D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


I also had another unrelated question. What is the password to unprotect the sheets? I want to add a picture to sheet two (it would cover the traits and notes section which I don't use). I know I can add a picture to sheet 4, but I only use sheets 1-2, since that covers everything I need.

If there is a reason you have to keep the password hidden (like making sure no one copies your work), then feel free to discard the question.

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First Post
I also had another unrelated question. What is the password to unprotect the sheets? I want to add a picture to sheet two (it would cover the traits and notes section which I don't use). I know I can add a picture to sheet 4, but I only use sheets 1-2, since that covers everything I need.

If there is a reason you have to keep the password hidden (like making sure no one copies your work), then feel free to discard the question.

Several of us have asked for ForgedAnvil to un-password protect this great spreadsheet, or for access to the password. Unfortunately, to date, he has said no for several reason. His he has put a lot of hard work into this magnificent spreadsheet, we can't gain say him when he makes a decision not to unlock his work.


Version 1.63, Warlock (for levels 1-5), and Sorcerer (for 1 level after 5 levels of Warlock). My spell slots show as 2 (1st level) instead of 2 (3rd level). I'm guessing that's because it's based on Sorcerer instead of Warlock.
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First Post
First of all - your excel skills make me woozy. Thank you so much!

Couple of quick bug notes:

City Watch (background) is giving the option of 2 tool, but according to the book, this should be 2 languages.

Diety (I think the Elven pantheon): Sehanine Moonbow - the description of her symbol is being entered in the Domains field and the "Symbol:" is left all alone afterwards.


First Post
Version 1.63, Warlock (for levels 1-5), and Sorcerer (for level s). My spell slots show as 2 (1st level) instead of 2 (3rd level). I'm guessing that's because it's based on Sorcerer instead of Warlock.

If I understand correctly what you are say, Warlock and Sorcerer spellcasting slots do NOT stack together. Unlike say Sorcerer and Wizard, or any other spellcasting class other than Warlock.

Why? Because the Warlock spell slots come back to you after a short rest; all other spell slots come back only after a long rest.

Say you are 1 level of sorcerer and 1 level of warlock. You would actual have 4 spell slots. 2 x 1st which you get back after a logn rest, and to pact spell slots which you get back after a short rest.

The level of you spell slots for a warlock is restricted to what you gain from your warlock levels. The level of your spell slots for regular spellcasting is based on your combined levels of all your other spellcasting class.

All this is listed under the multi-classing rules in the Players Handbook on page 164-165.


Sorry. The level for Sorcerer should have been ONE (after five levels of Warlock). I have read the Players Handbook with regards to multi-classed characters.

As a 5th level Warlock, I have access to THIRD level spells.
As a 1st level Sorcerer, I have access to FIRST level spells.
The display on the workbook shows only FIRST level spell slots.

I don't expect them to stack. I expect the workbook to correctly show that I have third level spells available.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...-5E-Character-Generator/page155#ixzz4069ppbOR
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First Post
Are you looking on the Spellcasting, Character III, or Character Summary tab?

On the Spellcasting tab, the level and number of your warlock slots are at the end of your spell slots line.

On the Character III tab, the same info is a couple of lines below the regular spell slot info.

And on the Character Summary, just the number of Pact magic spell slots is shown at the end of the Spell slots line of info.

You might want to upgrade to 1.64 of the spreadsheet. You may find that will fix the problem if what I have described above isn't located whee described.

I threw a quick Sorcerer-1/Warlock-5 together and the slots were where I described them to be.


The spellcasting tab shows as you have described..
Character Sheet III shows as you have described.
Before I added Sorcerer, the 'Spell Slots' line showed 2 3rd level slots.
After adding Sorcerer 1, the 'Spell Slots' line shows 2 1st level slots and the new 'pact magic' section. I missed that section.



Is there any chance you could add more 'Adventurers Log' pages, preferably with the starting figures chained from the previous page? I'm only 6th level and I've just started on a third page. I'm guessing 15-20 pages would cover most characters.


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