FASERIP à la sauce BASEs

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Use two stats, with the best one gives the BASE

Other stat ranges from 1 to BASE

Other stat is
1 ---> shift_0

Other stat is
1 ---> feeble
2 ---> poor

Other stat is
1 ---> poor
2 ---> good
3 ---> excellent

Other stat is
1 ---> typical
2 ---> excellent
3 ---> incredible
4 ---> amazing

Other stat is
1 ---> good
2 ---> amazing
3 ---> unearthly
4 ---> shift _Y
5 ---> shift _Z

Other stat is
1 ---> excellent
2 ---> monstrous
3 ---> shift _Y
4 ---> class_1000
5 ---> class_5000
6 ---> beyond range
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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
now if Gods live betwen Past and Future,
and if Saints rule in the Real Time,
then perhaps After_Worlds could live in the world after ours, i.e. in next world ( after the next immaculate conception ) and use BASE 8...

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Completely unrelated note: I highly approve of adapting FASERIP to a new game- I recently did something similar myself ("See Confessions of a Hack Game Designer" if morbidly curious)! Marvel Super Heroes had some flaws, but it really feels like one of those systems that was ahead of it's time for being able to quickly create heroes and jump into play, but still having a fairly robust system.

I know a few who preferred Mayfair's DC Heroes game, but we can try to ignore those heretics.


The EN World kitten
Completely unrelated note: I highly approve of adapting FASERIP to a new game- I recently did something similar myself ("See Confessions of a Hack Game Designer" if morbidly curious)! Marvel Super Heroes had some flaws, but it really feels like one of those systems that was ahead of it's time for being able to quickly create heroes and jump into play, but still having a fairly robust system.

I know a few who preferred Mayfair's DC Heroes game, but we can try to ignore those heretics.
For what it's worth, there's a retroclone of the system that's actually titled Faserip (affiliate link), and while it's primarily superhero-focused, it does talk about playing superheroic characters in other genres.

Voidrunner's Codex

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