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Games you thought you'd like and hated and games you thought you'd hate and liked


Thought would like but hated: High level 3e.

Thought would hate but liked: Most of C&C.

Most games I'm ambivalent about - Iron Heroes, Traveller, et al.

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Thought I would like but hated:
Iron Heroes (I thought it would be a lot 'cleaner', but ended up being mired in little fiddly bits)

Thought I would hate but loved:
Spirit of the Century (I had low expectations for FUDGE---and yet SotC became the gaming highlight of 2007)


Thought I would love but hated:

True20. When I saw Blue Rose, I thought that it would be a nifty little system separated from the fluff. But in the end, I decided that the base system was too bare, classes served little purposes as a framework absent strong concepts, and I really dislike the damage system and find it no easier than generic D20.

I could echo GURPS, though I don't think I'd every really love it... one of the other players in my group was in love with it, and we both grew into disdaining it over the years. It still has some fantastic SF books I mine for other systems, but I disdain the game's philosophy of chargen and combat resolution (and further, think it has spawned a host of imitators that share its negative qualities).

Over the Edge. What was perhaps the first widely loved rules light game, I was initially intrigued, took it for a spin... and hated it.

Star Wars D6: Of course we loved the property. But after repeated play tossing handfuls of dice, being insignificant next to the gods that the book statted out the main characters as being, I learned that other non-SW games I was already playing were up to the task of doing space opera better.

Thought I would hate but love? That one's tougher, as there are so many systems out there, it rarely pays to waste money and time on what I consider a bad risk. There are games I have been leery of that I've had a good time in, but still been unconvinced that its the best game for me.


Wanted to Love, but Hated:

GURPS: A universal set of RPG rules? Sign me up! I really really wanted to like GURPS, but it seemed to include almost every game mechanic I hate: hex-based movement, one-second combat turns, an ads/disads character creation system. My one caveat is that the historical sourcebooks have excellent fluff.

Aria: Canticle of the Monomyth: Again, great idea -- you get to play an entire culture, zooming in to the level of an individual hero, or zooming out to focus on the development of the culture as a whole. But, oh my god, did these guys like creating New Terms for Everything. Heritage Template, Reaction Orientation, Status Archetype, Developmental Window of Opportunity... and that's just in the character creation section. I've worked as a bookkeeper, I've done taxes, hell I've written a few RPGs, but I just could not grasp these rules -- although I'm sure they made sense to the people who wrote them.

I don't really have any in the other category -- who plays a game they think they're gonna hate? Life is too short, my friends.


Not so much a game as a game style.

I thought I'd like to play PbPs. Being able to play every day and the opportunity to explore a character more in depth than generally happens at my tables sounded like goodrightfun. And it was ... for the first two weeks. But I found my interest waned after two weeks and it became more of a chore.

At this point, I've reconciled with the fact that I can no longer game as often as I did in my college years.

As for a game I thought I'd hate but liked: Call of Cthulhu (not the d20 version). I didn't think I'd like, or be good at, an investigative style game. Wrong on both counts. We played a Cthulhu game all month last October and I had an absolute blast.


First Post
FASA's Star Trek Roleplaying Game. We wanted to love this game so bad, but it was so clunky and boring to play we never finished any game we started. We created our own homebrew Trek game and liked it much better.


moritheil said:
I think we've all been to games we thought we'd like and wound up hating. Who goes to a game that they feel positive they will hate? :eek:
Well it usually begins when a guy in our group says something along the lines of "Hey I wouldn't mind trying out game X". Sometime I say "yeah that would be cool", sometimes I think to myself "ugh you HAVE to be kidding me". However as a group we usually try the game out.
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To jump on the bandwagon: Love GURPS source books, do not love the mechanics. Did play a few interesting games with it, but those had less to do with the rules than the campaign. Also, loved the concept of Mutants and Masterminds but found it just didnt do what I wanted it to do. My players found the mechanics of creation too complex and combat akward. Haven't really set down with the various supplements to tweak it enough to do any better though. Still looking for a really good Supers system.

One not mentioned so far is Iron Kingdoms. I loved the setting, the art, the minis, etc but found too many of the mechanics frustrating, too many cool ideas that did not translate well into game play. And dont get me started on the Witchfire Trilogy.

I think I would like the nWoD, but haven't had a chance to play it so dont really know.

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