Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


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Someone said:
Nodis stares at the dwarf and the monk as they think carefully on what undead should bite the dust now.

If Rurik drops the zombie at B4d, Eusebius moves to C3d (via B3d & B2b) and attacks the skeleton he flanks with the construct.

If Rurik doesn't drop the zombie, E attacks it as well.

Rolls here
attack = 11 (13 with flank); damage = 14

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Kahuna Burger

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Rurik's blow doesn't quite drop the zombie, but Brother E finishes it off. With the construct gone, the undead move forward to the little group. Two attack Rurik but their wildly flailing claws miss entirely. The zombie shuffles over to Brother E, but only growls threateningly. A third skell tries to attack artax, but gets to close to rurik in doing so and the dwarf demolishes it with an idle backhand. Atrax moves up and strikes the nearest skeleton with the wand, and it rocks as if struck by a blow. It is not destroyed, but obviously damaged. "Its true!" the ranger exclaims in delight, "healing hurts them!"


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Brother Eusebius grins fiercely in the face of the zombie as it growls at him, then plunges the dagger at its chest. The stinking corpse's flailing arm knocks aside his blow. "Maledicte!" he mutters as he attempts to dodge its attack in return.

Rolls here
attack = 10; (potential) damage = 14
AC = 15 (16 including dodge against zombie at A4a)


"There are only a handful of them" thinks Nodis, who this time calms down and thinks it´ll better to save energy and let the fighters finish off the remaining undead.

[Uses this round trying to get focus back, but fails again. If anyone repeats in the rules forum that focus isn´t a hindrance to psions, I´ll bite him.]

Kahuna Burger

First Post
With the zombie bound up in goo (forgot about that last update, sorry, someone) brother E does strike a solid blow, leaving the undead reeling. Artax darts around rurik and slashes at it with his unenchanted daggar, doing just enough damage to finish it before it can attempt to return the "favor". For the moment the fort is quiet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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