Trailer Fallout - Official Trailer

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One thing I was curious about (never played the games).

Everyone seems to have an insane pain tolerance. People lose limbs without much bother, or walk on completely managled feet with just a grimace.

Is that just part of the goofy aesthetics of the show (game), or is there an inworld reason that is? I don't need to know the actual reason, just curious if there is one.

It's probably a nod to the video game.

Stimpacks, psycho, jet could be a thing.


I think I lasted 30 minutes in the first episode. It was as if Fallout gamers made a TV show featuring themselves as characters. Even the scene with the council members looked like it came out of a Sims game.


Wow! I went down a bit of a rabbit hole after seeing that review by Timothy Cain. I noticed a Youtube account that sounded vaguely familiar, that had posted in the comments, and it turned out to be Zack Finfrock. He played the Vault Dweller "Twig" in "Fallout: Nuka Break" and did a lot of the writing for it. A few months back he announced that he was doing a short that's based on Twig, 10 years later, and it sounds like it should be coming out soon. it also seems that Tybee Diskin, who played the character "Scar", hasn't seen "Fallout" yet so she hasn't watched Tim's review, to avoid spoilers.


I was looking into post apocalyptic table top games and, as it turns out, there was a d20 version of fallout. However, their was some issue with licensing so they filed off the fallout names and released it as Exodus. It still had ghouls, humans, and super mutants but they were slightly renamed, same with various factions.

I was looking into post apocalyptic table top games and, as it turns out, there was a d20 version of fallout. However, their was some issue with licensing so they filed off the fallout names and released it as Exodus. It still had ghouls, humans, and super mutants but they were slightly renamed, same with various factions.
Fun fact: Vault 13: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure was an early working title for Fallout, later changed to Fallout: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure that utilized the Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS) by Steve Jackson Games. Legal disagreements between Interplay Entertainment and Steve Jackson Games eventually led to Interplay dropping the license and replacing it with its own system, developed in-house: SPECIAL.


Fun fact: Vault 13: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure was an early working title for Fallout, later changed to Fallout: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure that utilized the Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS) by Steve Jackson Games. Legal disagreements between Interplay Entertainment and Steve Jackson Games eventually led to Interplay dropping the license and replacing it with its own system, developed in-house: SPECIAL.
Oh that's interesting. Someone mentioned gurps, but I assumed it was to turn it into a ttrpg. I do quite like the special system though, and it kind of fits with the theme in the way it's presented.

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