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Final Fantasy J

Fangor the Fierce

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[sblock=Stats]Sly AC23, HP 24/81 (4 CON dmg), Fort+10,Ref+8,Will+9, 40 Healing Left today[/sblock]

Sly hears the words of the others, and tries to think on which of these multiple targets would his attacks be best suited for attacking. His nose twitches, as he wants to move towards the last location of his foe, and pinpoint the object of his aggression. But he holds for now, allowing the others to act, while he watches the mages closely... (Delay until Mikken is done...)

As the magic user tries to discern which enemy to attack, Sly moves forward, into the fray. As he moves, his nose takes the scent, as he moves to the foe. They would not escape his wrath so easily. (Scent, moving within 5' of a foe can pinpoint it, so he will move towards the images, and stop when he pinpoints it. If he would have to guess where to move, he would move towards the second and third furthest image, due to him thinking that the mage would put a buffer on all sides of him. Once he can pinpoint, he will attack, via grappling.)

"Ignore the rest, this one's the true enemy!" he calls out, as he unleashes his fury on the mage. Hopefully, he would be able to stand another attack, as he switches his aura from that of more damage to that of something a bit more suitable in this case. With surprising accuracy, he instead opts to simply maw the poor mage, ending it's chances to get off spells so easily.

[sblock=Aura and Attack](Switching to Fast Healing 2 for everyone BELOW 1/2 max hp) He will then try to grapple the mage, assuming that Billy was able to get the other one. Why not work with something that works? After all, the mages are not threatening him in melee, so he should be able to grapple without the AoO, otherwise, he wouldn't. So, assuming they aren't wielding weapons, then he will grapple attempt.

Grapple Attempt #1 (1d20 15=25) Should hit the mages Touch AC.

Grapple Check (1d20 16=31) DC 31 for mage to withstand the grapple. If I win, please let me know if I do damage as unarmed strike, or with Talon dmg, as that would bypass their DR, since it's adamantium talons right now. Dmg of talons is Grapple dmg (2d6 9=18)

Please note, the if Sly is able to take a 5 foot step to pinpoint, then he will opt to grapple, then continue with the rest of his attacks to pin the opponent and prevent it from talking. There are so many variables here, so I am stopping this far, as otherwise, it will be cluttered with grapple attempts, opposed checks, etc...

I will wait now, to see how he fares, if he still has the full attack option, to remove any of the images still around, etc... If he grapples the wrong image, and moved only 5 feet, he should be able to take out 4 more images, all around him. If that includes making a JUMP check to land in the middle of the images, he could have that option, but with current map, and no note of the images locations, he's at a standstill for his action. Thus, grapple while scent is his best option.[/sblock]

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Toral will focus on the same healing energies he used to help Deezy, but with himself as the target.

He then advances towads the enemies with his rod ready, careful to stay out of the line of Deezy's fire.

Standard: Cast Cure Serious Wounds (converted Magic Circle against Evil)
Move: Move 20' South, and 10' West, to avoid being in Deezy's line of sight
Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+7=18)
Spellcraft (1d20+19=35, 1d20+19=39)

38/62 hp
15 AC, Touch/Flat-Footed 15
F/R/W: +10/+8/+17

Spells Left:
Spells prepared - Wizard (Save DC 16 + spell level):
0 - 4, Detect Magic (x3), Prestigidation;
1st - 7+1, Magic Missile (x3), Grease(x2), Expeditiuous Retreat*, Orb of Fire, Lesser**(x2) ;
2nd - 4+1, Scorch (SpC181)**(x2), Earthen Grasp (SpC76)*, Glitterdust(x2), Belker's Claws (SpC26);
3rd - 3+1, Fireball**, Gaseous Form*, Blink*, Greater Mage Armour;
4th - 2+1, Bite of the Werewolf*, Blast of Flame(SpC31)**(x2)

Spells prepared - Cleric (Save DC 16 + spell level):
0 - 6,Detect Magic (x3), Mending, Light (x2) ;
1st - 6+2, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary, Divine Favour, Entropic Shield, Vigor, Lesser(x2) True Strike (D);
2nd - 4+2, Bull's Strength(x2), Resist Energy, Shatter, Silence, Heat Metal (D);
3rd - 3+1, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against Evil, Prayer, Energy Vulnerability, Haste(D) ;
4th - 2+1, Resitance, Greater, Shield of Faith (Mass) , Fire Shield (D)(x2)

[sblock=stats]ac 26, hp 51/101, saves fort 21, ref 15, will 7, sr 20, space 10, move 50, mp 8/14 rage 3/9 2more rounds till breath[/sblock]

Blue 31 casualy saunters over to where the mages, billy and sly are, he then waits, ready to spring should either ally miss grappling their foe or if they get out. As they wait blue and 30 take turns watching the combat, the other starts to groom what fur they can reach with out disturbing the other. If it seems nessacery Blue will take a mage away from one of the grapplers if possible.

[sblock=ooc] having scent, like sly, blue31 gains the equivilent of blindsight within 5 feet and blindsense to 30.blue 31 should have enough movement to make it, and will ready an action or just attack which ever is needed. should it be needed he gets nine attacks of opertunity a round. should he have to attack a mage he will try use improved grab on any attack. no power attack, but rage stays for +18 to attack and +12 damage if it is allowed he will join a grapple and allow the ally to leave if they are having trouble.

attack 12+18=30
damage 6+12=18
grapple 20(nat)+21=41(?)[/sblock]


End Combat!

Billy rushes forwards, his massive mouth clamping onto the mage... And finding nothing as one of the magical images is destroyed. Cursing her luck, Deezy enchants her quarrels as her companion Toral moves in, healing his own wounds just as he had hers.

Mikken weaves his magic in an attempt to unravel the other mages spells. THe nearest appears to have no change, but the extra images around the far one dissapear, much to his sudden dismay as Sly leaps forward! But the dinosaur leaps PAST him and impales his still-mirrored companion with sharp Talons.

Seeing the other one still up, Kitty moves forward and clamps his jaws around it, ending the fight with a crunch.

[sblock=Shayuri]I Hate to draw attention to you in particular, but you're the only one not including stats in your post, and I have asked repeatedly. PLEASE include AC, HP, Saves, and immunities/resistances for both yourself and Billy in combat posts, like the others are doing.
Billy vs Mirror Image (1=Real) (1d6=4)

Mikken's Dispels: THe DC was 21 (10th lvl casters FYI), so dispel checks #6 and 7 succeed. Each mage had four active spells, so the first mage is unaffected, and the 3rd highest lvl spell on the second is affected. that happens to be the Mirror Image.

Aluf Status: HP 62/123; AC 28 *Assume he's removed himself from the fight at this point**
Bandits: All Dead.

First: Always assume that UP on my maps is North, it just makes things easier. :)
Second: Sly killed one mage outright, but the one Kitty had technically survives one more round. He can't physically escape, but will not surrender, so I fast forwarded and gave Kitty a second Attack, which on average WOULD kill the mage.

NOTE: Due to Sly's presence, Everybody fast heals up to HALF of their maximum HP, in 2-point increments.[/sblock]


First Post
(argh, my apologies Jemal...shan't happen again.)

"Well THAT kind of sucked," Deezy says cheerfully to Toral. "It's a good thing those caravan guys were pretty good."

She slings the Crosscrank over her shoulder and cups her hands around her mouth to shriek, "BILLY! STAND DOWN!"

The hulking, wheezing mass of brass and rivets shudders, then seems to...relax, for want of a better term. It sits back on its haunches, knuckles lowered to the ground like some gargantuan metal ape. The grinding of gears doesn't stop entirely, but it slows and quiets.

Meanwhile, Deezy scoops up her weird device from the ground, twists it to turn it off, and hooks it back on her vest. She then grabs Toral's wrist and drags him bodily towards the others, and the caravan. "Come on!"

Once there she releases the red mage and gives a wide bow with a flourish to the others.

"Hey there! Thanks for the help with those guys. They were a LOT tougher than I expected! I'm Deezy, and this is Toral. And this..." She reaches out to pat the flank of the massive metal beast. "...is Billy. Say hello to the nice people, Billy."

The thing's tripartate mouth gapes wide, and it emits a wheezing, steam-laden blast of air that could, if sufficiently inebrieated, be confused with a toothless kobold raised by a mentally challenged ogre trying to say 'hello.'

Deezy beams at Billy proudly. "Good job!"


First Post
Mikken is a bit startled when the raptor and the big machine-monster come barreling in and maul the bandit mages, but sighs in relief once that's over. He tries not to look as the cat-monster mauls the last one or two bandits.

Once all that is over, he retrieves his wakizashi off the ground, carefully avoiding the two big monstrocities, and sheathes both swords. Then, as an afterthought, he meanders over to the fallen bandit mages, and confiscates their spellbooks, if any, and other spellcasting materials or scrolls. These get put in his backpack and scroll cases, for later examination.

Mikken shuffles over to Aluf to ask "Are you okay, uncle?! I'm sorry we didn't get here sooner, we had a giant snake problem! Kyo's unconscious or something, and I still feel like my insides are molten jelly, but we rushed over here as soon as we heard the fight! What happened?"

The young man ignores everyone else for now, weary and still weak from the snake-venom Frida was only able to partially cure.

[sblock=ooc]Mikken status: HP 21/75, Con 9/16; the Constitution damage makes his maximum HP only 35 at present, so the Vigor Aura doesn't heal him.[/sblock]


Aluf grins at his nephew, seeming much better after a few minutes due to the Vigorous healing extending from the dinosaur. "I've had far worse, Mikken. The bandits stopped our caravan and demanded we turn over a large portion of our supplies. When I Refused, they said they'd take them by force. If you had shown up a minute later..."

He looks around at the suddenly much larger group. "And.. these people, I don't believe I've met." He calls everyone in together. "My name is Aluf, retired General in the Mazerkan army. Thank you all for your aid in dispatching those bandits. Without you, many people here would have been injured, killed, or left without the supplies we need to finish our journey." He extends his hand to Deezy and Toral, then towards Sly, before withdrawing it with a mildly apologetic shrug at realizing the dinosaur has no hands. He then turns to face Blue. "I thought that was you, old friend. Seems the curse still hasn't been lifted, eh? No matter, it's nice to have you around."


First Post
Deezy grabs Aluf's hand and yanks it up, then back down in a sort of big, overblown handshake.

"Pleased to meetcha, ex-General Aluf!" she enthuses.

She then reaches out to pet the giant cat's cheek. "You are so cute! You make me want to build a Billy based on you."

"Anyway, we're just glad we could help. All in a day's work for us, of course. You know, not EVERY day's work, but definitely an entire day's work. Lotta work. But no matter! We were hoping to catch up to you anyway."


First Post
Mikken looks around to the unfamiliar people for a moment, then says "Thanks for helping my uncle, whoever you are. Oh, uncle, the dinosaur is Sly, some...one that helped us fight the giant snake, he was hunting it or something."

That little introduction made, he shuffles slowly, painfully, over to where he left Kyo with Frida, to check on his cousin. His green and white robes are covered in new gashes and blood, but he'll have to fix that later. At least none of the various pouches and scroll cases hanging from it haven't been ruined.

[sblock=Appearance]Mikken is a slightly-muscular teenager of average height, pale but lightly-tanned skin, and shoulder-length black hair. A short mustache adorns his face, with a small nose and slanted, amber eyes. He wears a short, dark green kimono with a white jacket that holds numerous pockets. Mikken seems to carry a book inside the folds of his kimono. He also wears brown hakima pants, a red-orange belt, and wooden sandals.

Mikken carries a pair of curved daisho swords at his left hip, the black sheaths hanging from his belt, opposite a few pouches hanging from the right side. A wicker backpack hangs from his shoulders, and a strangely-built scroll case hangs from each side of Mikken's pack. Two similar scroll cases hang from his belt, and a bedroll rests atop his wicker pack, loosely tied on. A trinket hangs from a string around his neck, adorned with various snake scales, and a similar string encircles the top of Mikken's head, bearing a small, blue gemstone over his forehead. Supple black gloves cover his hands.

Despite Mikken's appearance of being a learned and highborn Mazerkan warrior, he doesn't carry himself with the poise, confidence, or fierceness of such a warrior, and he acts kind of skittish. The clothes and fancy swords don't seem to fit him so well, and he looks a bit uncomfortable, especially lugging around so much bulky traveling gear.

Usually traveling beside Mikken, or ridden by him, is a common, yellow-feathered chocobo, bearing a saddle, saddlebags, a bit, and a bridle. Mikken's bedroll and wicker backpack are usually in his chocobo's saddlebags, along with one of the scrollcases from his belt, and two of his belt pouches. When his chocobo carries this gear for him, Mikken ties the scrollcases from his pack to his back instead, with strings crossed over his shoulders.[/sblock]


First Post
Toral allows himself to be dragged along by Deezy, not having much choice in the matter as she had an iron grip on him

"It always amazes me how strong she is when she sees something she's interested in" Toral thinks to himself, as his red robes flutter behind him.

With a grand bow, which he removes his hat, Toral says "Greetings all, my name is Toral, I'm a dabbler in all things magickal. I believe I can provide assistance to those who've been hurt by these foes.", with a smile on his face.

38/62 hp
15 AC, Touch/Flat-Footed 15
F/R/W: +10/+8/+17

Spells Left:
Spells prepared - Wizard (Save DC 16 + spell level):
0 - 4, Detect Magic (x3), Prestigidation;
1st - 7+1, Magic Missile (x3), Grease(x2), Expeditiuous Retreat*, Orb of Fire, Lesser**(x2) ;
2nd - 4+1, Scorch (SpC181)**(x2), Earthen Grasp (SpC76)*, Glitterdust(x2), Belker's Claws (SpC26);
3rd - 3+1, Fireball**, Gaseous Form*, Blink*, Greater Mage Armour;
4th - 2+1, Bite of the Werewolf*, Blast of Flame(SpC31)**(x2)

Spells prepared - Cleric (Save DC 16 + spell level):
0 - 6,Detect Magic (x3), Mending, Light (x2) ;
1st - 6+2, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary, Divine Favour, Entropic Shield, Vigor, Lesser(x2) True Strike (D);
2nd - 4+2, Bull's Strength(x2), Resist Energy, Shatter, Silence, Heat Metal (D);
3rd - 3+1, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against Evil, Prayer, Energy Vulnerability, Haste(D) ;
4th - 2+1, Resitance, Greater, Shield of Faith (Mass) , Fire Shield (D)(x2)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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