Froghemoths & Flail Snails - Oh My! Chris Perkins' New Adventure Sneak Peek

It's a Kamadan.


let's see ... Updated barrier

Ship is a stolen spelljammer from the edge of the far realm by githzerai monks from a githyanki outpost... Only they had to go through a portal deep into the far realm that tainted the ship and its inhabitants ... In fact the thing is a living entity of pure chaos created by the slaadi...

Gith has learnt of the theft and subsequent corruption of the ship and wants it for her own purposes, and has dispatched a fleet of spelljammers before the slaadi get there ...

Psionics, spell jammers, far realm, gith, slaad and all kinds of weird corrupting monsters ...

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First Post
let's see ... Updated barrier

Ship is a stolen spelljammer from the edge of the far realm by githzerai monks from a githyanki outpost... Only they had to go through a portal deep into the far realm that tainted the ship and its inhabitants ... In fact the thing is a living entity of pure chaos created by the slaadi...

Gith has learnt of the theft and subsequent corruption of the ship and wants it for her own purposes, and has dispatched a fleet of spelljammers before the slaadi get there ...

Psionics, spell jammers, far realm, gith, slaad and all kinds of weird corrupting monsters ...

Ummm... YES!!!

Wrap that with a bow of 'Psionic Adventurer's Guide' and they'd have all my moneys.


If they do Giants, I'd hope they'd keep it in Greyhawk but it will probably be in the Realms with notes in the back on how to use it in Greyhawk.


First Post
If they do Giants, I'd hope they'd keep it in Greyhawk but it will probably be in the Realms with notes in the back on how to use it in Greyhawk.

There is too much financial incentive from WOTC's video game properties for it to be set anywhere but the Realms. I think you are exactly right that there will be a couple pages in the back with notes or running it in other settings. WOTC is a company of patterns and that pattern seems set.

Doug McCrae

They do seem like Chaos monsters, though D&D has never been as strong on that concept as RuneQuest, Warhammer or even Gamma World. Radiation in a non-realistic post-apocalypse setting pretty much performs the same function as Chaos in a fantasy setting. And Red Kryptonite in Superman, for that matter.


Yup. It was a surprise twist.

Still super excited for the product.

Same here. Even if they don't include certain fan favourites (I was personally looking for hobgoblins for a homebrew world I'm working on) it still looks like it has just a lot of neat monsters and player races. In fact, hearing about the tabaxi has me tempted to have them take the place of the hobgoblin in my unfinished world (and there might just be something to take the place of elves in those books, too).

And monster lore is always a good thing, it gives DMs a means of incorporating fluff without needing to devote time to writing their own.

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