D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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How do we make the 5x spam posts stop?

Probably remove any mention of "send me a private message with your email" so people stop doing that. The post with the email in it is pretty hidden in a spoiler tag a few pages back, and with almost 400 pages in this thread, everyone is just skimming at face value for any method of getting this tool rather than reading in-depth.

I agree that removing the pm request message is a good start. It'd be great if this thread could just be about sharing any comments or feedback that relate directly to the sheet. I think [MENTION=6800575]Dannyboy7702[/MENTION] is responsible for most of the PM request so he'd have to be the one that led an effort to remove them.

Is there an email list to get on for getting the next version sent to personal emails? I would be glad to help but unfortunately I'm not a computer person. Don't know how I can help. We just had 1 player in our game start a Grave Cleric, was really looking forward to having XGTE included in the sheet.

Try this one...
[sblock]"getlink56+enw" at gmail dot com[/sblock]

I may just repost this every 10 messages or so that it ends up on every page.


This is correct. Druids don't have 1st level Circle Spells. You have supplied an excellent example of why this tool still requires proper book ownership!

DOH! Yeah, I didn't even check the book first and I really should have. I do have the non-adventure books, too...two Player's Handbooks, even. But yeah, everybody who uses this generator really should have paid copies (hardcover or D&DB digital copy) of all of the sourcebooks covered by this program. This generator does not (and can not, nor should it) cover all of the details.

Haven't heard a peep from FA lately. RL must be keeping him very busy.


How legal would it be to create a torrent of v2.27 and has this been done already? I have the excel sheet v2.27.

I imagine that Hasbro wouldn't like it, but can they do anything about it? Hard to send legal nasty notes if they can't find people to send them to, but law enforcement has their ways.

It isn't Hasbro's Excel sheet, though. The question should be "Would ForgedAnvil object to his sheet being seeded as a torrent?" Hasbro has sent a letter to ENWorld alleging that the sheet contains copyrighted material that does not fall under fair use, but they would have to prove that before anyone could be "in trouble." It's really annoying, the way the DMCA takedown notice letters have become an "I win" button because everyone treats them as settled law, when they aren't.

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It isn't Hasbro's Excel sheet, though. The question should be "Would ForgedAnvil object to his sheet being seeded as a torrent?" Hasbro has sent a letter to ENWorld alleging that the sheet contains copyrighted material that does not fall under fair use, but they would have to prove that before anyone could be "in trouble." It's really annoying, the way the DMCA takedown notice letters have become an "I win" button because everyone treats them as settled law, when they aren't.

The email distro is fully funtional now. If you have any problems, let me know.
"getlink56+enw" at gmail dot com

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