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Felling Giants


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After the speaches are made on the stage Keldorn will approach Lord Tannerson. Bowing slightly and then standing upright Keldorn says

"Lord Tannerson I would like to go fight the giants to the north in your name if you would allow me to. While I realize that I have not completed my year of service in to the city I feel that I would better serve the interests of Greerson if I were in a role that death was a high probability. I am a criminal and what better fate for a criminal than death. But if that is the case then why not make it constructive. By me fighting the Giants it helps to assure tha the northern border of the lands of Greerson are not plagued by evils. While I realize that I am still a criminal and it is not usual for criminals to be sent to help others in need I feel that the circumstances surrounding my criminal behavior are not normal. If it is felt that it is bennifical, and less insulting, for me to stay here and serve my sentence as a gurad that is fine as well but reguardless of the result it would be better if I was removed from the group that I entered these lands with. Their style of fighting and their ideals do not match with my own and it has caused much conflict."

With this said Keldorn waits for Tannersons response to his request.

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(OOC: Just for clarification, Announcements & Proclomations lasts until well into the evening hours. As well, there is quite a bit that Lord Tannerson will discuss with the other notables before he will be leaving the green. I am assuming that Keldorn is waiting for Lord Tannerson to be available rather than charging up and demanding to speak.)

Lord Tannerson looks Keldorn over with a critical eye for a minute or two before speaking.

"This is not an issue we can address until after the Festival has ended. I will think on the matter and we will discuss it mid-morning four days from now. I will expect you at the Manor at that time."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Scene: Four days later, two days after the end of the Festival. Lord Tannerson's Manor. Li has been summoned. Keldorn and Li are directed to a small sitting room where Lord Tannerson awaits them. On seeing the two men, Lord Tannerson smiles at Li and greets the two of them.

"Good day Li, thank you for joining me this morning. Please, have a seat." Lord Tannerson gestures to a small table with comfortable looking chairs around it. "Keldron, relax and sit as well." Lord Tannerson sits down.

After everyone is comfortable, one of the servants enters with a teapot and tea cups. He pours tea for everyone before exiting. Lord Tannerson sips from the tea and then begins speaking.

"Li, Keldorn has asked to be removed from the group. He has also asked to serve me while fighting the giants with the Thurgon. For anyone in my employ, this would not be a problem. However, Keldorn's circumstances create a particular challenge that needs to be overcome."

Lord Tannerson looks at Keldorn.

"As you have guessed, I will not send somebody that is a criminal to help the Thurgon. To send a criminal would be insulting. The Thurgon do not often request assistance. That they have asked for help indicates that the giants are beginning a major campaign. There are several people here in Greerson that will be undertaking the journey into the mountains. I would go myself if I were younger and did not have responsibilities here. If it were solely in my power, I would allow you to volunteer. But, it is not solely in my power. As well, I have some concerns on your mental state.

You refer to yourself as a criminal worthy of nothing more than death. It sounds almost as if you seek death. This concerns me since it may mean you have a death wish. If that is the case, then I cannot allow you to journey north. The common strength that the humans in the mountains, the Durgon, the Thurgon and the people of Greerson hold is that we all work together. Our strength is not in individuals, though individuals are very important. Still, in open conflict, each combatant will support those around them. Somebody with a death wish will take unnecessary chances and risk the safety of those around them. I will not allow that to happen. So, I need to know if you can work in a combat unit. I need to know if you can follow orders. These are important things because they help assure the survival of everyone fighting. Think on this for a few moments."

Lord Tannerson looks at Li.

"Li Xian Gao, I need your assessment of Keldorn's ability to follow orders and work with a team. I also need your assessment on his moral character. If I allow Keldorn to volunteer to help the Thurgon, I need to convince Madame Grulzak that his sentence has been adequately served. I believe this will be a tough arguement to make, but I do not see his behavior in the same context as you do. Can Keldorn be trusted in the same way that any other productive citizen of Greerson is? In your opinion, should his sentence be commuted?"

Lord Tannerson sips his tea again.

"Madame Grulzak will be arriving in a half hour. She and I will speak together for a while and I may summon the two of you if she agrees to hear the arguments for commuting Keldorn's sentence. But, this will not even be an issue if Keldorn is not suitable for integration with a combat unit. Keldorn, what is your answer? Can you function as part of a unit in combat? Or, are you just fulfilling a perverse wish for a glorious death?"


First Post
Li contemplates this for a while. "Lord Tannerson, I have serious issues with Keldorn's behavior, his morals, and his behavior, but he is a skilled combatant, and when it is required, he can work in a group fairly well. I still have qualms about him, but Keldorn can work with a team when he must. As for serving his sentence... There can be no reperations for what he has done, there is no way he can pay for the life of the gaurd he killed, but I believe he has been punished here for long enough."


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Having been raised as a gladiator my life means little other than as entertainment for others. Yet since my escape I have come to view life in a different manner in that it can be constructive. While I do not have a death wish I feel that taking the life of another who was protecting his home and his family takes much away from my life. Yet I feel that some of the value can be regained if I can help others who are being oppressed. Having been trained as a gladiator I was taught to fight no only as an individual but also as a team. Without working as a team one would die in the arena when face dozens of opponents. So yes I can work in a team or by myself as the situation calls for.


Lord Tannerson ponders Keldorn's words for a few minutes.

"Very well Keldorn, I will appeal to Madame Grulzak to see if she will commute your sentence. I think you will find some of the fighting preferences of the Thurgon to your liking. Perhaps you will find a cause worthy of fighting for and can eventually find a life worth living. You seem to have real skill at arms and I marvel that somebody trained you to kill for the amusement of others."

Voidrunner's Codex

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