D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

Regarding your 2.0 character sheet:
I love that you are going to revamp it some - I would love to see fields for special abilities, like lay on hands and such. I always have to pencil scratch a couple of the Paladin features to my sheets after the fact, so that I can keep track of their usages.

So something like Lay on Hands, and a blank field where I can put the remaining healing points, and for number-of-times-per-day abilities, it would be nice to have checkboxes.

Thanks and keep up the great work - it is greatly appreciated!

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I would second (or third) the advice to put in the class specific abilities on CSI as a way to keep track of them each day. Knowing you have 2 Channel Divinities and 5 Flares is always something I have to write down.

I had a note on the migration tool from 1.63 to 1.64. When you moved the Saving Throw adjustments to the Start page, I had previous Saving Throw bonuses listed in Other Bonus column on the CSI tab. Those bonuses entered there might should have moved to the Save Bonus fields on Start in the migration but didn't. A small thing, I like having all the entry on Start now.

Also vote to see the unlocked sheet if only to get a master class in Excel use and design. But understand if you don't...

The dropped backpack hack was brilliant. I put in two entries for "Weight of Backpack" and "Dropped Backpack" where one was Quantity = 1, and one was Quantity = -1, because I use the sheet offline in the game, and wanted to know what the weight of the stuff in my backpack is. That way I know in game that my backpack weighs 67.4 lbs and if i ditch it, I can act accordingly. I also modified the formula to account for the total weight of stuff "Worn" the weight of stuff in my "Belt Pouch"es, etc. So I could theoretically figure out my total weight based on anything I had on or held.

Not that I've ever had to do that... but the point is I could!!!

Any timeline for 1.65? Now that someone else has asked about 2.0? I didn't want to seem greedy. Love the work, and thank you so much.

Don't know if this has already been addressed: But when you adjust the Ability Scores via Temp Score, it is also changing the Original Score. This is also just a personal preference but I believe that should stay so you can see both the adjusted and un-adjusted scores.

For example my character is using a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and if he removes them or his hands are cut off he would no longer be wielding them. Therefore his Strength would return to a 15(+2), and no longer be a 19(+4).

Or maybe I am overlooking something and there is a way for both to display and I need some help.

Just +1ing myself...
saw everyones comment except mine get a reply.

Looking forward to 2.0!

As for the design, in my opinion it's still too heavy. Important stuff like abilities and redundant like possible actions shouldn't be on a same page, IMHO.
Proficiencies should have an option to remove blank lines (like on CS3). Equipment worn can be a simple list, as could actions. On the main page (which I assume is CS1) should be character traits (flaws, bonds, etc.)

Basically, these suggestions come from my preference to have CS printed only on one A4 page. Spells on the one side and everything else on the other. So it is imperative to conserve space. By the way, new abilities is ingenious in that regard!

Another thing is, current HP is much more convenient to have not as a square field, but as a rectangle. In my experience simplest way to track HP is to write them, for example, like this:
80/71/46/15/0/21. So you can track a history of hits, correct mistakes and not forced to erase current HP 10 times within a round.

Also some abilities and spell slots are easier to track using check boxes instead of numbers. For example you can write "Bardic inspiration 3 uses" or you can write
"Bardic inspiration O O O" and a player just crosses out used check boxes and erases his/her marks on rest.

I hope this feedback was useful :)

Hi Destynar, thanks for the feedback - the sheet design is probably the most difficult part as there is limited space with so much information to present and it needs to be generic enough that all races, classes and level will work (or at least 90% say of various combinations). The initial design of 2.00 will have many changes, not only with CSI but CSII, CSIII, CSIV and probably Wild Shape. The way it will work is you will be able to design your own sheet to how you like it using named variables - it should be rather cool but requires a heap of work to complete.

Just an FYI a Bug Report Warlock cantrips you have Light that is not a cantrip that warlocks can cast.

The Warlock doesn't get Light as a cantrip, it might be because of your race, class or something that is selected in the spellcasting sheet (e.g. additional cantrips). Thanks to check it as the spell list for Warlock doesn't include the Light cantrip

Regarding your 2.0 character sheet:
I love that you are going to revamp it some - I would love to see fields for special abilities, like lay on hands and such. I always have to pencil scratch a couple of the Paladin features to my sheets after the fact, so that I can keep track of their usages.

So something like Lay on Hands, and a blank field where I can put the remaining healing points, and for number-of-times-per-day abilities, it would be nice to have checkboxes.

Thanks and keep up the great work - it is greatly appreciated!

This will be under Active Features - in other words they are features that you need to actively use (or activate) for them to work (not passive). So things like Lay on Hands will show up in this list with how to use it (e.g. action, bonus action, etc), recovery (short / long rest or once per day for example) and the number of times or "pool" of uses left (in the case of lay on hands it would show the number of HPs remaining). I'm actually thinking of asking the people here to help me put a list together that I can easily enter into the tool as it is a lot of work to consolidate all this information... the end result should be awesome.

I would second (or third) the advice to put in the class specific abilities on CSI as a way to keep track of them each day. Knowing you have 2 Channel Divinities and 5 Flares is always something I have to write down.

I had a note on the migration tool from 1.63 to 1.64. When you moved the Saving Throw adjustments to the Start page, I had previous Saving Throw bonuses listed in Other Bonus column on the CSI tab. Those bonuses entered there might should have moved to the Save Bonus fields on Start in the migration but didn't. A small thing, I like having all the entry on Start now.

Also vote to see the unlocked sheet if only to get a master class in Excel use and design. But understand if you don't...

The dropped backpack hack was brilliant. I put in two entries for "Weight of Backpack" and "Dropped Backpack" where one was Quantity = 1, and one was Quantity = -1, because I use the sheet offline in the game, and wanted to know what the weight of the stuff in my backpack is. That way I know in game that my backpack weighs 67.4 lbs and if i ditch it, I can act accordingly. I also modified the formula to account for the total weight of stuff "Worn" the weight of stuff in my "Belt Pouch"es, etc. So I could theoretically figure out my total weight based on anything I had on or held.

Not that I've ever had to do that... but the point is I could!!!

Any timeline for 1.65? Now that someone else has asked about 2.0? I didn't want to seem greedy. Love the work, and thank you so much.

The concept is exactly that. They will be called "Active Features" (i.e. features you actively use, and are not passive) for Race / Class features and will be in the Active Feature list on CSI. For the transfer tool, if the information on your character sheet is different from the latest version template then that data won't transfer. The goal is to have all data entry in the Start, Spellcasting and Custom sheets. I'm also planning to move the equipment detail to the Start sheet as well as the Animal Companion / Wild Shape stuff (this was just a legacy design as the companion initially appeared on the spell casting sheet). Awesome that you've sorted out formula to get your backpack sorted! very cool. Timeline for 1.65 is a bit up in the air, been busy lately and will need to travel OS next month and again the month after (and again the month after that!).

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