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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse Issue 2: Vegas!

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Voda Vosa

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That's actually a good idea. Rolling for Enoch and Katrina. Uomo does have Well informed, security clearance (to have confidential info), ediatic memory (to remember obscure info), contacts, and connected advantages, if that matters.


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OOC: Ooh! I'm assuming that the 30 on Uomo's check reveals all his juicy background details, since that's 4 successes despite his cipher advantage. I'll edit if I'm overstepping.

Enoch's eyes widen and then suddenly narrow as he takes a close look at Uomo. "Am I? Among friends I mean. Jacob seems pretty stand-up even if standing beside him makes me wanna throw on a sweater. And Laura's made of awesome. But you Vito, have done a metric f*#k ton of crappy things to people who didn't really have it coming. Maybe not super recently, but over the years, or should I say over the centuries? So why should I tell you squat?"


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Felix’s eyes burst wide and his expression went blank “Was?” he muttered with a German accent bleeding through as he then blinked, then giggled while holding back a giggly laugh, as the micowave continued to heat his food.
“Well..” Felix started, while face palming into his right hand as the accent bleedy away into a giggling tone, his shoulder bobbing up and down against his will “…If he is not a friend, then you’ve just exposed that you know far too much about a secretive immortal, to his face no less, while you’re surrounded by said immortal’s allies, to be allowed to get out alive.” Felix chuckled at Enoch’s expense. “So yes, why should we associate with a loose cannon with no sense of tact or situational awareness?” he chuckled with a crooked, amused grin and a tear forming in his right eye, it was obvious what he wanted to do and it including rolling on the ground, he chuckled a little more while looking up from his hand before adding "I mean, isn't this the second time you've don something crazy like this just today?" Felix was trying so, so very hard to not burst into laughter at Enoch's display of wit, but, he was losing the fight, and the war.

[sblock=OoC] and with a roll of 19, you in fact rolled a 9* for Felix; thus Enoch knows that Felix: is David Fletcher, a fifteen year old aristocrat and trust fund baby, who goes to a privet school, is going to obtain the rest of his, late, parents estate when he becomes thirty two, as per their wills; etcetera, things he wants people to know ;3.
Though Enoch slickly herd him go by the name of felix when they first meet at the casino, meaning that David is either playing at cowboy, or he is frighteningly more than Enoch thinks, given what precious little he was able to find out about Felix and how massive of an amount he found out on Uomo (an affective roll of 25 on him I believe)
I’ll leave it up to you whether or not Enoch notices that he got bizarrely little on Felix or just focuses on big scary Uomo and leaves the enigma of a person mostly allow for the time being ;3

[*I forget if I buffed it earlier, if so, then this roll is really only a 4…. Why can’t I log onto page 1 of our rogues’ gallery to see? :/ ]

This said, Felix can make an expertise knowledge check on anything he likes while using his +5 from int ;3

Addon: edited :3[/sblock]
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I actually tend to run Gather Info checks slightly differently for people than the flat dc 10 in the book, b/c I find it very odd that with a single 1p advantage, someone can know EVERYBODY they might bump into with an AVERAGE check. (DC 10 with no skill points or ability modifier=avg).
Heck, take our PCs for example..
Uomo has +11 persuasion, his avg of 21 is 3 degrees of success.. he knows, on average, Specific, Restricted information about EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD, by the letter of the rule. That means walking down the street, he can literally recite peoples credit card numbers.
Grid has +10 investigation - same.
Enoch has +13 Investigation - same.
Cass has +8 investigation, so she only has SPECIFIC details about everybody.. So she could only know, oh say the home address, phone number, and life story of every single person she ever meets.

AND none of these skill checks are even the max they could be at this level..

THUS, you can see my dilemma here.
I understand people wanting to know about other people, but the logistics of the Well Informed advantage are rather odd..
For groups/organizations/High profile people, it makes sense. For most individuals, it does not.
Take Katrina for example. Before today, there was no reason anybody WOULD know anything about her.. yet with an average check, half the party could have spotted her on the street and just 'known' that she is a metahuman shape shifter who works at starbucks and dates a guy named David, while secretly going out at night to be a vigilante...
Despite the fact that there is no real way they SHOULD be able to know ANY of that.

ALSO, keep in mind that the gather information rules (Which are what well informed is based off) specify that the base dc of 10 assumes there is no reason that the information would be withheld.

Up till now, I've basically been winging it, but I'm going to have to come up with some consistent way of doing it from now on.
For the moment, I'm going to raise the base DC to between 15 and 20 on anybody who isn't a public figure, depending on how 'knowable' I think they should be..

SO For Enoch's checks:
With Uomo, I would say that a 30 would know the generals of Uomo's character (Name, immortality, some important things he's been involved in, etc), but only one specific piece of sensitive information, not EVERY dirty detail of his life.
Nothing about Kat(14) or Felix (19-10=9) *NOTE: Felix has cipher 2 listed on his sheet*
If he was introduced to terry as "Grid" or heard him referred to as such, then he would know the generals of the hacker Grid (Public figure)
He knows a fair bit about Frost, being a fairly publicly talked about figure.

Uomo only knows some general stuff about Katrina, perhaps he recognizes her face and name from somewhere - for most intents, she's literally an average person who just became worth knowing about.

Likewise, checks about Enoch are only even attemptable if he shows you his real face or tells you his real name. You can't know things about someone if you don't know who he is. (IE You couldn't make a well informed check about batman and just kinda 'know' he's bruce wayne..)
IF so, then his status as an 'insane congressman's son' would leave the base DC for him at 10.

For now we'll assume that Enoch let his disguise slip, or mentioned his name, and managed to figure out some of Uomo's secrets, so what's already been posted doesn't have to be altered. He could merely be bluffing (Or more likely inferring from what he does know) about Uomo's sordid past.

These are just rules for the instant 'well informed' check. Other advantages/normal info gathering beyond that is still possible.

Zerith - That expertise check wouldn't work, Expertise specifically covers all tasks EXCEPT those covered by other skills (Which knowing about people is most certainly covered under, else nobody would be able to do it WITHOUT expertise)

Also a final note - If you can't work your characters together, I'm not going to do it for you. So if you want to be part of the story, find a way to get along. I'm fine with some in character friction and good roleplaying, but make sure that's all it is, please. Just a friendly warning. :)

Any questions/comments, please post them into the OOC thread. I just wanted to post this here to make sure everybody saw it.


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Terry Quinlan, The Grid

Terry watched the newcomer and Felix bumping heads with some poorly-hidden surprise. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it, then took a breath and offered, "Guys, I think the world's a pretty crazy place these days, and you find friends where you can get them. We helped Laura out of a jam not too long ago; Enoch and Katrina helped her out today.

"So, maybe we use a little bridging here? We've got a good person in common, so how about we say that makes us all at least not-villains?"

As he finished, Terry gave Cassandra a befuddled smile and added, "When did I turn into the level-headed veteran in this bunch?"

Of course, despite all his talk of trust, the fact was Terry was already mentally sending an encoded query into the ether to see what he could dredge up on the latest newcomers, but he thought he'd keep that to himself for now; no need to muddy the waters...

Voda Vosa

First Post
Uomo calmly takes another deep smoke. He's being dead serious. Lowering his hand again, he fixed his eyes in the boy. "It is rude to vent people's private life as if it were nothing. You are young, inexperienced in the real world out there. Consider Copy Cat's advice there, he knows what he's talking about. I am a generous man, I'm willing to let that slip for your benefit bambini." he makes a pause, taking another smoke. "If you don't want to introduce yourself, fine." Uomo makes a face, as if he doesn't care. "I'm just giving you the opportunity to make something with your life besides wasting it in Las Vegas. I mean, something that actually matters. Choice's yours." His gaze shifts to Katrina. "What do you think my dear? Is this crazy talk or do I make myself clear?" He smiles.

Abruptly dropping all seriousness, Uomo turns and addresses Felix. "Bring me some pasta, the smell is killing me!"


First Post
(hee...guess no one knows anything about Cassandra, which is funny because she actually has a semi-public persona as a journalist, even if it's an obscure one :))

Cassandra shakes her head at Felix and shrugs.

"Maybe we should focus on what we're actually here to do?" she posits. "Seeing as how it's life or death potentially for all mutants?"

The reporter gives the newcomers an apologetic look. "Nothing against you guys. Sounds like you've been through a really rough time and honestly we could use all the help we can get. If, that is, you're interested in helping. We're on to something big here. Bigger than Uomo's past, or slavery rings or casinos. But..."

She sighs unhappily. "...I'm really sorry, but I can't talk about it in detail unless you want in and everyone's okay with that. But in general, there's a plot afoot to develop a weapon against mutants, and we're trying to stop it."


First Post
"I left out all the specific information," Cassandra replied testily. "What they have now wouldn't help them much if they decided to alert anyone, but we can't expect them to make a decision without ANY information at all."

Voidrunner's Codex

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