D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

Is there a way to add a custom patron to the CS? Playing a Monk/Warlock and would like to add some of the patrons from UA. Thank you!

The Warlock Patron is essentially a subclass. If you look on the custom tab you will see a custom subclass section. It is there that you can create a custom patron/subclass. Just make sure you select the Warlock class in the Class drop down menu.

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Posting again because I'm new. Would like to PM others, and would also like to see if anyone has been working on updating the CS past 2.28 beta that was available before the takedown.

There are a couple of community members that are attempting to update v2.28. Additionally, I know for a fact that Forge is still working on it.

Post requirement has been upped to 5 it seems, and my more ancient contributions here appear to have long disappeared with the update to the new website, etc. Anyway, I'm also interested in a copy of this, I sent an email for the meantime while I build my post count back up haha. Thanks to OP for your work by the way!

Let me join the comments for this purpose :-) This is the best gen out there (it's amazing, keep up the work!) - well, has been out there. Any chance to get my hands on the latest version?

It seems I am a day late, a dollar short, and 5, now 4 posts away from being able to send a pm. I guess I have to stop lurking....

I have an older version I can work with, but this was one of the best tools I'd ever found

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