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Forgotten Realms: Shar Cleric + Shadow Weave = Sith Lord?

Evil Monkey

First Post
Nyaricus said:
Ohh, impersonating a Selunite cleric? How about being an ex-Selunite cleric which now runs with the Shar-crowd, but still participates at the church of Selune...
most of all: never trust anyone.

There is a feat in Power Of Faerûn called "Heretic Of The Faith" that allows you to grossly violate your faith's tenets without losing your class abilities.

There is also a feat in City Of Splendors called "Veil Of Cyric" that makes it so you do not detect as evil unless the detector's aura strength exceeds yours. Its flavor is specific to the church of Cyric, but it could easily be adapted to the church of Shar.

Either of these feats would be perfect to use for a Sharran priest impersonating a Selûnite.

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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
The second feat sounds really good! And as we'll be in the Waterdeep area, very appropriate! I'll ask my DM about it.

Heretic of the Faith sounds good too, but the character has essentially left the Selune faith already. Now if I were playing an evil Selunite... that's different!

thanks for the tips!

And Evil monkey... get out of my closet! :p


First Post
Sound of Azure said:
Keeping the others on their toes.

Now I just have to covertly cast Death Knell and such without the others noticing for a while.

I went with a Cloistered Cleric instead. I figure since this guy's such a manipulator, he'd have more need for skills than combat skills. I was allowed to add Gather Information and Sense Motive as class skills.

Plus, if he really needs to lay the smack down, he can cast Divine Power later on down the track.
With the Darkness, Knowledge, and Trickery domains, he skill set is very well-rounded. I like that I have the Lore ability....good for digging up dirt and esoteric facts out of the air.

I just noticed the 3.5 Update for the Nightcloak (published in Dragon a while back) in the Complete Divine web enhancement. It's a little different, and I'll have to add the Shar-specific stuff back in. Nice! :)
that sounds great SoA, now have you read my Updated Ogre Mages of Murann thread? Cause I could use some advice there ;)

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul

Ok, 'tis the day before I begin with the Sharran Cleric. I just had a chat with the DM. While I lost part of the conversation due to bad mobile phone reception, I got the gist that he is considering those who have taken the Shadow Weave Magic feat to be just like Dark Jedi.

That is, they get all ugly and deformed... really inhuman. Now, I have the Trickery domain, so I could probably disguise myself in addition to mundane disguises. Thing is I'd been kinda banking on having a darkly charismatic character...who entirely fits in with his former brethren, the Selunites. This...poses some problems.

I'm not going to go against the DMs idea (it's his campaign, after all), but has anyone heard of this before? I'm not exactly up on FR fiction or even much of the background material.

I recall that there's destructive feedback if you use a Shadow Weave item without the feat, and weird stuff happens if Shar doesn't approve of your use of the Shadow Weave... but I don't remember something of this nature!

Maybe I can find a brilliant energy weapon lying around somewhere, and I can be a proper Sith. hmmm... :p


First Post
I read a short story about a shadow weave user just so I could get flavor for me own. Your DM is off-base. The shadow weave used to do Wis damage if you didn't have shar as a parton diety. It corrupts mentally if you don't have proper control, but the physical affects are nil and actually counter productive to Shars ends.

The dude in the story was charming, albeit a bit pale, and free of deformity. Only the leader of the group of humans he was trying to subvert to his will was not willing to follow him. He forged some swords that granted him power over their souls, and the leaders men all willingly picked up the swords, and after a great loss, the leader did too.

Be super charming. let people know you own them. make them do things they don't want. get good at rubbing it in. but very rarely get bitter and overtly wallow in your power over them. let smugness previal

Research an divine version of the power "Mind Probe". Abuse liberally with revenge sauce. Serves nobles on a platter.

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Ah, I thought it was a bit weird.

I might as well run with it, though. Maybe I can get a free "Willing deformity" feat out of it!

As for your ideas on mind probing, there is a "Probe Thoughts" spell from the Mind domain in the XPH, as well as "Brain Spider", which allows multiple targets. Might be appropriate, and kinda fun. :)

I like the sound of that short story. I'm currently thinking of trying to implement something that will expend a vast amount of the Selunite resources chasing after Banites and Cyricists, while ignoring the activities of my fellow Sharrans.

I can probably get a lot of mileage out of Star Wars jokes while I'm playing this gae...it would seem. If it ends up being too annoying, I'll try to get this guy killed and start over with something new.
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First Post
SoA, talk with your DM about this. That really screws with your characters bacjkground; does he know what your ull back story is? If not, mayeb it's time to enlighten him a bit more.

Frankly, I wouldn't want my DM to go so far as to dictate what I look like for pete's sake! That's a bit ridiculous. Frankly, He is talking about flavour, which is the players to determine - NOT HIS. He gets to describe all the NPC's, and make the campaign, and provide the backdop, but it is up to the players to create their characters and their backstory.

While it is fine for a DM to slimit classes and races depending on campaign flavour, I think he is essentually overstepping his bounds here. Besides, there is nothing in the feat that describes a malformation of your characters looks, nore has there ever been. This is Faerun, not Star Wars.

Your DM is a bit (well, more than a bit) misguided here... which is too bad. See if you can't convince him otherwise....

Hope this all works out,



Spoiler TAG for whomever lives on Endoor and missed SW Ep 2 thru 6 (!)

Palpatine wasn't THAT deformed in his public appearances...
So maybe your character can do it. What does your DM think about it?

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
I'll have a chat with him about how blatantly this stuff will show. If it's going to make it impossible to be undetected and still fit my background, I will point it out to him how much it stuffs my PC up.

Relying on Disguise Self will be difficult since I only have a single hour duration at level 6. Could always go for the Phantom of the Opera look, or the Tom Cruise character from Vanilla Sky. That was creepy. :D

Failing that, I'll drop all the stealthy stuff and go for the "Mwuhaha" evil. Rather against character for a Sharran though, I would think.

I'm sure he'll see reason. I could always play an actual Selunite to begin with, then change sides over time...

Thanks for the well wishes! (It'll be good regardless, I'm hoping)

Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Matafuego said:
So maybe your character can do it. What does your DM think about it?

That's true. I was also thinking about Count Dooku. He looked just fine to me! Then again, it was Christopher Lee....

I oughta be fine unless I start having limbs lopped off and getting blown up. This is D&D...that never happens! :p

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