D&D 5E Full List of Monsters in Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains revamped stat blocks for 260 monsters previously published in previous Dungeons & Dragons 5E books. The list was compiled by YouTuber Bob Worldbuilder based on some blurry screenshots originally shared by Nerd Immersion (see the video below). I have transcribed it here for convenience...

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains revamped stat blocks for 260 monsters previously published in previous Dungeons & Dragons 5E books. The list was compiled by YouTuber Bob Worldbuilder based on some blurry screenshots originally shared by Nerd Immersion (see the video below). I have transcribed it here for convenience.

  • Abishai (Black, Blue, Green, Red, White)
  • Alhoon
  • Alkilith
  • Allip
  • Amnizu
  • Annis Hag
  • Archdruid
  • Archer
  • Armanite
  • Astral Deadnought
  • Babau
  • Bael
  • Balhannoth
  • Banderhobb
  • Baphomet
  • Bard
  • Barghest
  • Berbalang
  • Bheur Hag
  • Blackguard
  • Bodak
  • Boggle
  • Boneclaw
  • Bulezau
  • Cadaver Collector
  • Canoloth
  • Catoblepas
  • Cattle (Aurochs, Ox, Stench Kow, Deep Rothe)
  • Cave Fisher
  • Champion
  • Chitine
  • Choker
  • Choldrith
  • Clockwork (Bronze Scout, Iron Cobra, Oaken Bolter, Stone Defender)
  • Cloud Giant Smiling One
  • Corpse Flower
  • Cranium Rat, Swarm of Cranium Rat
  • Darkling, Darkling Elder
  • Death Kiss
  • Deathlock, Deathlock Mastermind, Deathlock Wight
  • Deep Scion
  • Demogorgon
  • Derro, Derro Savant
  • Devourer
  • Dhergoloth
  • Dinosaurs (Brontosaurus, Deinonychus, Dimetrodon, Hadrosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus, Stegosaurus, Velociraptor)
  • Dolphin, Dolphin Delighter
  • Draegloth
  • Drow (Arachnomancer, Favored Consort, House Captain, Inquisitor, Matron Mother, Shadowblade)
  • Duergar (Despot, Kavalrachni, Mind Master, Soulblade, Stone Guard, Warlord, Xarrorn, Hammerer, Screamer)
  • Dybbuk
  • Eidolon
  • Eladrin (Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter)
  • Elder Brain
  • Elder Tempest
  • Elemental Myrmidon (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
  • Fire Giant Dreadnought
  • Firenewt (Warrior, Warlock of Imix)
  • Flail Snail
  • Flind
  • Fraz-Urb'luu
  • Froghemoth
  • Frost Giant Everlasting One
  • Frost Salamander
  • Gauth
  • Gazer
  • Geryon
  • Giant Strider
  • Giff
  • Girallon
  • Githyanki (Gish, Kith'rak, Supreme Commander, Anarch, Enlightened)
  • Gnoll (Flesh Gnawer, Hunter, Witherling)
  • Gray Render
  • Grazz't
  • Grung (Elite Warrior, Wildling)
  • Guard Drake
  • Hellfire Engine
  • Hobgoblin (Devastator, Iron Shadow)
  • Howler
  • Hutijin
  • Hydroloth
  • Juiblex
  • Ki-Rin
  • Kobold (Dragonshield, Inventor, Scale Sorcerer)
  • Korred
  • Kraken Priest
  • Kruthik (Hive Lord, Adult, Young)
  • Leucrotta
  • Leviathan
  • Martial Arts Adept
  • Marut
  • Master Thief
  • Maurezhi
  • Maw Demon
  • Meazel
  • Meenlock
  • Merregon
  • Merrenoloth
  • Mindwitness
  • Moloch
  • Molydeus
  • Morkoth
  • Mouth of Grolantor
  • Nabassu
  • Nagpa
  • Narzugon
  • Neogi, Neogi Hatchling, Neogi Master
  • Neothelid
  • Nightwalker
  • Nilbog
  • Nupperibo
  • Oblex (Spawn, Adult, Elder)
  • Ogre (Battering Ram, Bolt Launcher, Chain Brute, Howdah)
  • Oinoloth
  • Orcus
  • Orthon
  • Phoenix
  • Quickling
  • Redcap
  • Retriever
  • Rutterkin
  • Sea Spawn
  • Shadar Kai (Gloom Weaver, Shadow Dancer, Soul Monger)
  • Shadow Mastiff, Shadow Mastiff Alpha
  • Shoosuva
  • Sibriex
  • Skulk
  • Skull Lord
  • Slithering Tracker
  • Shadowsworn (The Angry, The Hungry, The Lonely, The Lost, The Wretched)
  • Spawn of Kyuss
  • Star Spawn (Grue, Hulk, Lava Mage, Mangler, Seer)
  • Steeder (Female, Male)
  • Steel Predator
  • Stone Cursed
  • Stone Giant Dreamwalker
  • Storm Giant Quintessent
  • Swarm of Rot Grubs
  • Swachbuckler
  • Sword Wraith (Commander, Warrior)
  • Tanarukk
  • Titivilus
  • Tlincalli
  • Tortle
  • Turtle Druid
  • Trapper
  • Troll (Dire, Rot, Spirit, Venom)
  • Ulitharid
  • Vampiric Mist
  • Vargouille
  • Vegepygmy, Vegepygmy Chief, Vegepygmy Thorny
  • War Priest
  • Warlock (of the Archfey, Fiend, Great Old One)
  • Warlord
  • Wastrilith
  • Wizard (Apprentice, Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Necromancer, Transmuter)
  • Wood Woad
  • Xvart, Xvart Warlock of Raxivort
  • Yagnoloth
  • Yeenoghu
  • Yeah Hound
  • Yuan-ti (Anathema, Broodguard, Mind Whisperer, Nightmare Speaker, Pit Master)
  • Zaratan
  • Zariel
  • Zuggtmoy

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It is useful for newbies, or people who only care about monsters and not all the other stuff in VGM or MTF.
I mean, it is a bit more convenient carrying around two monster books rather than three, or not erroneously grabbing Volo's when the monster is in Mordenkainen's (and vice versa). But those are pretty minor reasons. I'll probably still get it for the convenience of having all its contents in one place (and keep my special editions in better shape), but I can definitely see why others would pass.


Book-Friend, he/him
I mean, it is a bit more convenient carrying around two monster books rather than three, or not erroneously grabbing Volo's when the monster is in Mordenkainen's (and vice versa). But those are pretty minor reasons. I'll probably still get it for the convenience of having all its contents in one place (and keep my special editions in better shape), but I can definitely see why others would pass.
Yeah, I'll be passing,but it seems a legit product for certain people.

The part I am interested in is the fact that the stat blocks are new. Like I saw changes to the Duergar Despot that looked interesting.

Here is the old Despot with the new one from the video.



The Changes here are interesting enough that I want to see them for all the monsters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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