Fighter adjustment and champion rework ideas?


First Post
The state of 5e Player's handbook fighter has been in my mind as of lately, specially the champion. I know that fighters are meant to be blank sheets to form your own versatile warrior, that is neat. But when it comes to mechanically play them, but most specifically, champions, they feel so very underwhelming because, even for a fighting class they are underwhwlming.

Not gonna go into debate into this but it's kind of sad to think that he can take any role in battle and be left behind in any of them

*Paladins have burst, magical damage attacks, half-casters with utility
*Rangers have a lot of tools for exploration, half-caster, lots of DPR (damage per round)
*Barbarians are superior tanks and still deal great damage but are rage dependant.

Even amongst fighters, battlemaster have so many options built in that outdamage early and mid game champions, and by the time a champion should start to ""shine"". Most campaigns are over. Hard to compare with Eldtritch Knight, vastly different concepts

My personal idea to balance things out could be totally crap but I'd like to know opinions and feedback, parting with the idea of making champions funnier, with more roleplaying options while not needing to be a half-orc to be half-decent.

(Disclaimer: Values are in need to be evaluated, it could be extremely strong in some aspects or underwhelming in others, that's why I am looking for feedback)

Fighter Rework

Class Features, skills and equipment remains the same.

*Level 1: Fighting Style (Same)
*Level 1: Second Wind: Regain (1d10+Fighter Lvl) HP once per short/long rest ⇒ If your current HP is equal or below half maximum HP you can get advantage in one attack or strength ability check once per short/long rest.
*Levels 2/17: Action Surge (Same)
*Level 3: Martial Archetype (Same)
*Levels 4/8/10/12/14/16/19: ASI ⇒ 4/8/10/12/16/19
*Levels 5/11/20: Extra attack (Same)
*Levels 7/10/15/18: Martial Archetype Feature
*Levels 9/13/17 ⇒ 9/17: Indomitable: Can reroll a failed Saving Throw and take the latter, 1/2/3 times per long rest ⇒ Choose an attribute in which you have proficiency in Saving Throws. You have advantage in such Savings. At level 17 you choose another attribute

Champion Archetype Rework

*Level 3: Nothing ⇒ NEW: Extra Proficiencies: Gain proficiency in athletics, if already have proficiency, you can either double your proficiency bonus or pick acrobatics.
*Levels 3/15 ⇒ 3/10/15: Improved Critical: Treat 19/18 as criticals ⇒ BATTLE STANCES: you learn 3 battle stances and one more at levels 10 and 15. In combat you adopt a battle stance, gaining passive bonuses accordingly. You can use your stance skill during an attack roll to enhance one attack. You can use the feat of stance skills four times. Extra damage is measured 1d6 at 3rd Level, 1d8 at 10th Level, and 1d10 at 15th Lvl, at level 10th and 15th you gain one more use. You can use the stance skill feat once per round.

-Sturdy Posture: If you are using a non-crossbow ranged weapon you can add your strength modifier as bonus damage and enemies hit are pushed 10ft. away. At level 10th you can attack up to your maximum attack range without disadvantage. If you use a stance skill use and your bonus action to shoot from a fully stretched bow, your attack deals maximum damage and add 6/8/10 damage
-Draw Stance: If you are using a ranged weapon you can add +2 to attack rolls. At level 10th, you can attack up to your maximum weapon range without disadvantage. If you spend a stance skill use and use your bonus action to carefully aim, you add 1d6/8/10 and have advantage in that attack.
-Swift Stance: While you are using this stance, treat your initiative as if +3, At level 10th, enemies whose initiative is lower than yours have -2 to attack rolls against you. If you spend a stance skill use, you add 1d6/8/10 bonus damage, if attack someone who hasn't taken an action yet this round, you use 2 dices.
-Fencing Stance: If you are wielding a single melee weapon in which you are proficient, add +2 to your AC if the creature who attacks doesn't have advantage on his attack roll. At level 10th, after successfully hitting a creature, you can apply disadvantage to weapon attack rolls for one round, only one creature per round. If you use a stance skill use, add 1d6/8/10 and any creature that attacks the target has advantage on attack rolls for one round
-High Guard: If you are using a melee weapon in which you are proficient, “Large” and “Huge” creatures get a -2 to weapon attack rolls against you. At level 10th, critical attack rolls deal three times damage rather than two. If you spend a stance skill use, add 1d6/8/10 bonus damage and if the target is of greater size than you, treat 19 in weapon attack rolls as critical.
-Low Guard: If you are using a melee weapon in which you are proficient, “Small” size or smaller creatures receive a -2 penalty to weapon attack rolls against you. At level 10th, when you hit a creature with this stance you reduce its movement by half for one round. If you use a stance skill use, add 1d6/8/10 bonus damage and if target’s size is Large or smaller, it must contest your athletics against target's athletics or acrobatics, on a failed save, character falls prone and reduces that target's movement to 0 for the rest of the round
-Long Guard: If you are wielding a Two-Handed weapon in which you are proficient. When a hostile creature enters your reach, you immediately perform an opportonity attack using your reaction. At level 10th, any creature hit under that circumstance gets disadvantage when attacking any target different than you. If you spend a stance skill use, the attack doesn't require of your reaction and deals an extra dice of 1d6/8/10 bonus damage

*Level 7: Remarkable Athlete: Add half proficiency bonus to strength, dexterity and constitution checks that don't include your proficiency bonus. ⇒ You gain proficiency in Dexterity Saving Throws

*Level 18: Survivor: Recover 5+Fighter Lvl/2 per round ⇒ Critical hits don't deal extra damage to you. If you start a fight and roll initiative, you gain one use of your stance skills.
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I don't think they know how to make the fighter good and it takes to long to switch on. A good fighter needs to.

1. Be the best at combat. This used to be via weapon speicization in 2E or more feats in 3E.
2. Not be punished in number of skills (5E pulls this off).
3. Have good saves.

5E kind of pulls this off but it takes to long to get there. You are better off as a fighter low level in 2E and 2E is basically the pinnicle of the fighter.

The solution I think is to rebuild the fighter and bring a lot of it's late game stuff forward. Rangers make better archers and paladin's better at melee and both get other stuff.


The High Aldwin
Welcome to the forum. Have some XP! We've reworked Champion as well. Very ho-hum as is. You have some interesting ideas. Hope it works for you!


The key to the Champion is simplicity plus always-on power. To compete with Battlemaster & EK it needs something like the extra weapon damage die that high-CR MM NPC warriors get. But 2d12 damage with a great axe at level 3 looks overpowered. I suggest that at level 3 instead of the increased critical range they should get:

+2 damage 1-handed weapon (including with off-hand attacks)
+4 damage 2-handed weapon

With Fighter attacks increasing at levels 5, 11 and 20 I think that keeps them viable.


Sorry but you justify your approach by saying how bad the champion is, even noting how battle master outshines it, and then upgrade the Baseclass too?

Not solid approach.

The purpose of the Champion is to be a simple "by the numbers" option that is easy to pick up and play. Key to that is all of its bonuses for the most part bring baked in, mechanical up-ticks and not a list of new choices.
Your battle stance tag-ons really seems to be more of a battle master thing. Higher tactics etc, losing the meaning of the champion.

If you want to invent a brand new, separate distinct sub-class (or class) to outshine the existing ones, great. But I would say dont throw away the core purpose of champion in the process by tagging these things into it.

Call it the Dominator sub-class (or class) and leave Champion as is.
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There have been assorted "Fixing the Fighter"-type threads.
Generally a solution I support is as the "everyman hero" the Fighter gets an extra Background. - So extra skills and additional social link to the people around them.

For Champions specifically, I think that the best bet would be to give them their full Critical range improvement right away rather than it building up over many levels. Its power will rise naturally with the number of attacks anyway.
- However I would only generally suggest this for a non-multiclassing game.

Also, allowing Remarkable Athlete to stack with proficiency is a commonly-suggested fix.


To keep the class simple you could just give something like +1 damage per level on each attack. Although I find them to be fine and 90% of the fighters in my game have been champions.


The Fighter is fine; from what I've seen it's the DMs that need work. Apparently the most common number of combats per long rest is 2-3 (per a survey last year), which means that characters who rely mostly on long rest recovered abilities (such as spell slots) shine much more than they really should.

The Barbarian can tank really well, until they run out of rages. The Paladin can burst damage, until they run out of spell slots. The Ranger... well they have some neat abilities, but overall tend to fall behind the Fighter in combat normally (which is fine considering they're exploration abilities). The Fighter stays constant as the day goes on, with a periodic short rest to recharge a couple of abilities.

As for the Champion, I don't think it's under-powered, just boring. This was an intentional design choice to allow a simple class anyone could play. I've only seen one experienced player ever choose to play a Champion, because they wanted to maximize the 1/2 orc ability with a great axe.


As for the Champion, I don't think it's under-powered, just boring. This was an intentional design choice to allow a simple class anyone could play. I've only seen one experienced player ever choose to play a Champion, because they wanted to maximize the 1/2 orc ability with a great axe.

I find them seriously underpowered compared to EK (easy to make unhittable) or Battlemaster (can hit hard & has control powers). In particular they need work to compare to the Battlemaster.

Fights per long rest - certainly makes a difference vs LR classes. Since I went to 1 week LR I no longer have an issue there, I get the intended 6-8 fights per LR and the Barbarians no longer dominate.

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