Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)


Nice. I think the biggest "mini" I ever painted was about a foot and a half tall - my mom had gotten into ceramics at one point and had a really nice angel figure she wanted to give to one of the relatives, so I agreed to paint it up on commission since it had really nice detail on it.
I still have the gargantuan red dragon made by WizKids. I got it on sale for $200 the Christmas before last and I'd like to get around to painting it this year. It's a beast. An impractical beast.

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And here we go. The worst thing about this is the gun doesn’t really fit into the hands very well and you scratch the hell out of the paint putting it on.



I have no idea what to do with it, so back into the box it goes. I might just try selling it next time the LGS has one of their miniature swap days. I might get $30 out of it.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
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I have no idea what to do with it, so back into the box it goes. I might just try selling it next time the LGS has one of their miniature swap days. I might get $30 out of it.
Fine work, My Battletech KS is incoming. Im looking at 80 mechs and vees to paint so ill be busy for a long time. Ill post some.

Edit: Not mine but a buddy asked me for a flat bed truck. Our campaign requires battlewarmor to have transport and he forgot. He had enough left over for an armorless truck to drive them around. Here is what he came up with. "Sushi Surprise!"



After a certain amount of historical minis I yearned to paint some scifi/grimdark stuff. I've been meaning to make a small force of these WW1-French looking guys here but I was wondering if I could come up with a different paint scheme than just good old historical "horizon blue".
I think these "latte macchiato" colours look good.


Maelstrom gang members from Cyberpunk Combat Zone. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to improve how my flesh tones look, but with this project I wanted it to look fake. Their bodies are obviously not all natty, so I used a bright flesh color and sealed it with glossy coat to make it look plastic. I painted the face as I would a normal flesh. The effect might be too subtle at this scale.



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