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Final Fantasy J


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Deezy curses and breaks into a trot towards the fray, though she doesn't leave the protective confines of the Globe.

"Billy!" she calls, "Ignore four closest targets! Reassign to fifth closest!"

She then raises the Crosscrank to her shoulder and fires a long, arcing bolt towards Bandit 2! The wind picks up slightly as it flies though, causing the shot to fly far wide. Deezy curses. "We may need some healing soon," she says to Toral.

(Move south 10 feet, but stay in the radius of the Globe she set up. Fire at bandit two: To hit 13...doh. :) http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1682670/ )

Billy freezes for a moment, grinding and shuddering as it processes Deezy's command. It's 'mouth' closes, and it rumbles into motion, pushing past Sly and Leita as it makes a beeline for Bandit 2...

(Billy double-moves, ending adjacent to and north of Bandit 2. Not flanking yet, though Mikken could flank with a 5' step.)

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Fangor the Fierce

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Seeing his opponents disappear, Sly's wicked teeth show his contempt for the new situation. That is, until he spies the two mages, standing together, so ripe for the killing.

"Leave the way clear... those mages picked the WRONG reptile to mess with..."

He almost holds out his hand, trying to block the huge golem from his path, but simply is unable to. The thing had orders, as Sly glares at Deezy, with a look of someone taking away a meal. He turns back, seeing that there might be a chance, slim though it was...

With a running start, Sly's talons grip easily into the dense ground, as his quick burst of speed maneuvers him quickly as the dinosaur moves swiftly, heading straight at... the GOLEM? The line is direct, as Sly aims for the Golem, and LEAPS into the air, his teeth bared, tongue hanging out, and talons ready to shred! With deft ease, he lands at the feet of BOTH mages, shredding without abandon, his twirling body littering the ground with their blood.

[sblock=Charging Leap Attack with Pounce] Man, talk about opportune times! Did the math, and trajectory. He gets the running start, can clear Billy, and yet LAND on the tile directly NORTH of Bandit 9 with his LEAP ATTACK. Jump Modifier is +30, DC is 30, for clearing 30 feet, with apex of 15' to clear Billy's height, since the line is directly from Sly to the mage, with Billy in the way.

To make it even better, Sly's talons are Adamantium for this occasion, so that the wizards would FEEL his claws and their power. As he pounces on them, he is able to get all his natural weapons to bear on the unfortunate foe, as he aims for Bandit 0. Full attack, Power attack for 2 an all attacks. Charge +2 to hit, Power Attack -2 to hit, evens out to normal attack mods, but with +4PA dmg and +2 Aura dmg, and extra +2 for Armbands of Might. Free action to make them adamantium. Swift Action - if allowed and more than two DIFFERENT attack hit, to add another 2d6dmg, upon dm discretion. Of course, if the bandit drops, the rest of his attacks go on the other bandit.

Talons +15/+10 melee (2d6+17) 2 foreclaws +10 melee (1d3+13) bite +10 melee (2d4+13)
Jump/Talon/Talon/Claw/Claw/Bite (1d20 30=47, 1d20 15=21, 1d20 10=21, 1d20 10=29, 1d20 10=15, 1d20 10=22)

If any of those hit: dmg Talon/Talon/Claw/Claw/Bite (2d6 17=26, 2d6 17=21, 1d3 13=14, 1d3 13=16, 2d4 13=21)[/sblock]


First Post
Satisfied that they have at least a few moments before the enemies attack, Toral hurries next to Deezy and whispers "Hold still one moment" as he touches her shoulder with his rod. Instantly a cooling surge rushes through her body as her skin begins to heal itself against the burns caused by the other mage.

Cure Critical Wounds (4d8+7=33)
Move next to Deezy and heal her for 33 hp
Converted Mass Shield of Faith to Cure Critical

20/62 hp
15 AC, Touch/Flat-Footed 15
Spells Left:
Spells prepared - Wizard (Save DC 16 + spell level):
0 - 4, Detect Magic (x3), Prestigidation;
1st - 7+1, Magic Missile (x3), Grease(x2), Expeditiuous Retreat*, Orb of Fire, Lesser**(x2) ;
2nd - 4+1, Scorch (SpC181)**(x2), Earthen Grasp (SpC76)*, Glitterdust(x2), Belker's Claws (SpC26);
3rd - 3+1, Fireball**, Gaseous Form*, Blink*, Greater Mage Armour;
4th - 2+1, Bite of the Werewolf*, Blast of Flame(SpC31)**(x2)

Spells prepared - Cleric (Save DC 16 + spell level):
0 - 6,Detect Magic (x3), Mending, Light (x2) ;
1st - 6+2, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary, Divine Favour, Entropic Shield, Vigor, Lesser(x2) True Strike (D);
2nd - 4+2, Bull's Strength(x2), Resist Energy, Shatter, Silence, Heat Metal (D);
3rd - 3+1, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against Evil, Prayer, Energy Vulnerability, Haste(D) ;
4th - 2+1, Resitance, Greater, Shield of Faith (Mass) , Fire Shield (D)(x2)


First Post
MIKKEN, HP 21/75, AC 22, Con 9/16

Mikken cries out in pain at the assault, but stumbles over to flank the bandit that had dodged his Bolt earlier, drops his wakizashi, then repeats his incantation and gestures from a moment ago. He grips the katana in both hands once finished.

"Matra Magic!" Four more thin, needle-like beams of light arc out from his hand, piercing through the other bandit that had been stabbing him in the back. The young man keeps his katana and his attention focused on the bandit he's flanked, only glancing at the other one as he cast. "Leita, they switched with you!" he shouts.

[sblock=ooc]Mikken figures that it's best to drop the one nobody else is close to, and doesn't want to risk splitting his spell again. Melee combat is mostly a losing proposition for him when he never gets a chance to cast any buff spells, and he couldn't spare the time while Aluf was in horrible mortal danger. So he must resort to more sure-fire Magic Missiles.

5-foot step to flank Bandit #2 with "Billy," since he saw it pass up Uncle Aluf and head for that bandit instead. Then casting Magic Missile defensively with all four missiles targeting Bandit #1. And of course, another set of awful rolls. Only 9 damage to Bandit #1 from the Magic Missiles.
Magic Missile damage to bandit 1 (4d4+4=9)

Also, his Spellcraft check to see if he recognized the switcheroo, since he was looking northward at the bandits by Aluf, Kitty, and beyond when the bandit mages disappeared. A 31 on the check, so he should recognize it, and looks to where Sly and Leita once were to find the mages there instead.
Spellcraft check to identify bandit mages' spell (1d20+17=31)

Prepared Spells: Detect Magic, Light, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Feather Fall, Mage Armor (cast), Mage Armor, Magic Missile (cast), Magic Missile (cast), Magic Missile (cast), Magic Missile, Acid Arrow, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Knock, Scorching Ray, Dispel Magic, Haste (cast), Lightning Bolt (cast), Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, Mass Enlarge Person, Stone Shape.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Initiative Order]

Please wait for me to update the bandits before declaring your next rounds worth of actions (Still need Leita and Kitty this round)

Deezy's shot flies far wide of it's target as Billy shudders and charges in, the giant coming to a grinding halt as it towers over the bandit.

Seeing the tide turning, Especially with the appearances of Billy and Kitty, Aluf stumbles back from the front lines, holding the deep gash in his side even as the dinosaur leaps OVER the batle to land on one of the mages, slashing furiously at the magically protected mage but only managing to breach his defenses with one strike.

Given a moment to Recover, Toral heals his companion.

Worried by the sudden attention of bandits, and the switching of the two mages with his allies, Mikken moves into flanking position and fires four darts which further injure the still-too-stubborn-to-die bandit.

Sly only hits with the first claw attack(14 to B9, adamantine claws ignores his DR).
*NOTE: If you hadn't power attacked, you would've hit with all but one, dropping him. Just thought I'd point that out, cuz I'm sadistic. :p *
Mikken's missiles fail to drop the bandit.... BARELY (9 to B1, who is currently at ONE hit point, while B2 has 2. both are obviously on their last legs.)

Aluf Status: HP 14/123; AC 28
Bandit Conditions: B1=53, B2=52, B3=Dead, B4=Dead, B5=Dead, B6=Dead, B7=Dead, B8=Dead, B9=33, B0=24
*#'s are damage dealt.


.=Road 1-0=bandits A=Aluf
L=Leita S=Sly M=Mikken K=Kitty T=Toral D=Deezy B=Billy
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[sblock=stats]ac 24, hp 49/101, saves fort 21, ref 15, will 7, sr 20, space 10, move 50, mp 10/14 rage 2/9 3more rounds till breath[/sblock]

Blue 31 rushes forwards so that he is between the remaining melee bandits. He then chooses to remove them from the fight. With tooth and claw he lays into them.
[sblock=combat] blue will charge bandit 2 but if possible he will also end beside 1. since he is large sized but has no reach the only place he can end up is below billy and between 1&2. charging, raging, power attack for 5, +2 from slys aura, which gives him +15 1d10 +20 on his bites and +14 1d6+13 on his claws. if he fells #2 he will then go for #1 if possible.
attack bite 19, bite 26, claw 26, claw nat1

damage bite 26, bite 27, claw 19, claw 16[/sblock]


[sblock=Initiative order]
Bandits(2 mages left)

Moving in, Kitty bites and claws the melee bandits, finishing them off.

Seeing the closer threats dealt with, Leita directs her arrows at the mages, though her arrows seem to have little effect.

Realizing that the dinosaur is cutting through their magical defenses, the mages combine their magics on him. Stepping back they appear to multiply, a dozen standing where two had before as they unleash a swarm of blue magical darts at Sly.

PLEASE to any who aren't doing it: Include current AC/HP/Saves in your post.

Due to Kitty's size/reach you only need to 5' step to attack both of them, and are too close to charge. Doesn't matter though, you hit twice and they had 2 and 1 hp left respectively. I say you they dead.

Leita's arrows all hit, but don't overcome the Stoneskin's DR (They do drain some of it though)

Mage Spells: Anyone who cares/doesn't know pls link two spellcraft rolls with your post for the following info.
[sblock=First spells, DC 17]
Mirror Image (1d4+3=4, 1d4+3=6)
[sblock=Second Spells, DC 19]
Quickened Magic Missile (5d4+5=19, 5d4+5=16)
Sly takes 35 damage.

Aluf Status: HP 14/123; AC 28 *Assume he's removed himself from the fight at this point**
Bandit Conditions: B1=Dead, B2=Dead, B3=Dead, B4=Dead, B5=Dead, B6=Dead, B7=Dead, B8=Dead, B9=33, B0=24
*#'s are damage dealt.

.=Road 1-0=bandits A=Aluf
L=Leita S=Sly M=Mikken K=Kitty T=Toral D=Deezy B=Billy


First Post
MIKKEN, HP 21/75, AC 22, Con 9/16, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5

Mikken shouts "Gimme a sec to dispel!" as he turns to the mages, his two immediate threats mauled by the giant cat-monster.

Once he gets a good look at the mages, Mikken chants and gestures for another spell, this one coruscating among the bandit-mages' magical copies and wards. "Dispel!" He follows up by moving closer to threaten a mage with his katana.

[sblock=ooc]Mikken's Spellcraft checks are 33 and 27, so he'd know the Mirror Images used....
Spellcraft checks (1d20+17=33, 1d20+17=27)
And for the Magic Missiles, he identifies them with a 26 and a 25.
Second set of Spellcraft checks (1d20+17=26, 1d20+17=25)

Once Mikken's turn comes around, he casts Dispel Magic. He hopes that the others will wait a moment before attacking again, so he can finish his spell first to hopefully break some enemy defenses....

He moves down(south?) 3 spaces and right(east?) 1 space, adjacent and southwest of bandit #9.

His Dispel Magic will have to be an area dispel I think, so it'll only remove one spell from each enemy mage. I dunno how many spells they have active, so I made 20 checks. Bandit #9 is closest, so he would be checked first. First check to succeed against each bandit strips away one spell on them. Each check applies against one spell, until all of their spells have been checked; any further rolls for the same bandit after that don't apply. And of course my luck sucks as always.
Dispel checks for Dispel Magic, DC 11 + bandit's caster level (1d20+7=15, 1d20+7=20, 1d20+7=12, 1d20+7=8, 1d20+7=10, 1d20+7=25, 1d20+7=25, 1d20+7=13, 1d20+7=18, 1d20+7=20, 1d20+7=11, 1d20+7=12, 1d20+7=17, 1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=13, 1d20+7=17, 1d20+7=15, 1d20+7=9, 1d20+7=10, 1d20+7=23)

Prepared Spells: Detect Magic, Light, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Feather Fall, Mage Armor (cast), Mage Armor, Magic Missile (cast), Magic Missile (cast), Magic Missile (cast), Magic Missile, Acid Arrow, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Knock, Scorching Ray, Dispel Magic (cast), Haste (cast), Lightning Bolt (cast), Lightning Bolt, Ice Storm, Mass Enlarge Person, Stone Shape.[/sblock]
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First Post
Deezy beams at Toral gratefully. "That's MUCH better, thanks!"

On seeing the arrows plink ineffectually from the mages, she grins nastily.

"Oh, I think we have the cure for that..." She cups a hand over her mouth and yells, "BILLY! Target the two farthest south of you!"

She then plucks a small red orb from her vest and smashes it over the ammo clip for the Crosscrank. Murmuring, she traces an alchemical transfiguration sigil in the dust...which suddenly ignites in a brilliant light.

(Commanding Billy to attack, and using Adamantine Weapon infusion to make my current clip adamantine.)

Meanwhile Billy reorients, then clomps towards the two mages with all the inexorable noise and horror of an oncoming avalanche, ignoring everything else. As he reaches them, the metal plates covering his 'mouth' slam open, and he lunges forward, trying to catch the human in the grinding gear-teeth within!

Billy Attack on Bandit 9: 36 (Natural 20!)
Damage: 21

Crit confirm: 26
Crit damage: 17 (total of 38 if the crit confirms)

And finally: Improved Grapple:
Grapple check: 34

Voidrunner's Codex

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