• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

First Impressions?


I'm not seeing where the rogue's listed attack w/ its weapons is coming from. It looks like it's 2 more than it should be, & I can't figure out where this is coming from. If every class simply gets +2 w/ proficient weapons, shouldn't this just be listed under the proficiency section? Even if it's something specific to rogues (& fighters, I think someone said?), then shouldn't it be listed under class abilities?

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Okay, who were the alpha playtesters who nixed the silver standard for the equipment lists and treasure guidelines?

I hope you know that you've broken my heart. I'm shattered, gutted, and completely depressed. It was my dealmaker for 5e, and the thing that had me more excited about the new edition than anything else.

I hope you are pleased with yourself. Monster.

(Perhaps a little too heavy with the faux outrage, given that parody is indistinguishable from the real thing on the internet. Still, it was the first thing I turned to, and my biggest disappointment.)
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Probably lots of people have said this: "This is trimmed down 3rd Edition."

Which I actually quite like. 3rd Edition has very solid basic rules, but is way too much bloated, even with just the PHB. This could indeed be the D&D I've always wanted.

Argyle King

When going from level 1 to level 3, the Fighter gets +1 damage.
When going from level 1 to level 3, the Rogue gets +2d6 sneak attack damage.

The average of a d6 is 3.5, so the rogue is dealing 7 extra damage at level 3 compared to the fighter's 1. Granted, the rogue needs to meet the conditions for sneak attack to use it, but that still seems skewed a bit much in one direction. Especially since the rogue also has so many other things it can do on top of just dealing damage.

The encumbrance rules need some work. While I appreciate the streamlined nature of yes/no when it comes to whether or not you are encumbered, I feel like there should be an intermediate stage in there somewhere. Being a small character is going to be pretty rough with those rules as well.

I could do with a little more granularity in that area of the rules.

Falling Icicle

Probably lots of people have said this: "This is trimmed down 3rd Edition."

Interesting take. I see alot of ADnD in this as well, particularly in the skill system (which reminds me alot of non-weapon proficiencies) and the way spells are presented. I've also noticed quite a bit of 4th edition, like spells not scaling with level, at-will "basic spells," and many spells allowing the victims to save every round to get free of the effect. I'm really impressed with how much of the game is new and innovative while still feeling like DnD. They didn't just take old rules and ideas, they also greatly improved upon many of them.

I was very skeptical about 5e, but what I've seen so far has me very encouraged. This may become the best version of DnD yet, and I don't say that lightly!


First Post
I'm miss some flavorful racial features for humans. I think they get +1 on all attributes but that seems rather bland. Why not something like a feature that gives an advantage to any roll you like 2 times a day (basically action points for humans)?



Repost from what I said on the WotC Forums

So far, I really don't have too many good things to say. I do like the at-will attack spells being available for the cleric and the wizard. While I was apprehensive about the return of Vancian casting, it does seem to be okay. However, the spellcasting attack mechanic is kind of overly convoluted. Why not just say you use your Intelligence score +2 for all magic attacks? However, the fighter is back to being boring. The character sheets also have a great deal of redundant information. Instead of saying "you have this, go here to find out more about it" why not just say "you have this, it does this"? It almost feels like characters could fit on a 3x5 in notecard.

Bottom line Recommendations:
1. Make the mechanics more clear. Tell us what it does and nothing more. Don't bury mechanics in the text. For example, if a theoretical lightning bolt spell, say you create at 50 ft. line of lightning. Creatures in the line take 3d6 + your magic ability modifier lightning damage. If the creature succeeds on a Dexterity saving throw, they take half damage. Don't say stuff like they can duck out of the way and make a Dexterity saving throw, we know what a Dexterity saving throw is. If a wizard gets a bonus to their Intelligence to magic attacks, say their magical attack bonus is their Intelligence plus the bonus. Do not say "they make attacks with their Intelligence, also they gain a bonus to attack. Their magical attack bonus is their intelligence plus this bonus."
2. Clean up the character sheets. Don't list something as a benefit and then say look elsewhere for it, only to have that elsewhere list all of the benefits. Just say You are A race, you gain B benefit that does such and such, C benefit that does such and such, and D benefit that does such and such. I had an impossible time figuring out how cantrips work. Make sure to list that in the Class Features section. I shouldn't have to go tearing through the book to find that, it should be with the class.
3. Give the fighter something to do besides hit stuff with his weapon.
4. Why in the name of all that is good does the friggin Cleric have a much higher AC than the Fighter? I thought Fighters were supposed to be the AC kings? We are barely into the playtest and already the Cleric has made the Fighter irrelevant.
5. I really don't like how skills work. As in, I have no frickin' idea HOW they work. What do I do if I want to open a lock? Saving Throws are pretty straight forward, why can't skills? They need to be codified better. Open Lock, Stealth, etc. should trigger off of Dexterity, and the rules should say that. Lore skills should trigger off Intelligence. Don't leave this stuff up to the DM to make up on the fly, make it coherent and consistent.
6. Monsters: Open the 4E MM, look at how monsters are displayed in it, DO THAT and then attach all the lore and whatnot.

Most importantly though, MAKE IT COHERENT.


The encumbrance rules need some work. While I appreciate the streamlined nature of yes/no when it comes to whether or not you are encumbered, I feel like there should be an intermediate stage in there somewhere. Being a small character is going to be pretty rough with those rules as well.

I had the same thought until I reread the relevant section under the Strength attribute. Small characters do not take any cut to carrying capacity vs. Medium. Really, Small vs. Medium now has very little effect at all (I think it's -5 speed & not able to use heavy weapons - & that might be it).

Argyle King

I had the same thought until I reread the relevant section under the Strength attribute. Small characters do not take any cut to carrying capacity vs. Medium. Really, Small vs. Medium now has very little effect at all (I think it's -5 speed & not able to use heavy weapons - & that might be it).

Thanks. I thought it said that each size down cut your capacity in half. I didn't catch that it started after small size.

Voidrunner's Codex

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