Gale Force 9 Releases Out of the Abyss DM Screen & New Archetype Decks

The DM Screen looks nice it just looks to be a little late. The release date shows Dec 12? The cards would be nice, but I don't like all of those micro transactions. They add up and discourage me from buying them. I suppose I just think they are too expensive.

The DM Screen looks nice it just looks to be a little late. The release date shows Dec 12?

The cards would be nice, but I don't like all of those micro transactions. They add up and discourage me from buying them. I suppose I just think they are too expensive.

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I am really loving the spell cards, but the DM screens they have released thus far or sort of lacking when compared to the WoTC produced one.

Glad to hear the re-done cards are really good. We use spell cards in the 3.5E game I currently play in (PDF's created by the Other Game Company) and I've found them very useful for the Wizard I'm playing. When we switch to 5E (likely after this campaign) I'd definitely be interested in getting some spell cards. Hopefully they've sorted all the bugs out now.


The DM screen interests me as my next game will be underdark based if anyone that purchases it could let me know what they think that would be great.


Anyone else notice that the GF9 website constantly has items (and often new items) that are always set to out of stock or low stock or restock? I dont think Ive ever been to their D&D part of their store and ever noticed anything set just to 'in stock'.

I also find it utterly bizarre that the Restock of all the old spellcards happens to occur on the very same day that their new Archetype cards are in stock (12th December).

Something strange is going on there.

(Its October 13th now. Are they telling me it takes their manufacturer literally 2 months to get them colored cards made and delivered to them, because if so they are doing things wrong)


First Post
I must agree with [MENTION=52905]darjr[/MENTION] I purchased a set of each of the newer version spell cards and they are really nice. Every player in my gaming group now likes to use the spell cards. The production value is well worth the price and I will buy the archetype spell cards -- as well as some nice demon minis and a DM screen. The spell cards are on good weight stock with rounded corners and a laminated sorta finish so no sleeves or bent corners to deal with.

I also experienced a prolonged out-do-stock issue for another product but am happy to standby.


Retired game store owner
(Its October 13th now. Are they telling me it takes their manufacturer literally 2 months to get them colored cards made and delivered to them, because if so they are doing things wrong)
What product do you know of that can be custom-ordered from China in bulk and be ready for delivery to your customers in less than 2 months? First, once the order is placed, you have to wait for the opening in the schedule for the printer to fit in your product. Next there is press set-up time, printing, colation/assembly. Don't forget to include expected time shipping to docks, shipboard time crossing the Pacific, sitting in customs, then trucking across the US.


I crit!
I think gale force 9 has underestimated the popularity of their DND products. Many of the cards in my neck of the woods are sold out. Folks are resorting to ebay and overseas to shop for them. The day I heard they where in stock at my flgs they sold out of many of them. The same is true at all the other stores here locally.


Thalmin: Which might be true of their new product.. their archetype spellcards. Are you telling me that ALL of their cards (and if you look at the GF9 store) that all of those cards are being produced at the same time and being delivered to them all on Dec 12? (not just the Archetypes here.. all their previous sets too) Thats just ridiculous. They would constantly have cards in print and be restocking.


Retired game store owner
Sorry, but manufacturer out of stocks are very common. Take a look at most of the Fantasy Flight catalog, Rio Grand catalog, Z-Man Games catalog. When Settlers of Catan was first released in the US, it sold better than any other boardgame in our industry. Yet it was out of stock at Mayfair for about 10 months out of 12 for each of the first three years. Few companies have the deep pockets (like WotC does) to keep their main products in print consistantly. And the D&D cards are not Gale Force Nine/Battlefront's main product.

And, yes, I would imagine that all of their cards are being printed at the same time.

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