For those that drink, what's your poison of choice?


HHhmmm, just one? I would probably say beer and to narrow it down even further I would go with Killians. I am a big fan of microbrews and such, but a draft Killians always seems to hit the spot, even if it is put out by a major brewing company.

Now if its hard liquor then I would have to go with Captain Morgan and Coke.

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I mostly drink beer, wine and scotch.

Beer: I enjoy a wide variety of beers, pretty much anything except the mass-produced traditional American beers. Favorites include Bass, Guinness, Sam Adams, Sam Smiths (especially Oatmeal Stout), most selections from Rogue. When I buy beer I usually get something I know and trust and something that I have never tried before.

Wine: I'm just getting to know my wines, so I am not as selective as with beer. Shiraz and merlot a good, especially with meat. I generally prefer red wine with food, and will sometimes have a glass of chardonay or pinot gris after.

Scotch: Dalwhinnie is my favorite by a long shot, but I also enjoy Talisker, Oban, Macallan, and Johnny Walker.

Lord Foul

First Post
IronWolf said:
Now if its hard liquor then I would have to go with Captain Morgan and Coke.

Mine too!

As for beer I'd have a hard time choosing between Amstel Light (sp?) or an ice cold black and tan.


That's Latin for "cool"
A drink I named after myself! Not because I'm egotistical, but because no one else will drink it!

The Becker

Diet Coke
Skky Vodka

1) Pour the diet coke into a glass. Stop before the diet coke spills out over the rim of the cup.
2) Pour vodka into the remainder of the glass. You do not need to add ice, because your vodka is chilled. If you do not have chilled vodka, invent a time machine, go back in time to put the vodka in the freezer, and go back to the present to drink your vodka chilled. If you create an alternate timeline where everyone is a talking anteater or something like that, you have gone back in time too far.
3) Drink.



BiggusGeekus said:
A drink I named after myself! Not because I'm egotistical, but because no one else will drink it!

The Becker

Diet Coke
Skky Vodka

1) Pour the diet coke into a glass. Stop before the diet coke spills out over the rim of the cup.
2) Pour vodka into the remainder of the glass. You do not need to add ice, because your vodka is chilled. If you do not have chilled vodka, invent a time machine, go back in time to put the vodka in the freezer, and go back to the present to drink your vodka chilled. If you create an alternate timeline where everyone is a talking anteater or something like that, you have gone back in time too far.
3) Drink.


I think the reason no one drinks it is because you keep explaining the direction while they're drinking it. They snort to laugh and get bubbles up their noise. ;)

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Hmm, tough choice. It comes down to Romulan Ale and Smirnoff Ice. Yes, Romulan Ale does exist as an alcoholic beverage. I picked up a six pack in Vegas at The Hilton for $15.



  • Romulan Ale.JPG
    Romulan Ale.JPG
    10.3 KB · Views: 211


Beer. Foreign (non-USA) or Microbrew. I'm partial to a good Scottish Ale on cask. Beers like Arrogant Bastard Ale, Rogue Dead Guy (my personal favorite), Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, are all good.

I wonder if we should start a thread about microbrews just to help gamers find really good beer...

Voidrunner's Codex

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