Oh, I can take no credit for any of the artwork. Arrangement and selection I suppose, but I just shamelessly scoured the internet for pieces I found appropriate and arranged them to taste.
Indeed, that's precisely what I'm praising you for. You did a bang up job of it. We both know it's not at all as straightforward as "oh, I just grabbed it off the net."
You can see the places where I got desperate or just plain couldn't do better.
Yes, I can. Boy, do I ever know that feeling. Some concepts, no matter how commonly they appear in RPGs, just never get a decent piece of art to accompany them. Yes, I imagine images of 25th century court rooms don't grow on trees.
I'd love to credit more artists, but the way I found most of this stuff I just had no clue who did it. I feel bad for that, but found the art was just too cool not to use for this sort of project.
Mostly correctable; use a reverse image search to hunt them down (I recommend TinEye). I'd feel compelled to give 'em a plug when I could, and I'm not exactly Mr. Respectful of IP Law over here.
Two pieces of advice:
1) When assembling a portfolio, or other collection of work, it's best to load your best stuff at the beginning, and the end; control the first and last impressions. I felt the book tapered off a bit at the end. Feel free to ignore this though, because it may not apply to this sort of work - books from even the top publishers seem to get a bit thin with the art toward the end. Maybe just a single, really good piece at the end?
2) Chris Foss. I just love his stuff.