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Fort Knocks - knight otu judging


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Skeeter, level 1 fighter. horsemen.

Sparky and KB:
[sblock]Skeeter is short and stocky, with hazle (light) brown eyes and walnut (dark) brown hair. His skin is a bronze from extended exposure to the sun. His large muscles are clearly outlined inside his plain brown travelers outfit, and what skin dose show is scribbled by slightly blue veins. He wears studded leather armor over his clothes. The armor appears only slightly worn and fits Skeeter somewhat oddly, being too long yet too tight for his unique physique. Skeeter carries a large wooden shield on his back and a flail on his belt. His lance usually stays leaned up against something untill Skeeter mounts his hourse, an fine mustang steed that is an unfortunate light brown color which is ill suited as natrual camoflauge. The steed has a military saddle with traveling bags tied to, and a bit and bridal. Skeeter rarely lets the horse out of his sight.

As Ranica and Cedric approach, Skeeter obviously studies the young barbarian woman, admiring her appearance and attire. After Andrew's introduction, Skeeter extends his hand toward her and says in an unusually deep voice, "Well met, Rainca of the Barav Kree." Breaking eye contact to look down at the axe by her side [ooc: which I assume is still smeared with some dried blood], Skeeter ask, "Tell me, is this the insturment that brought Richard to his end?"[/sblock]
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Dexerion and KB:
In RedOak village

Rainca lopes easily into the camp on the heels of Cedric’s horse and it seems as if a breeze has carried some exotic, wild bird into the village. Her keen eyes do not miss the signs of recent inhabitation and evacuation of the abandoned town. Nor the hoar-suns’ makeshift takeover. Her pace slows and her posture grows rigid as the details of the place sink in. She stows her bow behind her back amidst a multitude of fluttering sashes and strands of rustling feathers and clacking beads.

A gust blows down up behind her and carries the scent of leathers, honest sweat and soap. Her hawk’s eyes bore into the young, sturdy horseman, and she speaks with a voice raspy and soft, like a flute or a piping bird of prey, “Rainca of the Barav Kree greets you, Skeeter.”

She unlimbers a javelin and holds it across her open palms, bowing over it as she greets the young hoar-sun. She straightens and in a flash the long-bladed javelin is gone. She adds to the greeting, “Where are Susan Owl Mistress and Hiznibs?”

OOC: Apologies for the delay. Glad to be here! [/sblock]
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
From the Red Dragon:

Past nightfall, as you travel in a long dark stretch of road between small towns, you see a flickering light up ahead. Some of you may notice that Cirus has perked up in spite of the long day of riding, apparently recognizing his surroundings. As you get closer, you see a large sign, like that for an inn, with a candle painted on it. The light is coming from the candle's flame, which seems to be actually alight, and not consuming the wooden sign. Printed around the candle are the words "All Welcome" written in various different languages. "Home sweet home" Kirin says with a tired smile.

A young half orc approaches as you enter the courtyard of what continues to look more like an inn than a temple. "Hey Fangs," the gnome says, "Can you get these tired animals settled, while we tired animals settle ourselves?"

"Sun head, you came back! You're arround here an awful lot for someone who made Journeyer.... Cirus!!!!" The big dog which had been wiggling in barely contained joy since the half orc approached bounds apon him the moment Kirin dismounts and the two proceed to try to knock each other down for a few minutes. "Just... leavem here... sunhead..." Fangs gasps between his attempts to roll the riding dog over.

"Hopeless.... I swear if my uncle had ever tried to sell that mutt as a war mount, the poor owner would have been left lying on the battlefield while he tried to play with a warg.... Lets go in, Fangs' is a good kid, he'll take care of the stabling fine."

Inside is a large common room with a roaring fire and a table of cold meats and ale laid out for visitors. As the travelers dig in, an elven man comes in from what looks like an office area, and sweeps Kirin into a hug. "You came faster than I expected, Sunny, and looks like you brought some help! This is great, we can go over everything in the morning. Your bunk is still empty in the learners' quarters, and your companions can stay in the guest rooms," he gestures towards a door on the far side of the room. "I'm Rando," he says to the group, "I'm here to help. Let me know if you need anything, I'm night shift tonight."

Through the door he indicated are several rooms with 4 or 5 beds each, already made up and waiting. One is already occupied, as indicated by a privacy card on the doorknob, but there is plenty of room.


First Post
Artax starts at Kirin's last comment about Fangs, "oh, for a second there I thought you said he would take care of the "stabbing".

After finishing his meal, Artax comments, "Well, I guess nothing is going to get done untill tomorrow, so I guess it is time for sleep." He heads into one of the empty rooms immediately and settles in.


First Post
Skeeter, level 1 fighter.

From RedOak:

Skeeter geastures to his left with a shuffle, indicating Susan stading on the other side of Andrew. After Ranica's attention is diverted, his face turns red as he tries desperately to hold back a snicker. Hiznibs.


Registered User
For KB and Dexerion:
In RedOak Village

Rainca peers closely at Skeeter's muffled snickering and her eyes light with a savage humor as the two fall in together on their way to the witch and the bastard. She puts a calloused hand on the hilt of her battleaxe, posture and bearing tight and controlled, "No, hoar-sun Skeeter. Rainca's blade did not bring down The Brute," She spits to the side in ritual distaste, "Though she wishes it had. That man was a cur. No better than the Kurik Kree."

Her voice is gravel on stone. A sash tied loosely around her waist blows forward covering her rough hand and the long haft of the axe. It is colorful, but stained with suspicious reddish-brown and garnet streaks.

OOC: Axe is not covered with blood, Rainca is pretty tidy with her weapons. Sorry to not have responded in my first post to your question Dex, a little scatter-brained.[/sblock]
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First Post
Skeeter, level 1 fighter.

From RedOak:
Skeeter drops his head slightly and sighs as Ranica reveals she was not the one to kill Richard. "A cur he was. I never trusted him, but I did have to work with him. It was very dissapointing when he and the others turned on us as they did. I suppose that is something people of our profession must get use to, though I hope I don't have to deal with again any time soon." Turning to face Ranica in his stride, Skeeter says, "Thank you for taking care of those that were misled. I heard of what you did for them at the trial. That was beyond honor, Ranica."

Skeeter wistles at his horse, making sure it stays in sight as they walk.
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Rurik, Fighter 3

Kahuna Burger said:
"I'm Rando," he says to the group, "I'm here to help. Let me know if you need anything, I'm night shift tonight."

Through the door he indicated are several rooms with 4 or 5 beds each, already made up and waiting. One is already occupied, as indicated by a privacy card on the doorknob, but there is plenty of room.
"Ko'vetiye, Mr. Rando, tha's mighty kind o' ye. Rurik, o' Clan Axebender."

Rurik, not interested in a room right yet so much as a fire and a meal, sits down at the table with the food items. Pouring a test stein of the ale, drinks, and pronouncing it surprisingly fit for consumption, fills his stein. Standing up on the chair, he reaches over for a leg of something or other on the meat plate, and sets said leg next to him.

Finally, he rummages through his pack, and pulls out a large, thick, leather-bound book with copper trim. On the cover are a collection of characters and a white anvil, on a field of crimson.

Flipping to the first blank page about halfway through, Rurik gets pen and ink out.

"Br'er Eusebius? Yer want to come o'er here an' tell me 'bout that chain o' yers?"


Nodis, Human Shaper 1

After the first few hours Nodis has been silent, as if lost in a inner world much more interesting than the real. As the party arrives at the monastery, he awakens from his daydreaming and looks at everything with an interested face.

"I'm Rando," he says to the group, "I'm here to help."

"I thought we were the ones here to help" says Nodis. "Oh. Ah. You mean that..." Nodis stomach grumbles and he realizes he´s really hungry and tired. "Well, I sure could do justice to some food and a good bed. Or even a bad one."

Kahuna Burger

First Post
From Redoak:
[sblock]Susan and Andrew come forward smiling. "Its good to see you again, Rainca" Andrew says. "I'd like to honor our agreement by getting started as soon as possible."

As the group packs up and moves out, Susan and Andrew ask for details about the final battle with the whoresons, and reminince not so fondly about the Brute and how inevitable it was that he would challange Andrew's leadership once they tried to move the whoresons out of the vengence business.


As you travel south, away from Andren and Bluerun, Andrew says, "I pooled the knowlege of the group about places we could go, and.... well, discovered that we collectively don't know much about the world outside the area of Andren. But Susan had heard from some travelers that there is a hospice run by the Mortalists between here and Orussus. They help travelers all the time, so they probably know a lot about the world and from what I know of their philosophy they would be sympathetic to bastards and to those trying to change their ways. I thought we could go there and see if they have any advice for where we could make a base of opperations."[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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