Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

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My deepest condolences to the Gygax family.

I can't begin to count the stunning number of hours
of fun I have enjoyed over several decades and all
the dear and lasting friendships I've developed through

Luckily six of us from my gaming group were all at Gencon
this year and got to meet him and thank him in person.

Thank you E. Gary Gygax
May you rest in peace


Registered User
I got the Basic Set red box and the Expert Set blue box for Christmas when I was 12. Still probably the best Christmas present I ever received, and have been playing now for 20 years. Thanks, Gary. RIP, my friend.


Sad news indeed. RIP Gary. :(

His writing and games have influenced not only myself, but literally millions of people around the world and continues to do so.

And how sad, but also how fitting that he should pass on GM Day...

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