Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


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Brother Eusebius moves down the road and fires his last magic stone at one of the skeletons further back in the pack. Noting the ineffectual attacks of Nodis' construct, he then drops his sling and draws his kama, awaiting the approach of one of the abominations before attacking immediately.

30 foot move to MM12 and targets the skeleton at II9. Attack +3, damage 2d6+2. Then a readied action on the next round to attack with kama at +1 to attack and 1d6+1 damage once a zombie attacks him.

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Kahuna Burger

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(ooc: all targets remaining are zombies, from brother E's short breifing earlier and what you see now, they are slower moving than the skeletons but tougher, and most susceptible to slashing damage.)

Atrax and Rurik both move up, but while rurik's axe bites deep into the zombie's rotted flesh it remains upright, and the ranger stumbles, missing his target entirely. Nodis's construct strikes the zombie again before disapaiting, and some holy water splashes it from the more diect hit on the undead beside it, but the tough undead remains (barely) standing. Brother E's last magic stone strikes a third zombie but doesn't give the impressive explosion seen with the skeletons. (ooc: ooh, bad damage rolls there...) The zombies shamble forward to attack Atrax and Rurik, but only one clumsy blow finds its target (4 hp to rurik.)


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Rurik: 27/31, +8, d10+4/x3

Rurik growls as the zombie's blow strikes home.

"Ye wanna fight, ye bugger?!"

Concentrating on the zombie he struck last time, with the construct dissipated, Rurik attempts to make sure that its unlife does not extend much longer:

Attack - Round 4: (1d20+8=10, 1d10+4=10)

(If by some miracle that attack manages to drop the current zombie, Rurik will use Cleave feat to swing at the zombie next to it:

Attack Round 4 - Cleave swing: (1d20+8=9, 1d10+4=10)

Hmm. That's a fumble - let me know if you need another roll to confirm that.]


"Why doesn´t it fall?!?" mentally screams Nodis, seeing how the flesh charred by the holy water barely conceal a lot of broken bones. With that sight, he´s nable to concentrate to build mental energy.

[Tries to get psionic focus again as a full round action, but fails. Move 5 feet north.]


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Seeing the disposition of the remaining zombies, and the danger to his comrades, Eusebius gives up his hope of luring one of the things towards him and steps forward to attack the one menacing Rurik - in the hopes that Rurik and he will quickly be able to demolish the opposition and then move on to assist Artax and Nodis.

Move to LL12 and attack the zombie at KK11.
Attack 1d20+1 = 13; damage 1d6+1 = 4
Rolls here

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Rurik's axe only strikes a glancing blow this time, and does not penetrate the zombie's thickened skin. Brother E's blade slices in, and Atrax lands a solid blow on one of his attackers, and the fleshy undead collapses in a pile like a dropped doll. The other zombie facing him strikes the ranger but not hard, and the other two miss rurik and brother E with their flailing blows.


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"Ha! Take that!" cries Eusebius as the curved blade of his weapon slices through the dead meat. He then swings again, and again, sacrificing accuracy for speed, seeking to finish off his opponent in short order.

flurry of blows
#1 attack = 5; damage = 3
#2 attack = 0; damage = 3
Rolls here
:mad: sassa frassa ... :mad:


Nodis feels quite unuseful, with the walking dead all engaged in battle, his crafted puppets lasting only seconds, and the zombies being only vulnerable to weapons that could tear their flesh. Still, his side seems to be winning, so he concentrates again; they could need the help of another construct. But he can´t focus his mind again.


Rurik: 27/31, AC 18, +8, d10+4/x3

[Did Artax finish off the one that had 13 pts. damage? If so, Rurik will swing at the other one threatening him. If not, he'll continue to try to finish off the zombie he originally attacked, continuing to cleave if it's possible.]

Rurik, irritated that his blow merely bounced off the zombie, swings again.

Attack Round 5 (1d20+8=22, 1d10+4=12)

(If Cleave is possible - i.e., if there are two zombies within range of Rurik:)

Attack Round 5 - Cleave attack: (1d20+8=11, 1d10+4=14)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Rurik swings mightly at the more wounded of the zombies and as it collapses he redirects his swing to slice into the other one beside him who also folds neatly. Artax stabs into remaining undead, and the road is (for the moment at least) empty of foes.

ooc: 300 xp each for this batch of undead. I'm going to award the time served XP at this point (900) so that the characters can level up prior to entering the mine propper. This does present a problem with Artax, whose player hasn't been active on En world for a couple of months and has no contact info listed. :\ I'm fine npc-ing him as long as he's needed, but I can't level him up.

If Someone wants to bow out at this point, I can continue with the two pcs plus artax, add another npc or two from the hoar suns, or try to figure how to put some new players in at this stage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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