D&D 5E Gamehole Con D&D News


How come no one here is covering what's happening at Gamehole Con? Apparently Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mealrs are there holding a D&D seminar. I've seen a few tidbits on Twitter, such as:

New Unearthed Arcana every Monday starting Nov. 7th for a few months. Something is coming. #GameHoleCon #dnd


Anyone got any other interesting bits of news?

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Book-Friend, he/him
How come no one here is covering what's happening at Gamehole Con? Apparently Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mealrs are there holding a D&D seminar. I've seen a few tidbits on Twitter, such as:


Anyone got any other interesting bits of news?

Woah, Big Book of Ceunch play test: engage hypersrive????

I'm wondering that since the edition has been successful that they'll go up to two accessory books a year instead of just one, and this will be the lead up for that. Having 2 adventure books and 2 rules accessory books a year, one for each quarter, would help quell the complaints towards the slow release schedule. It would be nice to see the "Psionics plus other stuff" book in the spring instead of the autumn of 2017. It would be odd to do a lot of UAs and then wait a whole year to release what is in them officially, after all...


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm wondering that since the edition has been successful that they'll go up to two accessory books a year instead of just one, and this will be the lead up for that. Having 2 adventure books and 2 rules accessory books a year, one for each quarter, would help quell the complaints towards the slow release schedule. It would be nice to see the "Psionics plus other stuff" book in the spring instead of the autumn of 2017. It would be odd to do a lot of UAs and then wait a whole year to release what is in them officially, after all...

Not if they want to get detailed feedback from the fanbase, go back to design, then private playtest, then finalize a product; if they have a lot of material they want to vet carefully, testing now for a release about this time next year seems right.
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Not if they want to get detailed feedback from the fan vase.

Fan vase has nothing to say.



If it's anything like last year's, I doubt we'll hear anything substantial, but we'll get some vague implications about the upcoming products, and we'll perform rampant speculation as to what it could possibly mean.


Book-Friend, he/him
If it's anything like last year's, I doubt we'll hear anything substantial, but we'll get some vague implications about the upcoming products, and we'll perform rampant speculation as to what it could possibly mean.

I was just looking that over earlier; Perkins did go a lot more into Curse of Strahd and Sky Kings Thunder than was apparent at the time. It also seems they talked about this nee mini-playtest somewhat...


I was just looking that over earlier; Perkins did go a lot more into Curse of Strahd and Sky Kings Thunder than was apparent at the time. It also seems they talked about this nee mini-playtest somewhat...

Like I said, he'll create some vague hooks for us to grab on. Sometimes these allusions may not be apparent at first (such as an off hand remark that Cryptic Studios doesn't like it when they have to represent giants in their games), other times they'll be readily apparent, but misdirecting. The fact we knew cloak was Ravenloft was an exception; look at how many people thought we were getting an Eberron from Dagger before SKT came out.

At least he was blunt about how they were beginning to tie everything together more closely (With the obvious one being SKT is directly related to ToD while less obviously it seems like Volo refers to it in the quote on the Aasimar write-up.)


Book-Friend, he/him
Like I said, he'll create some vague hooks for us to grab on. Sometimes these allusions may not be apparent at first (such as an off hand remark that Cryptic Studios doesn't like it when they have to represent giants in their games), other times they'll be readily apparent, but misdirecting. The fact we knew cloak was Ravenloft was an exception; look at how many people thought we were getting an Eberron from Dagger before SKT came out.

At least he was blunt about how they were beginning to tie everything together more closely (With the obvious one being SKT is directly related to ToD while less obviously it seems like Volo refers to it in the quote on the Aasimar write-up.)

Yeah, that's about the sum of it; will be interesting to hear, at any rate.


Yeah, that's about the sum of it; will be interesting to hear, at any rate.
I agree. Perhaps he'll shed some more insight to the canonical timeline of the Realms, and how AL fits into that. Perhaps he'll give some insight as to why we're all of a sudden having references to Greyhawk in the last few books. It seems the things we get the most straightforward answers to are on the books already published. Who knows, maybe he'll talk about what they planned to do with Sword Coast Legends if it didn't implode on itself.

But most of all, we might get some words that will lead to rampant fandom speculation, and it will be hilarious to get that, and then when the actual stuff comes out, look back to see how completely and utterly (not to mention obviously, once we see what hints we missed) wrong we were.

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