This Character Sheet is the best thing since sliced bread (What's that really even mean, 'eh?).
I use it "as is" but my wife prefers a custom character sheet. I am trying to keep up with her sheet but recently a number of the named ranges that I had used have gone away. This isn't really a big problem because I can either use the cell reference or, more often than not, the named range has been 'renamed' (i.e. "Experience" became "CharacterExperience").
In any case, for future consideration, would it be possible and/or feasible to publish a "guide" to the named ranges indexed by name and what they represent? Just a thought.
The easiest way to do this is to add a new sheet and highlight any cell, press F3 and click paste list button, this will list all named variables used in the tool and the reference cell. If you want to see the actual value use the following formula assuming A1 is where you have the named variables list starting and B1 is the reference.
In C1 enter
You will get errors for named variables that are an array (list) so you can ignore them. Finally apply a filter on all 3 columns to find the variable that you need .
A heads up, the next version will have a heap of new variables as well as changes to the existing (naming convention is important). I'll most likely enable the ability to unlock the character sheets so you can see the named variables used and the design elements in future versions (v2.00 possibly)