he was only looking for Janey, he'd have said "daughter" instead. Plus, it's interesting to note that he appears to still consider Barb family. Of course, we don't know if they actually got divorced, but it's clear Coop felt horribly (and justifiably) betrayed by what he heard Barb say at that meeting.

Regardless, when Barb is talking to Coop about getting them into one of the "good" vaults, she mentions a "special vault for management" ... which means that Barb and Janey are most likely in Vault 31. After all, Barb's employees, Betty and Hank, ended up there, so why wouldn't she be there too? I know Barb and Janey aren't on the manifest list that Norm sees on the computer terminal, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. I reckon there are enough pods shown that the full list wouldn't fit on that one terminal screen anyway.

I suspect that means the show will eventually come full circle with Lucy and Coop busting into Vault 31. I know the cliffhanger ending makes it look like Norm is going to have to be cryogenically frozen, but we know he's good at computer hacking, so I reckon he just needs to deal with Bud (like stomping on his brain) and then hack the Vault 31 computer to open the door.
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Regardless, when Barb is talking to Coop about getting them into one of the "good" vaults, she mentions a "special vault for management" ... which means that Barb and Janey are most likely in Vault 31. After all, Barb's employees, Betty and Hank, ended up there, so why wouldn't she be there too? I know Barb and Janey aren't on the manifest list that Norm sees on the computer terminal, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. I reckon there are enough pods shown that the full list wouldn't fit on that one terminal screen anyway.
We saw at a minimum dozens of cryo pods, probably hundreds, and Bud implied perhaps thousands because they'd cryo'd the top-to-bottom whole of management of of what was stated to be one of the largest companies in the United States (though possibly not all are in Vault 31 - I imagine they had major sub-HQs outside California too). So yeah I think it's almost certain they're in there.

Maybe someone high up - like the shadowy figure watching the meeting in ep 8 - pulled the trigger early without telling everyone else.
One would imagine someone with Enclave links pulled the trigger. Vault-tec think they're running the game, but the Enclave are several steps ahead of Vault-tec and essentially running them. Also worth noting with the Enclave they've been "defeated" twice - in FO2 (Northern California) and FO3 (Washington DC) - yet still seem to be going pretty strong in California. Strongly suspect Vault-tec is still extensively infiltrated by the Enclave too - Wilzig had access to up-to-date info from Vault 33, which could just be from bugs/backdoor into their systems, but it probably also includes actual assets in Vaults. In FO2 Vault-tec have a sort of 1970s/1980s tech vibe, very much the older conspiracy theory "deep state" made manifest, but with more direct links to the actual legit government and lot less child kidnapping. They're also extremely narrow minded eugenicists and ultra-authoritarians, with social Darwinist tendencies who believe in exterminating all sentient life which isn't them or doesn't serve them. In short - extremely bad news, especially as they have more advanced tech than everyone else. The reason they had the cold fusion device is probably that they have access to all of Vault-tec's secrets.

I suspect that means the show will eventually come full circle with Lucy and Coop busting into Vault 31. I know the cliffhanger ending makes it look like Norm is going to have to be cryogenically frozen, but we know he's good at computer hacking, so I reckon he just needs to deal with Bud (like stomping on his brain) and then hack the Vault 31 computer to open the door.
Probably as soon as next season. It won't be the end, of course, because Vault-tec aren't the ultimate adversary, the Enclave probably are.


One thing I was curious about (never played the games).

Everyone seems to have an insane pain tolerance. People lose limbs without much bother, or walk on completely managled feet with just a grimace.

Is that just part of the goofy aesthetics of the show (game), or is there an inworld reason that is? I don't need to know the actual reason, just curious if there is one.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
One thing I was curious about (never played the games).

Everyone seems to have an insane pain tolerance. People lose limbs without much bother, or walk on completely managled feet with just a grimace.

Is that just part of the goofy aesthetics of the show (game), or is there an inworld reason that is? I don't need to know the actual reason, just curious if there is one.
Folks get hung up on the reality based logic when FO is really an alternate reality, loosely at best, based on actual reality.

Voidrunner's Codex

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