D&D 5E Fantasy Grounds Previews of Tasha's Cauldron

Ahead of the November 17th release date, the product page for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has several previews on the Fantasy Grounds website. The previews include the origins customization section, group patrons, sidekicks, and a look at the alternate class features for the ranger Beast Master.

Ahead of the November 17th release date, the product page for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has several previews on the Fantasy Grounds website. The previews include the origins customization section, group patrons, sidekicks, and a look at the alternate class features for the ranger Beast Master.


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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Absolutely love my Dwarven Bladesinger, who basically attached himself to a group of Elven Bladesingers who mocked and ridiculed him for being short and fat and using a big axe when "everyone knows only handaxes work for Bladesong." And so he learned the techniques in the shadows of the group.

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Lord of the depths
Did you read the post he was replying to, then? Because it's not just a "it's make-believe, so do what you want". It was in response to a statement that somehow these pretend elves would be angry about a mechanical change to the rules. Like somehow the elves know they're in a game and have a say on the rules. Without a hint of tongue-in-cheekness of such a weirdly meta statement.
Nope not going there. He is talking about lore.

per lore elves would not like other groups using their secrets.

as in a dwarf would not like to have their beards shorn by an enemy. There I went! Believing that the stout folk are real! Man if only I was in touch with reality....

do you think that poster literally thought magical elves would be offended outside of a game world? Or he just meant he did not like the change to lore?

we know that answer. And to be ‘worried‘ for him preferring to hew closer to lore is saying he is unbalanced for liking the traditional story told by the game.

that is like saying man, you must be crazy/stupid to like X. Except literally this time.


Friendship is Magic, and Magic is Heresy.
I never saw any of the kinds of problems with power in The Complete Book of Elves that other people claimed to find in it.

I bought it on release. Bladesinger was strong. Very strong.

Bonus Blindfighting, +1 to attack and damage. Bonuses to maneuvers like disarm equal to level/4. AC bonus equal to (level/2)+1 while casting a spell (!!!). Able to cast one handed. Able to wear Elven Chain.

Balanced with RP needs rather than mechanical shortcomings - which was the primary complaint and entirely a valid one.

I can't really remember the specific rules of the 2e Bladesinger, but I had the complete book of elves and I remember being really struck by it's power level on first read.

My 14 year old self thought that it was possibly even more awesome as a PC than a Drow with two scimitars!

Crawford has just stated warcaster still works in Booming Blade and GreenFlame, as the spells have a target of one creature. He specified that for green flame, you wouldn’t be able to have the fire jump to another target though.

Crawford has just stated warcaster still works in Booming Blade and GreenFlame, as the spells have a target of one creature. He specified that for green flame, you wouldn’t be able to have the fire jump to another target though.
Ha! And people said I was wrong when I said that it remained ambiguous!
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