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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Rising OOC (Game has started!)

Relique du Madde

I like the we are all somehow interconnected, but without us all knowing each other.

I have no real preference on the style. I think my character can work in either.

Concept One: "Poltergeist" As I was using Miranda in mutant high I discovered that "drain" ans status effect type character's aren't really that great (since ability saves are generally higher then amd dc modifier to an power), so I didn't think that aspect of her worked. Anyways, "poltergeist" would be a insubstantial/Telikinetic girl.

I thought more about my idea..

"Dusk." A vigilante who is mistakenly is vilianized by local media since his tactics are "brutal" (he tends to ambush and beat the tar out of people then "vanish"). His powers allow him to turn into a shadow (insubstantial w/slowfall and concealed in darkness/shadows) and he has the ability to manipulate / control shadows as well as being able to make "solid objects" (ie blades) from them.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Walking Dad - If I knew who metamorpho was that might mean something. Could you describe the super-power/concept without referring to another super hero? Shapeshifting and alternate form are fairly open ended, I'm just hoping for something a bit more specific...
'Real' life concept: CSI

Superhero: Transforms his body in chemical elements or compounds. Limited elasticity and basic form change. Able to disguise into objects, but not persons.

...Also, everybody another thing to add to the 'poll' -
Costumes & Super names or Not? (More marvel/comicy, or more 'realistic')

(There's at least 1 NPC who WILL be using the more comicy 'super identity', and one who definitely will not, but other than that the overall 'theme' is up to you guys)
I vote for more comicy. But not into the absurd (Yes, this patch is the perfect disguise...)


First Post
I have a few ideas in mind, but I haven't decided which one to use yet. So dont' worry about my ideas interfering with anyone else's; if one is vaguely similar to someone else's, I can just play one of the other concepts.

------> Overdrive. Some young guy, either a jock or a nerd who wishes he were that athletic. His adrenal gland became mutated somehow, to where his adrenaline is supercharged and, whenever he gets psyched up, Boosts his strength, speed, stamina, pain threshhold, reflexes, and even senses up to superhuman levels. Not especially high superhuman levels, but still greater than any normal human's.

-------> Catalyst. A biologist working in a pharmaceutical company, his mutation gave him some inexplicable ability to manipulate the biological functions of living things. He'd have the Life Control power and some related powers like Healing, Regeneration, Boost, Stun, and others, but nothing too strange (no Growth or Immunity or whatnot, and any recuperative abilities would be of low rank). Making people feel surges of pain, or feel nauseous, or have trouble moving, or have trouble seeing/hearing/breathing/whatever, to a limited degree, but also making people faster, stronger, etc. as well.

------> Red Impulse. A young man who loves video games and martial arts, who developed some psychokinetic abilities. His hobbies and martial arts training give him good coordination and modest athleticism. He can build up psychokinetic force around him in a temporary barrier, then release that energy in a burst of speed (actually launching himself in one direction) or in bolts of psychokinetic force. His name comes from the crackling red appearance of his psychokinetic energy when its active. A costumed vigilante in red duds with blue and white trim. Power-wise, he'd take Force Field or Shield (or some combo of the two) with alternate powers of Speed, Leaping, Strike (launching himself at an opponent for a super-quick punch or kick), and Blast.

-----> Spark. A costumed vigilante, comic book geek, and computer technician. He's built up a decent physique for vigilantism, but is still mostly just a nerd in a costume..... His body is highly resistant to electricity, and can generate large amounts of it by some kind of matter manipulation involving the electrons of atoms. This minor matter manipulation lets him overcome some of the common defenses against electricity, but not everything, and it takes him a bit of time to build up a decent charge. He can also use this ability to manipulate electricity around him fairly well, such as shorting out or powering down electronic devices, stopping the flow of electricity in something, interfering a bit with the electrochemical nerve impulses of other living things, scrambling computers, disrupting nearby radio and other electromagnetic waves to some extent, generating static, or other such tricks.


New Concept:

The man with the honeyed tongue. A young corporate drone type fights through the rat race by day, getting ignored by everyone. But when he turns on his voice, everyone pays attention.

He'd be more of a mentalist than a sonic controller type, as it would be more about emotion control and suggestion through his voice rather than creating sound blasts or anything like that.


First Post
Okay...ideas percolating...

One idea - Omnielemental: Control of the classic elements of fire, air, water, and earth. Probably a bit expensive, so might be limited at first...but that just means there's room for growth and development. Variant - Has alternate form, one for each element, but doesn't actually 'control' them.

Another - Facade: Shapeshifter. Kind of the opposite of the CSI guy, can assume human shapes but not anything else. Limited Morph with a small Shapeshifting pool to allow variations of form like claws, armor, spines...things like that. Regeneration.

Another - I like the idea of playing some tricks with Anatomic Separation...maybe buying an alternate form as a 'swarm' as well. Representing a character who's consciousness was distributed throughout her body, rather than centered in her brain. Each little piece of her can be its own 'body.'

Hmmm...tough choices!
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Guest 11456

I like the way Daphne is portrayed when she is first introduced in 'Heroes'. She is the perfect thief because of her speed. So, my concept is a speedster. In keeping with the concept the character will probably start out as a non-hero at first but then be recruited, albeit reluctantly, by the others.


ok, My turn.

First, I dislike the following powers and would prefer people to stay away from them: Boost, Healing, Anatomic Seperation.

now, points about concepts.

Rellique - Dusk seems like a good concept, though I'll be keeping a close eye on him b/c that's a fairly powerful combination of abilities.

Walking dad - Interesting lets see how you stat it out.

Arkhandus - Spark or red impulse would be ok, But if you went with Impulse I'd prefer if you didn't have such a varied array of alternate powers. I understand they can all be explained with the same power descriptor, but it's getting a lot of (usually unrelated) powers for dirt cheap.

Tailspinner - I have no problem with a speedster or a 'less heroic' type, though don't count on the PC's being 'forced' to recruit you.

hafrogman - sounds ok to me.

Shayuri - my personal favourite out of those would be the elemental type, though Facade works too.

(Did I miss anybody?)

Allright people, guess it's time for creation. I'll update the first post with creation rules.
PLEASE do not post a character for a concept I haven't at least tentatively said OK to yet.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Fixin' to go to work. No time to post concept. Posting this placeholder instead.

Update: My week has decided to turn icky, so I'm going to gracefully withdraw. The odds of me getting to advance a decent concept before probably next week aren't good.

You all have fun!


Walking Dad

First Post
Chemico Power Level 10

STR 30 (+10), DEX 14 (+2), CON 30 (+10), INT 12 (+1), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 10 (+0)

Toughness +10, Fortitude +10, Reflex +6, Will +7

Skills: Craft [Mechanical] 4 (+5), Drive 5 (+7), Investigate 7 (+10), Knowledge (history) 8 (+9), Knowledge [Physical Sciences] 7 (+8), Notice 7 (+10), Search 5 (+6), Sense Motive 4 (+7)

Feats: Jack of all Trades, Teamwork, ?

Powers: Shapeshift 6 (limited to elemental states) (basically the powers you can get with alternate form: Particle, Solid, Liquid, gas)

Combat: Attack +8, Grapple +18, Damage +10 (unarmed), Defense +8, Knockback -5, Initiative +2

Drawback: -

Abilities 52 + Skills 12 (40 points) + Feats 3 + Powers 42 + Combat 32 + Saves 9 = 150pp


I can distribute points from the physical abilities to shapeshift, if you insist.
Will perhaps add the normal identity drawback.
-> normal identity Str and Con both 12 and no Powers.

If you like the stats, I will add background.
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