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Gamer Grrls


The first girl I gamed with killed my elf Questor! Then Questor's brother, Questor II, was killed by the same mad hermit!

Then I got mad and went to my room (I'm taking my dice and going home!). Later on my Mom told me to play nice with my sister. I was only 10 and she was 7.

It sounds to me like those guys were acting at about the same maturity level.

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First Post
Chaos_Kitten, you might have to give this group up for lost. A few bad remarks on day one can be forgiven, if you're a saintly type, but if it continues, there's little hope of rehibilitating these boys. If this kind of thing is fixable, it'll take a lot more than you can muster.

Frankly, though, you sound like you'd be at home as a DM. So why not see if you can gather a few friends up (I'd wager you know your share of fantasy/theatre/whatever types) and try to hook 'em on your own time? It might be a slight headache having to tone down your tactics and adventure range while the n00bs catch up to a basic level of knowledge, but there is a lot to be said for a hand-picked, socially-apt player base. And that's before we factor in that creating new gamers is always a good.


First Post
So they're not extinct...

Li Shenron said:
Actually, if their problem was that Chaos_Kitten is a better player than them and they cannot suffer it to the point of being sexist, they would be quite miserable.

But guys ARE better than girls. At least when it comes to fighting. I should know, I'm captain of a Taekwondo club. And, uh, out of 12 medals our club won this past year, 10 were girls'. One of them, I ended nominating as Most Valuable Player (New York University).

Sexist comments are seldom heard in our club, and only from me. Because I'm the only dickhead willing to risk being kicked in the... head... before the words are out of my mouth. Much more effective than having your character do the smackdown.

Okay, I'm pretty OT here. But I do think that those gamers should meet some of the girls in my club. They tend not to accept sexist comments with a smile, and some can indeed kick pretty hard. Some of the hardest kicks I've ever received were from a female 4th-dan black belt from Korea. Man, it still hurts just thinking about it.

Just rambling. Actually, none of the girls in my club is a gamer, and if one was, I can tell she would just walk away, not kick or smile or try to discuss with such losers. I'd certainly be the only one short-tempered enough to get openly angry. Gamers still have enough of a bad name as it is, without such morons feeding the fire.
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Elrik_DarkFury said:
As you may have noticed, my english are not so good -althought i m really trying to work this out(of course english is not my first lunguage).
Here's a hint; drop the |337 chatspeak and you'll be 78% more comprehensible already, guaranteed.


First Post
The half dressed hottie character can work. Flash your male opposition and while they're standing there with their tongues hanging out, have your rogue buddy stick a blade in their kidneys.


I've only encountered two female gamers. Both were there to have fun, and were just as mad as the rest of us. Insults flew in all directions, characters did stupid things and had their genders changed (damn belts). At the end of the game, we all went back to the real world, with all the character comments put behind us.
Are there sexist players? Yes. And racist, religeousist and any other negative -ist you like. Thats their problem. If it affects you having fun, maybe either you or them is in the wrong group.


First Post
I generally don't have problems with female gamers, although I will go as far as to say that they tend to be more... er... creative. In my current group, we have a girl playing a female gnome fighter, with Weapon Focus in Bastard Sword... it was taller than her. She's currently convinced that if she makes and consumes a broth from the evil wizard master villain's body, she'll get magic powers. x__x

I've tried to explain to her that that's creepy, and probably won't work, but she's got her heart set on it. I'm really torn as to whether or not to give it some kind of magic effect.

Of course, this is the same character that carries large amount of ale in her baggage in order to trap giant slugs. Actually, come to think of it, female gamers are pretty damn cool. =D
Or, at least that one is.
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First Post
hey me too

you might try sitting down and talking to them, or playing a bitchy short character next time...it was the only way to reform my boys, now they play nice and expect me to take care of myself, and them half the time :D . seriously though, if its getting obnoxious they might just need a talking to hardcore, or you could always knock some sense into them, just kidding. girls are the only people that can play strong women, and strong women change the world, fully clothed, no sexism included. :D


I have to go with the "you're playing with the wrong crowd" motif that I'm seeing around here, but as a female gamer in your approximate age range, I can definitely identify with your situation.

However, I've only had one bad experience in a campaign situation. It was a White Wolf game, and my character had 5 ranks in Manipulation and 3 in appearance. So the GM assumed that I went around flashing everyone to get my way. So I tried to talk to him. It quickly got to the point that all of the other players (all male) were getting equally as offended. I thought about leaving, but the players themselves were so much fun to game with, I decided to stick it out. We have since come to terms well enough that we can tolerate being at the same gaming table.

I had multiple other experiences like this during my time in WotC retail. Some people just don't want to believe that a girl can know the games just as well as they do. Too bad for them.

All in all, 99.9% of the gamers I have encountered have been really cool people. You'll find a good group out there.


First Post
Do our own thing but try to find some more mature (mentally, at least) players. Play with kids and they will act like kids.

"Grown Ups" will accept you for what you do rather than imposing their own puerile attitudes.

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