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For Gawd's sake recommend something for me to read!

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Science fiction, high on the weird-o-meter: Ilium by Dan Simmons. There's a sequel, Olympos, out now or coming out soon.

Crime, high on the moral corruption-o-meter: The Black Dahlia, The Big Nowhere, L.A. Confidential, White Jazz, American Tabloid, and The Cold Six Thousand by James Ellroy.

If you like crime novels and you haven't read all of these Ellroys then you're woefully undereducated. ;)


The Otherland series by Tad Williams. That will give you something to do for a few months. Its 4 REALLY big books. Good read though.

Vonlok The Bold

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I don't know if you have read George RR Martin's books starting with A Game of Thrones. I am guessing you have, but if not go for it.

I also liked Robin Hobb's Assassin's apprentice book and the farseer series, plus the fool series.

Another series I liked David B. Coe's Rules of Ascension book and its sequals.


Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

Set in England in the 1800s, it tracks the adventures of England's last two "practical magicians" as they try to help the crown in its war against Napoleon.

Very good story.



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One series I recently finished was Peirs Anthony's Incarnations Of Immortality collection. It consists of sevin books about the Incarnations of Death, Time, War, Fate, Nature, Good, and Evil. The books themselves are called:

On a Pale Horse
Bearing an Hourglass
Weilding a Red Sword
With a Tangled Skein
The name of the nature book eludes me
For the love of Evil
And Eternity

That I think is my personal favorite book series.


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KaosDevice said:
Pretty much anything, scifi, fantasy, horror, crime anything but westerns and romance. :)
Have you read Tad Williams' Memory, Sorry and Thorn trilogy: Dragonbone Chair, Stone of Farewell and To Green Angel Tower? I just started re-reading it for the 4th or 5th time.


afrorooster said:
One series I recently finished was Peirs Anthony's Incarnations Of Immortality collection. It consists of sevin books about the Incarnations of Death, Time, War, Fate, Nature, Good, and Evil. The books themselves are called:

On a Pale Horse
Bearing an Hourglass
Weilding a Red Sword
With a Tangled Skein
The name of the nature book eludes me
For the love of Evil
And Eternity

That I think is my personal favorite book series.

Read the first book of this series, it was great, but the problem with Piers Anthony, is that he writes his books from the same outline and just plugs in different events. Essentially all of his books follow the same pattern (though it may be different for different series). IIRC for this series it was

1) Introduction to char who will assume the incarnation.
2) Semi-humorous introduction to what that incarnation does and his "stuff"
3) Unfolding of plot by Satan to bring about the triumph of evil. Usually involving something to do with the woman that Death falls in love with casting a crucial vote.
4) Incarnation looks screwed and unable to stop Satan, but through some unique use of that Incarnation's particular powers is able to stymie Satan.

There is Glen Cook, he has several good series. The Black Company, Garret novels, The Swordbearer, The Dragon Never Sleeps.

Another vote for Terry Pratchet. Pretty much any of the books involving Cmnd Vimes or Captain Carrot of the City Watch (Guards, Guards! Feet of Clay are especially good), The book involving Rincewind in China (Counterweight Continent) with the Silver Horde, The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Faust(crossed out) Eric : A tale of Diskworld, Reaper Man is one of my absolute favorites, Hogsfather? or pretty much any of the books staring Susan (Death's Niece), except for Soul Music.

The Reality Dysfunction series by Peter Hamilton is very interesting.

The Appleseed Manga by Shirow Masamune is very good.

Pretty much anything by Phil Foglio. His Buck Godot series is especially good and available on his web site www.StudioFoglio.com

Watchmen and V For Vendetta by Alan Moore.

On DVD "Dead Like Me" at least if you can get past the first few episodes until George stops whining quite so much.

Bu#@$#$it staring Penn and Teller.

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