Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Don't like this.
First, the "ASI at levels multiple of 4", I hope you are talking about class level. If you are talking about character level I wouldn't play at that table, it removes an important protection against rampant multiclass cherry-picking. I have more than enough of that playing 3.x with power gamers. Got no beef with multiclassing to describe a concept, don't like cherry-picking for mechanical gain.
But the reason you gave is the reason IU want to keep it. It's a meaningful choice. You prefer the math advances of ability scores. Other prefer the additional options feats bring. It's a choice that helps define this character vs. others of the same class mechanically. For me, removing a meaningful choice in character design doesn't seem like a step forward, even for some "have my cake and eat it too" wish fulfillment.
First, the "ASI at levels multiple of 4", I hope you are talking about class level. If you are talking about character level I wouldn't play at that table, it removes an important protection against rampant multiclass cherry-picking. I have more than enough of that playing 3.x with power gamers. Got no beef with multiclassing to describe a concept, don't like cherry-picking for mechanical gain.
But the reason you gave is the reason IU want to keep it. It's a meaningful choice. You prefer the math advances of ability scores. Other prefer the additional options feats bring. It's a choice that helps define this character vs. others of the same class mechanically. For me, removing a meaningful choice in character design doesn't seem like a step forward, even for some "have my cake and eat it too" wish fulfillment.