D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


Thanks for the shout out. I'm testing the v.1.21 right now. Quick question, is there a best practice for taking an character in an existing version and transferring it to the latest version of your file?

Best practice may be you saying, "the_eaps, I did all the hard work for you... type it in again and be grateful." :)

That's about the extent of it!

For Windows users running Excel 2010-2013

Option 1
1. Open old and new character file
2. Snap old file to left of window, new file to right of window
3. Start copying and pasting or typing in single values
- I use a lot of Copy then Paste Special > Values (as long as the copy size and paste size are the same).
In doing so you avoid copying any formatting that may be different to the new file (and may cause issues)
This is useful in places where you may have large areas of data such as on Character Sheet II, III and IV.
- For any formulas you've used, use the Copy then Paste Special > Formulas

Usually takes me a minute or 2 to update

Option 2 (for many character updates)
1. Put all OLD Characters and the NEW temple in the same directory. Open one OLD file and the NEW template file
2. Snap OLD file to left of window, NEW file to right of window
3. Copy from OLD file to NEW file using Paste Special > Link (should look like this =['ForgedAnvil Character Generator 1.21 Example Character - Zenith.xlsm]Start'!H12)
4. Close the OLD file and the links will change to look like =C:\Users\ForgedAnvil\Documents\D&D\['ForgedAnvil Character Generator 1.21 Example Character - Zenith.xlsm]Start'!H12
5. Save the NEW file as a new name e.g. Zenith - Wizard Level 8.xlsm
6. Open up next "OLD" character to transfer, snap to left
7. Select NEW Zenith - Wizard Level 8.xlsm file
8. Find and replace "ForgedAnvil Character Generator 1.21 Example Character - Zenith.xlsm" with OLD file name in the same directory
9. Voila, everything should be updated to the next Character
10. File > Save As > Rename
11. Repeat steps 5 through 7 keeping in mind the filename changes
12. Once you have all your Characters transferred, when you open them you may get a warning about updating links. You should now Break Links with any external file by going to Data tab in the ribbon> Edit Links > Highlight the external file and click the Break Link. All links should now be values (if you used formulas then you will need to re-enter those)

May save you a bit of time if you have many characters to transfer

Hope this helps

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I tried sheet 1.20 on both 2010 and 2013 and neither display the anything aside from the prerequisite. I verified that sheet 1.12 works properly.

Hmmm, strange... I've tried working with the formula but I'm not sure if it works, as it worked fine in my version of Excel 2013 (I can't replicate the error). Try V1.21 and let me know.


First Post
Hmmm, strange... I've tried working with the formula but I'm not sure if it works, as it worked fine in my version of Excel 2013 (I can't replicate the error). Try V1.21 and let me know.

I just tried 1.21 and it's the same. Perhaps we're looking at different things. Selecting a feat to use shows it correctly in the character info. Selecting a Feat in the Feat Lookup to find out info about it does not. The Prerequisite shows but the rest of the information does not. I believe the formula for cell V132 is missing.

Noodles XIV

First Post
Just a minor bug: in v1.21 "Great Old One" does not appear in the Warlock's Otherworldly Patron drop-down.

Missing GOO.png

I also have a feature request: is it possible to add the optional ability scores of Sanity and Honor (DMG p.264-265)?

And finally, I want to thank you for developing this awesome tool!


Just a minor bug: in v1.21 "Great Old One" does not appear in the Warlock's Otherworldly Patron drop-down.

View attachment 67673

I also have a feature request: is it possible to add the optional ability scores of Sanity and Honor (DMG p.264-265)?

And finally, I want to thank you for developing this awesome tool!

Thanks for the feedback, issue found and corrected for V1.22. For now just type in Great Old One and it should work.

For Sanity and Honor, will look into it...

Just looked into it, it involves 2 additional "abilities", as there is no room for these on Character Sheet I it can't be implemented there. Recommend for now you use the Character Notes on Character Sheet II for these details.
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First Post
Feature request: For the "Ammunition" box underneath the weapons, can you make those boxes "clickable"? My staff gives me the ability to cast certain spells, each spell using a charge (1 or more) which replenish over time, and I'd like to note the charges left on the staff somewhere. The ammunition marks seems like a natural place to do that, but they aren't something I can mark off in the sheet itself (like the death saves/failures).

I'm also not sure where to best place the spells that it gives me access to, since they don't really count against those that I would have prepared and I only have them when I have access to the staff. Suggestions?

Been following this sheet since 1.06, and it's getting closer and closer to perfection. Appreciate the hard work you've put into this, as well as your high ability scores in Excel Ninja.


Feature request: For the "Ammunition" box underneath the weapons, can you make those boxes "clickable"? My staff gives me the ability to cast certain spells, each spell using a charge (1 or more) which replenish over time, and I'd like to note the charges left on the staff somewhere. The ammunition marks seems like a natural place to do that, but they aren't something I can mark off in the sheet itself (like the death saves/failures).

I'm also not sure where to best place the spells that it gives me access to, since they don't really count against those that I would have prepared and I only have them when I have access to the staff. Suggestions?

Been following this sheet since 1.06, and it's getting closer and closer to perfection. Appreciate the hard work you've put into this, as well as your high ability scores in Excel Ninja.

Thanks for the feedback, adjusted tracking boxes to be user selectable (with a dropdown) . Users will now have a reduced number of selectable boxes (20 total)

Spells are tough one, thinking of adding an "Additional Spells" box in the Spellcasting sheet - though the sheet itself has a limited number of spells per level. The location I would use is at the bottom of each spell level section (to separate from your normal spells) if you have room. I'm working on a rename scheme for Spellcasting sheet so that you can say rename LEVEL 8 to LEVEL 8 & 9 and rename LEVEL 9 to STAFF and then type the name of the spells that the staff has that section. This will be in V1.23
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