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Gaming w/Jemal : Circle of Champions OOC (Full for now)


VV -
I like the God character. :)

As far as the immortality, I'd wanted to keep it out of the game, for various reasons, but it does fit with the theme of being an actual god.
Real death is practically impossible in the arena (The 'referees' will pull injured champions out at the last second to keep them alive, and possess healing magics to help with the task), so its generally un-needed.
I'm going to allow it as a one-point feature, without the Limiting factor and with the time factor (If it ever comes up) being decided by me based on circumstances at time of death.

- God's portfolio ( Magic 12) · 24 point/s
|- Pain of the dying ( Affliction 8 : 1: Dazed; 2: Stunned; 3: Paralyzed. Resisted: Will. Burst area 1, Increased Range) · 1 point/s
|- Call Lightning ( Blast 8 : Electricity. Multiattack 10 ) · 1 point/s
|- Grasp of the Dying ( Damage 8 : Alternate save: Will; Shapeable Area 1 ) · 1 point/s
|- Drain soul ( Weaken 12 : Affects will, resisted by will. Increased Range ) · 1 point/s
|- Life Void ( Energy Aura 6) · 1 point/s
|- Master Spell weaver ( Quickness 20 : Limited to Rituals ) · 1 point/s
Pain of the dying fine.
Call Lightning - Fine, but Multiattack should only be 8, it's +1/rank on an 8 rank attack, so should only be 8.
Grasp of the dying - Sorry, not allowing alternate saves on damage effects.
Drain Soul - the weaken is too high. I know I didn't initially post a Tradeoff limit, but I will be limiting them to 3, so you'll have to drop it to an 11.
Life Void - fine but keep in mind that you still have to have your array on that power for it to be effective, cant switch powers as a reaction to someone touching you, so I'm not sure when it'll really be useful, considering all your other attack effects share the same array and are higher ranked.
Master Spell Weaver - First, I limit Quickness to the campaigns PL. Secondly, I don't like this as part of the array. All the other effects are clear attack effects, this in the array has no downside, as Rituals are an out of combat thing, used when you have absolutely no need for any of the other effects.

Armor of Bones - This should cost 7, not 6. Removable only gives the -1 for every full 5 of the final cost, not for portions thereof. If it worked otherwise all devices would get a 6th/11th/16th etc point for FREE. (6-2 = 5-1)
Essentially, think of it as 'every 5th point is free'.

Finally, you have a Drain Willpower attack listed under your attacks - I assume that was replaced with the Drain Soul power during creation, and you just never changed that portion of the sheet.

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First Post
Allrighty came up with a robot idea.

Yes I am some what a transformers fan, and Shockwave is my most favourite. Putting use to Michal Bay's Shockwave, OH SNAP! With some differences: His laser arm is his left arm, while his normal arm is on his right, with four fingers instead ... hate three fringers, pet peeve, lawl. ;)



[sblock=Cyclops Titan v6]

Background: The Cyclops Titans were built by the Canadian empire as a way to keep up with the world with technology, and military power. This unit was the sixth and final Cyclops Titan in line with the empire before word war three. Unlike the previous models, this unit was smaller and the only version built, but had a unique programming. The previous versions were only installed with a virtual intelligence programming, but this unit qas installed with an artificial intelligence. Scientists thought it would increase the thought process of the unit for adaptability. Unfortunately creating the AI took a few years, and was barely finished before the great final war. All the Canadian cyclops units took flight for the war, and of all of them to survive, it was only this unit that did.

With Canada lost and being broken and shattered, the Cyclopse Titan v6 participates in the Champions Circle with the purpose to bring back this unit's empire to it's former glory.

Trait: Powerful
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 8 kg

Abilities: (20 pp)
-STR 5
-STA -
-DEX 0
-AGI 0
-FGT 5
-INT 0
-AWE 0
-PRE 0

-Initiative: 0
-Melee Attack: +5 attack, +5 damage
-Ranged Attack: +10 attack, +10 damage (Arm Laser Cannon)

Defenses: (12 pp)
-Dodge: 6 (rank 6)
-Parry: 5
-Toughness: 8 (Titan Armour (Protection rank 8 + Impervious 8))
-Fort: (Robot Traits (Immunity: Fortitude))
-Will: 6 (rank 6)

Skills: (18 pp)
-Insight +8 (rank 4)
-Investigation +6 (rank 3)
-Perception +8 (rank 4)
-Technology +10 (rank 5)
-Vehicles +4 (rank 2)

Advantages: (3 pp)

Powers (77 pp)
-Arm Laser Cannon (Blast + Penetrating rank 10 = 30 pp)
-Robot Traits (Immunity: Fortitude = 30 pp)
-Robot Traits (Immunity: Aging = 1 pp)
-Titan Armour (Protection rank 8 + Impervious 8 = 16 pp)

-Power: This unit desires political power to bring Canada back to it's former glory
-Obsession: This unit is obsessed with adaptability

COST: 20 Abilities + 13 Defenses + 18 Skills + 3 Advantages + 77 Powers = 130

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Character under construction

Jonathan Lindworm

[sblock=Character Sheet]Power Level: 8 (Powerful)
Power Points: 130 pp

Strength: 5 (6pp +2 growth)
Stamina: 5 (6pp +2 growth)
Agility: 4 (8pp)
Dexterity: 4 (8pp)
Fighting: 6 (12pp)
Intellect: 7 (14pp)
Awareness: 0 (0pp)
Presence: 3 (6pp)

POWERS: 33 pp
Blast 8 (16 pp)
- Fire Breath
- Area: Cone
- Fades
Flight 2 (2pp)
- Wings
Growth 2 (4pp)
- Permanent
Immunity 2 (2pp)
- Aging
- Altitude Sickness
Protection 5 (5pp)
Super Senses 1 (1 pp)
- Low-light Vision
Strike 3
- Claws

Benefit (Wealth) 2
Eidetic Memory
Improved Trip
Instant Up
Jack of all Trades
Languages 4
Well Informed

SKILLS: 11 pp
Athletics 8 (+13)
Close Combat: Claws 2 (+8)
Expertise: Computers 6 (+13)
Investigation 6 (+13)

Initiative +4
Claws +8 (Close, Damage 8)
Fire Breath (Area: Cone, Dodge DC 18, Damage 8)

Dodge: +6 (3pp +4 agility -1 growth)
Parry: +6 (1pp +6 fighting -1 growth
Fortitude: +8 = (3pp +5 stamina)
Will: +4 (4pp)
Toughness: +10 (+5 stamina +5 protection)


I AM the last one! (Or not)
As a notable and somewhat famous member of a rare or possibly legendary species, Jonathan attracts quite a bit of attention. Some of it isn't positive attention . . . people who seek fame as 'The Dragonslayer', mages who are convinced his scales or blood hold arcane secrets, not to mention anyone who knows of his true origins.

Primal Quixotic Reversal
Dragons fight knights, it's what they do. Jonathan's issue lies more in his compulsive need to see knights everywhere he goes. Men on horseback . . . or motorcycles. People with lances . . . or anything long and even vaguely spear-like. Notable classic film actor, Sir Alec Guinness. . . etc, etc.

Hungry Like the Wolf
Jonathan is quite young for a dragon, and as a growing boy, he needs his nourishment. He has a prodigious appetite and likes to indulge it with regular frequency. Without food he will quickly grow surly, lose the ability to breathe fire, and eventually prioritize his hunger above all other goals.

Abilities 60 pp + Powers 33 pp + Advantages 13 pp + Skills 11 pp + Defense 13 pp = 130 pp[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]"The project started in the early years of the 21st century. It was a heady time, the human genome project had finished only a few years before, and since then there had been an explosion of advances in genetic engineering. "Designer life-forms" we called our products. We had the idea we'd be able to sculpt anything we wanted from the very building blocks of life, fulfill everyone's dreams and make the world a better place. We had gotten just a little ahead of ourselves, the technology wasn't quite there yet, and the world wasn't quite ready for us either.

But just before everything was ready to collapse in on itself, and we were going to shut everything down and close up shop for good, word came down the vine that we'd landed a defense contract, a big one, enough to keep us all employed for years. Come to think of it, I don't even know which government had hired us, none of us asked. I don't think any of us got into the business with the idea that we would make living weapons, but we didn't question it. We were just happy to keep our jobs.

Things started out well enough. We ran experiments, we isolated gene sequences, we held high concept meetings. But we didn't have to produce anything, yet. The client wanted an armored behemoth, a living, breathing weapons platform that could traverse any terrain, endure any climate, and decimate human troops. We couldn't cope with the scaling problems for arthropods, and mammals had too many vulnerabilities, so a reptilian design was chosen. Some joker nicknamed it Project Draco, and the name stuck . . . if only we had known. So we ran with it, designing a creature that wore it's own armor and made it's own weapons, a true monster of legend . . . and then we hit a brick wall.

Oh, we made something all right . . giant lizards that could barely move . . . acid spitting creatures that could explode spectacularly . . . wickedly toothed predators that couldn't be controlled. . . and countless nightmares that were too warped and deformed to even draw breath. But we couldn't combine what we needed into one creature, and we couldn't produce anything remotely useful in a military engagement. War had broken out in the world at large, and every nation was struggling to produce the next big advancement. The pressure to perform was overwhelming, and time was running short. By this point the project had been running for years, with unimaginable amounts of wealth poured into failure after failure.

Dark days were looming, and few of us had any laughter to spare when someone jokingly mailed us a vial labeled 'dragon's blood'. We just tossed it to one side and tried to get back to work and produce something, anything to show enough progress to justify our own existence. That is, until the vial got mixed in with some other samples and someone tried to sequence it along with a batch of our other experiments. It practically broke the machines. What little we could follow of the genetic code was unimaginably complex. Every terrestrial animal shares certain base DNA information, but this was something new. It barely looked like a creature of this world at all.

Those of us in the lab that day made an agreement. We needed results. We wouldn't talk about this blood, where it came from or what it meant. We extracted the DNA and implanted it into one of the blank eggs we were preparing for our own experiments. Then we went back to work, and all secretly hoped that the egg wouldn't catch and we could all laugh at the joke that had been played on us. But, of course, that isn't what happened.

From the moment the egg hatched, we could tell this was something different. It looked like almost everything we had hoped for. Scales, fangs, claws . . . and preliminary x-rays showed a complex digestive system that as far as we could tell would eventually allow the creature to breathe fire, distilling food and minerals into a flaming liquid/gas mixture. The wings were new . . . but hey, extra mobility. The biggest problem was the size, we were looking at something quite a bit smaller than target. Still, it was progress to report.

Six days later, the dragon spoke to us. And not in baby-talk. He had assimilated a full fluency in English from listening to the scientists around him for six days. That was when we really began to understand we had something different on our hands. We attempted to keep him isolated at first, but he was possessed of a voracious curiosity, and few of us could resist him as he wheedled his way into the world of the laboratory. Within two weeks he had chosen a name for himself, Jonathan. Within a month he had read every document in the building, from scientific journals to the trashy romance novels the secretary kept in her desk.

The client was coming to review our progress soon, and we weren't quite sure what to do, but we were never given a date, and eventually rumors began to circulate . . . something had gone wrong. We don't know exactly why, but the project died then, not with a bang, but with a whimper. A war ended, or a government fell . . . or perhaps they just needed the funding elsewhere. Things were quietly wrapped up, assets auctioned, utilities turned off for non-payment. Most of our failed experiments had been terminated by then, but nobody could bring themselves to treat Jonathan like another test subject. I took him home with me one night, and never returned. Nobody stopped me on the way out, and nobody ever came looking for us. The world was already a much different place than it had been a decade ago when we began the project, and it would only change more in my lifetime.

Throughout the chaos and upheaval of the remainder of the 21st century, I watched over Jonathan. It eventually became apparent to me that he wasn't small . . . just young, very young. I have watched him grow slowly, even as I have aged into obsolescence. He has never lost his hunger for knowledge, consuming everything he comes across, learning at a prodigious rate. The world is a hectic place, and I have done my best to shelter him from it, but I fear now that I have done him no favors. He will have to cope for himself soon. The doctors say that there is nothing left to be done for me. I have never told Jonathan the truth of his origins . . . but I record these words here in case . . . just in case."

Dr. Damien Tyler
Final Record
December 13th, 2095
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Hmm, Interesting..
So far we have:
a magical Crystal Golem forged for war.
a technologically superior Robot forged for war.
a genetically engineered Dragon forged for war.
and an old-god whos lost most of his divinity.. (forged for war? :p)

Seems like Team Warforged might benefit from a manager. Holyman, if you're interested in the (Mostly) non-combat role, we could run over a few ideas for how/why you brought these battle-monsters together.


Forged for war.
Ahem. We prefer the term combat-re-purposed-[-]American[/-]New Yorker.
Seems like Team Warforged might benefit from a manager. Holyman, if you're interested in the (Mostly) non-combat role, we could run over a few ideas for how/why you brought these battle-monsters together.
Obviously I can't speak for HM, but I got the impression he was thinking more of a Player-Manager . . . someone who could step into the arena with us, providing psychic support and direction . . . and then do all the paperwork for us in the downtime.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Like a captain! Xolotl would be more in the lines of what Loki is in Marvel world, not really that warforged.

Multiattack should only be 8, it's +1/rank on an 8 rank attack, so should only be 8.
I know, for some reason I actually made him PL 10 first and then saw it was PL8, so it lingered from then.

Grasp of the dying - Sorry, not allowing alternate saves on damage effects.

Drain Soul - the weaken is too high. I know I didn't initially post a Tradeoff limit, but I will be limiting them to 3, so you'll have to drop it to an 11.
Taking it down then.

Life Void - fine but keep in mind that you still have to have your array on that power for it to be effective, cant switch powers as a reaction to someone touching you, so I'm not sure when it'll really be useful, considering all your other attack effects share the same array and are higher ranked.
Mainly if I get surrounded and hacked at. I still can use it each 1.5 rounds.

Master Spell Weaver - First, I limit Quickness to the campaigns PL. Secondly, I don't like this as part of the array. All the other effects are clear attack effects, this in the array has no downside, as Rituals are an out of combat thing, used when you have absolutely no need for any of the other effects.
Ditto on the limit. If you don't like it as part of his array I can get it as a individual power. I thought of using it outside combat for getting useful spells.

Armor of Bones - This should cost 7, not 6. Removable only gives the -1 for every full 5 of the final cost, not for portions thereof. If it worked otherwise all devices would get a 6th/11th/16th etc point for FREE. (6-2 = 5-1)
Essentially, think of it as 'every 5th point is free'.
I just used what the Hero Lab gave me as a cost, I'll change it.

Finally, you have a Drain Willpower attack listed under your attacks - I assume that was replaced with the Drain Soul power during creation, and you just never changed that portion of the sheet.
That's me messing up things again, heh. Edited it shall be.

Walking Dad

First Post

Armor of Bones - This should cost 7, not 6. Removable only gives the -1 for every full 5 of the final cost, not for portions thereof. If it worked otherwise all devices would get a 6th/11th/16th etc point for FREE. (6-2 = 5-1)
Essentially, think of it as 'every 5th point is free'.

You can houserule it this way, you are the GM, but the book example has an 98 pp power and removable subtracts 20 pp from the total cost, removing 1 full pp for the portion.


Hmm, if that's true all of my characters with equipment just gained several points...

When I'm GMing, I'm going to choose to interpret it this way, it makes more sense to me. (It's how devices worked in 2e)

Voidrunner's Codex

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