Fort Knocks - knight otu judging

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[From the map, it would be the 9 side, hoping that the others watch the 12 side for any undead.]

Rurik, ever cautious, again whispers.

"Get the ones 'round back first, then we go in."

Kahuna Burger

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to start with, multiple appologies. while I did have internet access at my sister's house earlier this week, the combination of jet lag (from boston to santa Cruz CA) and a full activity schedule prevented me from getting anything done. I write to you now from Hawaii, and prove my love by it. :cool:

Second, due to the scale of the mine and the grid graphic I had to work with, this map is at 10 feet per square rather than five to fit everything. So you will need to refer to things both by the square and corner, as labled in the large square below the map. So Rurik is in A2(a), and the nearest zombie to him is in B3(d). I know its more of a hassel, but it was the best I could do without spending hours making a new huge grid and driving myself crazy....

As Rurik peeks around the corner, he sees a few zombies (grey) and skeletons (black). much of his view of the fort at large, including the mine that the undead reportedly emerged from, is blocked by the buildings (represented by airbrushed grey).


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ooc: No need to apologize, you warned us ahead of time.

Nodis crouches and looks through the cart´s wheels at what´s lurching towards them, and immediately starts concentrating again. He´s getting the gist of it.

ooc: Nodis should be at a1(b) or a1(c), whatever allows him to see inside the fort. He starts manifesting again astral construct I, using focus, with the trip option.

Edit: Great initiative roll of 5


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Depending on which way Rurik moves, Brother Eusebius will move to stand either at his left hand or at his right. Hefting Artax' magic dagger, he steps eagerly into the fray, calling out encouragement to his companions as he does so.

Standing at either A2b or B2c, depending on Rurik's movement, E will attack the zombie at B3d (assuming that it's still standing after Rurik's attack).


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Then if Rurik moves to B2c and doesn't drop the zombie, Eusebius moves to A2b (assuming he starts from A1b) and swings.

attack = 16; damage = 8 (including the forgotten +2 to damage - see post below)

Otherwise, he'll move to B4c (via A4b) and attack the zombie at B4b.

AC = 16 (including dodge bonus) against the monster he's attacking.
AC = 15 against others.

He'll try to stay in flanking distance with Rurik where possible, although he won't pass up an opportunity to attack if it takes him away from Rurik.
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((You know, I was going to post that undead bane weapon deal +2d6 damage against undead, but seems you rolled a truly crappy roll. Anyway, you forgot the +2 extra damage, since the bonus of +2 to the weapon´s enhancement also applies to damage rolls))


First Post
Someone said:
((You know, I was going to post that undead bane weapon deal +2d6 damage against undead, but seems you rolled a truly crappy roll. Anyway, you forgot the +2 extra damage, since the bonus of +2 to the weapon´s enhancement also applies to damage rolls))
Ah, yes - snake-eyes, anyone? Someone? But thanks for reminding me of the +2 - it will definitely all help!


Between Rurik's hit and Eusebius', that one zombie is probably dead, so I wouldn't worry about it. Next time you can deal 50 points of damage. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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