D&D 5E Fallow Mire 5E


I decided to translate the Fallow Mire region from Dragon Age: Inquisition into an adventure. Greywatch Tower has gone silent, prompting the kingdom to dispatch forces to discover what happened and retake the Tower if necessary. They hit a lot of resistance in the swamps around the Tower, lizardfolk and undead, and the people of the entire village surrounding the outpost are gone. In DA:I this is due to a plague, and while it doesn't factor into the gameplay there I want to implement it here. Any time the players disturb the swamp they risk a random encounter, and any time they are struck by a disease carrying enemy they have to make a save or catch it.

Now in light of the epidemic going on this may seem in poor taste, but this was planned months in advance so forgive the unfortunate coincidence.

In previous adventures this party has come up against Plague Priests (Warhammer: Fantasy Skaven) and I used the quick and easy Diseased Giant Rat effect of: "If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or contract a disease. Until the disease is cured, the target canÂ’t regain hit points except by magical means, and the targetÂ’s hit point maximum decreases by 3 (1d6) every 24 hours. If the targetÂ’s hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies." I considered using this one again as it fits the attrition effect I'm looking for, but I worry that recycled content will be boring.

The party will have to fight through several waves of enemies as they progress toward the Tower, all while seeking the special forces that were sent ahead of them and hoping to find a specific plot relevant individual. They will have an opportunity for a long rest half way through as they secure a defensible location for their reinforcements to entrench. They will find hints of a cure that the local medicine man was working on, and the local wildlife will find it for them. The disease can be counteracted by a fungus that the mosswine can sniff out like truffles.

The party will be level 7-8 when they reach this part. I'm hoping for help coming up with a more interesting disease than the one I already used. Perhaps it could just be scaled up and made resistant to magical curing since it's magical plague?

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