D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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I admin the Adventurers League FB group for our area and most players are/were using ForgedAnvil's CS. And when I say almost everyone, I mean four out of five players at a table were using the CS. One of our DMs is starting an AL for Teens table this Saturday and he was going to send the link to the ENWorld FACS to help the new players build their characters. He discovered this and sent me the bad news. Such a shame. This really made building characters a joy.

Could someone PM me so I can get the 2.27 version, I would appreciate it. I haven't posted enough times on ENW to be able to send PMs.

Many thanks, ForgedAnvil.

Send me a PM with your email address and I can get you what you need.

All these posts regarding how easy this character generator has made it for people are nice, but perhaps it is Hasbro that needs to see them more than we do. Hasbro is the source for the takedown order, so they need to understand the effect that order is having on their customers. IMO they also need to hear that we are not happy with having to buy the books again to use their solution.

We're not actually buying the books. We are renting them, as there is no PDF download for the books (if that was the case I would buy them, as I believe most players would) and they can only be used on D&D Beyond. You already know all of this, but I am just clarifying for those out there that don't.

Otherwise you make a great point.

I'm just like the guys above, could someone please pm me the latest version excel file. I was on hiatus working overseas and came back to find my favorite sheet is gone...

Also, if FA is still around and lurking on here, thanks so much for your absolutely bloody amazing work on this spreadsheet, was a dream to use.

Can someone also please send me a PM with the latest version. Thank you in advance.

I'm just like the guys above, could someone please pm me the latest version excel file. I was on hiatus working overseas and came back to find my favorite sheet is gone...

Also, if FA is still around and lurking on here, thanks so much for your absolutely bloody amazing work on this spreadsheet, was a dream to use.

hey ppl. could someone please PM me a copy of the newest version? B-)

hey guys, i'm looking for the newest version. Could someone pls send it?

If you can send me a PM I can get you the latest working copy of the CS. Also, yes Forge is still around.

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