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D&D 5E FGG/Necromancer Games teases 5th Edition Foes


5ever, or until 2024
Its great to see Mr. Winter participating in a thread like this.

Also, I don't know what the point would be of an overly straight forward take on monsters, presumably we will get that from WotC.

As for the innate magic, what about the old school style, "can use the following spells, each a limited number of times per day, inflict wounds twice a day, XXX....once per day"

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That said, the old school types already know our response to the "monster balance" issues. We don't just write tactically-balanced monsters (we write them, but not just them). We also write monsters that have a "ring" to them, something that grabs you and makes you want to use them in an adventure. It's not the same for everyone; Bill and I have different opinions on flail snails, for example.

There's a limit to that, of course, the point about goblins with meteor swarms is not only correct, it's absolutely relevant to a discussion of this monster. But it's the extreme example of where (hopefully) I was just pushing the envelope with this monster's original design. The goblins with meteor swarm go beyond the envelope. I think there is room for some powerful adventure-making fuel at the borders of balance, where it's close but the imbalance ITSELF can create that spark of creativity. Imbalance, at least when it's done right, can be the fuse that drives the flower.

There's absolutely room for disagreement -- but I think it's wrong to conclude that just because something is subject to the "goblins with meteors" test, doesn't mean it necessarily fails the test. Indeed, I think that risking "goblins with meteors" is one of the many approaches that SHOULD be taken with some of the monsters in a book of many monsters. As long as it works, and that can be subjective. Look, though, at how many people, even some of the people who criticized the chassis of the monster, immediately got ideas about how to use it.

That's the real test. Because it plays to the strength of 5th edition as opposed to 3 and 4; you can customize a monster to fit an adventure like lightning. Taking a rigid approach to monster-construction is to instantly brush away one of the edition's stronger attributes, IMO.
I am of those for whom the concept of balance is primordial - that being said, the word evidently means a different thing to different people. Most people I read saying something along the lines of : "there is no need for balance, you just..." are in fact balancing... It is thus evident that my understanding of the concept differs from theirs.

Here is my offer for an elegant solution : build your monsters as you would; for monsters that cannot be used "w/o thinking about it too much at their CR", put a sidebar or a note of some kind indicating that this creature possibly requires the use of x and y considerations.

The creature in question is a great example to use. While it may "clock in" at CR 5 or something - this isn't actually true. What you're saying is more along the lines of : this is where I believe it would be best used as opposed to this is the level at which regular PCs can take it on w/o too many special precautions (which is what I believe the CR says).

It would then be a simple matter for you to add a sidebar stating that when used, its presence and power should be forewarned and possible counters prepared or encourage, strongly, non-combat resolutions and such and such.

In essence, give a shout-out that this creature may cause problems when used w/o forethought and planning.


The creature in question is a great example to use. While it may "clock in" at CR 5 or something - this isn't actually true. What you're saying is more along the lines of : this is where I believe it would be best used as opposed to this is the level at which regular PCs can take it on w/o too many special precautions (which is what I believe the CR says).

It would then be a simple matter for you to add a sidebar stating that when used, its presence and power should be forewarned and possible counters prepared or encourage, strongly, non-combat resolutions and such and such.

In essence, give a shout-out that this creature may cause problems when used w/o forethought and planning.

This is a good idea. In fact, i would like to see many of the monsters done with this approach.


In general, it is a basis of how Level based Systems work is that everything has abilities that are in line with their level.

Now in 5e, Level for monsters would appear to be half their Challenge. So their Proficiency Bonus appears to be based upon that number, rather than their Hit Dice.

Obviously there is room in the system to give creatures abilities that are not totally in line with their level, but you do start to undercut people's basic assumptions.

If you design a creature with the fighting abilities of a Challenge 2 creature, the spells of a Challenge 7 creature and the actual Challenge somewhere in between, you probably want to put a sidebar in explaining that is precisely what you have done.

Jake Johnson

First Post
Finger of Death really stands out as the scary thing about this monster, build-wise.

Art wise, I like how he's eating with his pinky out. :D

Right there with you. Actually, the whole food thing is killing me. I love the presentation of the hand with the eyes between the fingers. I hope all the art has a similar element of humor.


First Post
Repeat of others but notes on how it will use finger of death and when will be crucial.

Perhaps something obvious or putting 2 CR values (one with FoD and one without).

Also I know it is early but it is missing all of the fluff previously mentioned for better non stat details. Kind of surprised all of that part isn't finalized since stats will change once cores are actually out

Just my 2 cents


Eternal Optimist
I put a link to the kickstarter and the Wizard's Amulet in my list of 5E adventures on my site - it's interesting seeing how many people then click through to them. (It's not great numbers, but there are some!)



I am not a writer but I thought of this story.......

Chad’s blade dropped the fourth ghoul. Blood and muck was everywhere, these boats were going to need a good soaking. Heffington was going to be pissed, he hated washing pressed leather.

The fifth ghoul meandered up to Chad and bit lazily at him. Chad dodged the attack and glanced over to Hilde, the sailor/priestess had more, no wait that can’t be right, it must be less, almost the same but less, ghoul “bodies” around her as well. Didn’t she turn these things? He thought she had. Magic, gods, whatever…..

The fifth ghoul lasted a few blows. Chad parried a few claws, kicked it away and then his rapier pierced where its heart was originally and his dagger extinguished whatever life was releft in it.

There were only a few ghouls remaining, more than a dozen lay unlifeless on the ground. Chad surveyed the battlefield and surmised that Hilde, Bruce the Bard and the archer (what was his name?) were all going to make it. Everyone, including him he now realized, had a few scrapes and bruises but they were all standing and no one was in any danger of being eaten. He exhaled, feeling his focus wane. Then he saw it.

Chad didn’t read much. He didn’t know heraldry symbols from religious symbols and sure as the nine hells couldn’t tell you anything about the outer planes. But immediately, and instinctively he knew what IT was, the Aaztar-ghola. He thought of all the myths, no not myths, stories, he had been told about the Aaztar-ghola when he was a child. They all were based around if you were bad he would come eat you. Bad little boys and girls were always taken by the Aaztar-ghola in stories that were suppose to teach you something. They couldn’t be true he had thought, they were just tales that old dumb people told young dumb people. They couldn’t be true.

But they were. And Chad knew it. Right. A. Way. Something snapped inside him. It was as if 100 daggers were all being thrown at him at the same time. He had to run. Bruce, Hilde, the archer, none of them mattered. He had to go. And away he went, faster than he had run before, without a care in the world. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a black streak of magic hit the archer, after that, all he saw was trees and hills and other terrain to run by.

Chad found Bruce later. Bruce knew things but they both knew what that was. Chad didn’t need to hear a lecture on the boogie man.

Hilde and the archer never found them. After resting, Chad allowed Bruce to convince him to at least try to find the others. When they went back to the ghoul battlefield they found the archers belongings. His leather armor, short sword, bow and backpack were strewn on the ground. His belonging were there (except for the old medallion he always wore ,they would later find out) but his body wasn’t, except for the bones of his one foot. The bloody bones of one foot, picked clean of flesh were about thirty feet away from his belongings. Teeth marks were all over it. Bruce retched. Chad controlled himself.

While Bruce was throwing up, Chad heard Hilde. She was coming through the trees in her regular stealth be damned attitude. It’s hard to walk in plate mail she would always say. He was glad to see her, he didn’t feel safe after what just happened and having only the bard wasn’t exactly comforting. Chad called to her and walked in her direction. He was halfway into his story about how funny it was when Bruce barfed when he realized something was wrong with Hilde. When her undead clawed hand grabbed his throat he knew something was really wrong…..

Possible Additional Powers for Aaztar-ghola:

1. Cause Fear- As a bonus action the Aaztar-ghola can create a zone of fear. All opponents within 60’ must make a Wis Save (DC 14) or be forced to move away from the Aaztar-ghola for 1 minute. A save can be made each round to resist.

2. Control Ghoul- The Aaztar-ghola can make a Persuasion check (DC 9) to control ghouls. If the ghouls have been turned by a good cleric or controlled by an evil cleric the check is made at disadvantage.

3. Spell Fatigue- The Aaztar-ghola is fatigued as per the condition after using its finger of death spell like ability. It will remain fatigued until it has consumed a human body part.

Voidrunner's Codex

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