I have to say that this sheet is awesome, I've been using it for a while already and I've decided that it's time to contribute, if you allow me to.
On the one hand, I can help with the Spanish translations as that's my mother tongue, and I already have some experience to make accurate translations for this context in particular.
On the other hand, I've seen that in the latest version (2.0) you've included the Favored soul of the sorcerer. Awesome! The problem I've found is that it has pre-selected the life domain of the cleric, but either there is no place to change it (bug or not implemented, although if life domain is pre-selected there is already some implementation), or I'm blind, which is also a possibility! Hahaha
Those are my two notes, if you let me help at least with translations, I would be very happy to contribute. I'm also a programmer and I've already done some small tasks "D&D-5e related", so if I can help with that as well even better.
Awesome, great to hear and your help with localization would be fantastic. If you want to add say Dutch for example this is also welcomed (or any other language for that matter). The best way to do this is using the Translations file in the download section and update with the correct translation for the English word, be aware that the length of the text is a factor in certain areas of the character sheets but we can check that later. To add a completely new language just add a column and begin, Once you've completed it shoot me a PM and we can go from there.
For the favored soul sub class this is editable in the custom sheet under subclasses, I've only added a few examples for testing showing what users can do. To change the life domain to something else you'd need to edit the sub-class in the custom sheet.