Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


How's "cross-country move" grab ya?

I'll be out from July 6th until the 12th or 13th. We're loading up the kitties, and driving to Florida.

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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Someone said:
That sure gets the first place in my list of original pbem excuses! :).

dpdx said:
How's "cross-country move" grab ya?

I'll be out from July 6th until the 12th or 13th. We're loading up the kitties, and driving to Florida.

dude, who moves to florida in JULY? :eek: You are supposed to do it in the late fall when the warm weather is refreshing.... but in any case, lets use the time we have you for...

Davin seems suprized by the last question, but stops to consider it. "I suppose, ma'am, its like you said about the leaders being the best at it... looking at the maps we had in the planning room, I would have said they would need to go a lot further, but a really good miner... well, Brend would have been the one making those decisions, and he has a good instinct for the feel of the rock around him, how solid it is, how to move with a fault to minimize it... he had said the night before that he thought the area they were working in was good and solid and there was no indications against cutting back in. Its a real tragedy losing him to these monsters, because he never lost a miner to an accident when he was cheif on an operation."


Kahuna Burger said:
dude, who moves to florida in JULY? :eek: You are supposed to do it in the late fall when the warm weather is refreshing.... but in any case, lets use the time we have you for...

Davin seems suprized by the last question, but stops to consider it. "I suppose, ma'am, its like you said about the leaders being the best at it... looking at the maps we had in the planning room, I would have said they would need to go a lot further, but a really good miner... well, Brend would have been the one making those decisions, and he has a good instinct for the feel of the rock around him, how solid it is, how to move with a fault to minimize it... he had said the night before that he thought the area they were working in was good and solid and there was no indications against cutting back in. Its a real tragedy losing him to these monsters, because he never lost a miner to an accident when he was cheif on an operation."
[Two words: they're hiring.]

Rurik pauses to consider Davin's words... for a little while.

"I reckon 'tis all 'ow it should 'ave been; 'owever, it does tell us tha' the miners may 'ave open't a door dun below to allow the zombies inta this mine.

I also reckon it makes our job more straightfor'ard: clean up outside the mine, firs', then destroy them what's in the mine, an' if there are too many, a' least drive them back down, an' seal the mine.

I 'ate thinkin' tha' we canna rid this world o' the problem entirely, but we may 'ave no o'er alt'r.. alt'r'nt... choice.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
(assuming we've exahsted this scene)

the group camps for the night with the Hoar Suns, and leaves early the next morning, followingthe directions given by davin. The first day passes without incident, and by afternoon of the second, you pass some of the landmarks you were given to indicate that you had come within a few miles of the mine road.

(strategic plans? marching order? scouts? etc?)


First Post
Artax can scout ahead if the group doesn't mind moving at half speed (15'/rd), or in other words when we have reason to think there might be something to sneak up on. Spot, Listen, Move Silently, and Hide are all at +5. If he's scouting he'll have the undead bane dagger out along with one of his regular daggers, with his buckler on the arm with the regular dagger.


First Post
"I would assume that the first task would be to clear the area of any roving undead - in this way we can protect both the innocent cottagers and our own backs. At any rate, we can spend some time searching out any large groups that might cut off our retreat, if that becomes necessary."

"Then we will need to retake the settlement. Depending on numbers and types of the filth, that may be a difficult task. We will need to be flexible - the zombies we face are slow but skeletal warriors, if there are such at the mine, are not."

"The mine itself should be our final objective. For that we'll need appropriate equipment - lights, possibly ropes and pitons. Some of us have torches already - Artax has his magical light - and with luck, we may find needed supplies in the settlement itself."

"What do we do if the settlement is held against us? Does anyone have ideas as to how we can lay siege to the place? Nodis, can one of your constructed servants fly over the wall and open the gate, perhaps?"

"Rurik, Rainca - you are seasoned warriors, what advice do you have for us?"

"I was thinking that I might join Artax in his scouting activities - if you are happy with that, my friend? I have some skill at moving silently and remaining unseen - and if you should need to fight, it would be good to have an ally at your side."

OOC: Hide +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6


First Post
Anyone who does not make more noise than me is welcome, and you my friend, do not. I might be slowing you down! I say we assume that the undead are mindless until we find otherwise. If we need to siege the place, we will have plenty of time to think it through. The only thing I am worried about is if we become trapped in the place and are unable to retreat. A priority is securing the gate mechanism, then clearing out anythng in the area with the means to close it. We will also want to find a defensible base camp where we can rest if necessary, there is no shame in a temporary retreat. It's really starting to add up, so to focus on the two most important things, we need a base camp either in or outside the fort, preferably both; and we need to secure our path of retreat at all times. Tactically, the element of suprise will be a great asset, if we can locate them before they are aware of us, we should be able to thin their numbers before they can counteratack. Hopefully they are mindless and we will actually be fighting individual groups of undead, not an army of them.


First Post
"Establishing our camp inside the fort makes sense, except for one thing. All three mine entrances are inside the defenses of the fort - and until we search each mine we cannot know whether or not they are secure. Even if, as Davin suggested, there is no connection between the three, we cannot know, without searching them, whether or not undead have entered and are lairing there. If we can bottle up our enemy and fight them as we choose, we stand a better chance of success than having to face them on three separate fronts. Of course, it is quite likely that we will have to clear out the mines themselves. We won't know, as Nodis says, until we get there."

"That being the case, perhaps we could give some thought to how we might block off two of the three mine entrances - until we are ready to deal with them. Then it would be relatively safe to camp inside the fort. Indeed, to be able to block off all three entrances in the short term would be even safer!"

Eusebius pauses for a moment, and then continues, with a twinkle in his eye, "Does anyone have a heavy wooden door in their backpack? It would certainly simplify matters."


Boddynock said:
"What do we do if the settlement is held against us? Does anyone have ideas as to how we can lay siege to the place? Nodis, can one of your constructed servants fly over the wall and open the gate, perhaps?"

"Mmmmmmmaybe" says Nodis. "They are mindless, just like puppets. If I have a clear idea of how the door is from the inside, then yes, but I doubt they´ll able to follow a broad order like ´open the door´"

"But if we have a minute, I could be able to create a ladder long enough to climb the walls, even if they are tall."

[ooc: Nodis will be happy hiding in the middle of the main group. About the ladder thing, Nodis is able to create with Minor Creation (spending focus) items of vegetable matter with a volume of 2 cubic feet -not the same as objects that must fit in a 2 cubic feet cube!-

With that premise, a 1 foot-long ladder made of round 1-inch thick bars, with steps every 12 inches has a internal volume of around 30 cubic inches. Since 2 cubic feet equals 3456 cubic inches, Nodis can create a ladder at least 110 feet long :)

Edit: Divide the lengt by 4 for double thick bars. And Nodis has craft: carpentry, so he would be able to make an artistic ladder :p]
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