D&D 5E For the Convenience of Necromancers


It looks like at higher levels is the same on both spells.

As for the beetles, you could include language similar to Find Familiar, where it lists some possibilities one being the beetles.

Perhaps as part of the 2nd one since it it is 5th level is that it does have an additional detection component similar to locate object that can find corses within a certain distance and then you can have them become digging-free undead from wherever you currently are instead if having to be just above them.

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Victoria Rules
It looks like at higher levels is the same on both spells.

As for the beetles, you could include language similar to Find Familiar, where it lists some possibilities one being the beetles.

Perhaps as part of the 2nd one since it it is 5th level is that it does have an additional detection component similar to locate object that can find corses within a certain distance and then you can have them become digging-free undead from wherever you currently are instead if having to be just above them.
Or for even added nastiness, have a delay option in the spell where you cast it now but the undead don't start digging for x-amount of time (where x-amount is set during casting and can't be longer than, say, a day).

So, you wander into the village graveyard one day and quietly cast this, setting the delay to 12 hours; then by the time the undead start digging their way out that night you're home and dry with an ironclad alibi. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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