D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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First Post
This is a really good piece of work and I will certainly stand you a beer or two - do you have any other method than paypal - I can never get it to work - grrrrrrr - just spent 20 minutes!!!

Are accepting commisisons for house rule variants?



This is a really good piece of work and I will certainly stand you a beer or two - do you have any other method than paypal - I can never get it to work - grrrrrrr - just spent 20 minutes!!!

Are accepting commisisons for house rule variants?


Hi Johan, thanks for the feedback.

PayPal is the only option available for buying me an ice cold beer(s) - hopefully you can get it working :)

For the house rules / homebrew stuff I'm work with the Custom sheet for customization, as you can appreciate it is very challenging to implement a way to allow full customization across all races, classes, subclasses etc.

I'm thinking about a simple way to implement customization for class and subclass (these are the most challenging as they are very complex and follow different logic and progression) and it will take significant work to complete.


hey man im loving the generator makes my life so much easier. but since the new unearthed arcana provided details on psionics are you going to release a new version that this is included in? if so how soon?

Thanks for the feedback, all Unearthed Arcana material is in draft (beta) form, are highly volatile and might be unstable. The psionics material presented is only up to 5th level also. I'm not keen to implement draft form material only to rework the tool again after an official release. Once the material is official I plan to implement and refine the tool at that stage

Help! I feel really stupid here. I have an old character file called "Ben Paladin Czeslaw" that I am trying to convert to the latest version (1.51) but I must be doing something wrong. When I am using the transfer tool and it asks for the character file, I select the "Ben Paladin Czeslaw" worksheet, right? What do I select for the "template"?



Help! I feel really stupid here. I have an old character file called "Ben Paladin Czeslaw" that I am trying to convert to the latest version (1.51) but I must be doing something wrong. When I am using the transfer tool and it asks for the character file, I select the "Ben Paladin Czeslaw" worksheet, right? What do I select for the "template"?


Select the 1.51 version file you downloaded, note it only supports v1.31 onwards (what version is your current character if you're having issues)


Translations for v1.52 - ITALIAN First Look

Here's a first look at the v1.52 Italian translation for Character Sheet I (a few issues but coming together nicely)


Hello all,

If you'd like to assist in translation, I've uploaded a file to the downloads section that you can use to localize into the language you want to see in the tool. Download here - ForgedAnvil 5E Character Generator

Currently it has localizations for Character Sheet I, however if you'd like to expand it to other Sheets in the tool please do so. I'll update this file over time as new versions of the tool are released and additional languages are added.

If you have localized the file, send me a PM for the next step!

Appreciate any support, will be cool to see other languages implemented :)



First Post
Great character generator, thanks! I'm genning a L11 Ranger but the spell list does't give me the choice of any spells - is this a Ranger specific issue?


Great character generator, thanks! I'm genning a L11 Ranger but the spell list does't give me the choice of any spells - is this a Ranger specific issue?

Thanks for the feedback, will need further information to troubleshoot this issue

1. Race
2. Subrace
3. Ranger Subclass
4. What Sheet(s) have this issue
5. Is it all spells or a certain level of spell
6. What version of Excel are you running

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