When I would go to a Con, I want to sit and have a good time playing games. At the table, it didn’t matter if the other person was a guy or girl, gay or straight, fundie Christian or free spirited Wiccan, conservative republican or liberal democrat, or anywhere in between any of these. They were a fellow gamer; there to share a love of the same games I do. We could sit back and enjoy 4-6 hours of fun, regardless of what we might think about each other’s personal lives, or whether we would associate with each other beyond the con.
The only fights I remember at cons were whether than fireball did 25 hp or 12 hp, who got the +3 sword, whether d20 saved or wrecked the game, Milwaukee or Indy, or over the benefits of taking 15 minutes extra off from gaming each day to attend to “personal hygiene.”
People were well behaved. We didn’t talk politics or religion (except maybe: did you run into the prosletyzers outside this morning?). If we wanted a beer, we enjoyed one. We didn’t get manure-faced. If there were kids at the table, we tried to watch our language and, if we wanted a bit of raunch, use a lot of double-entendres to make sure other parents didn’t have to do any explaining either. And if we were away from the table, we still treated each other with the same respect. If you didn’t want to hang with the LGBTs, or with the conservative lawyers, or the cosplayers, you just did your own thing and let them do theirs. There was plenty of room at the Safehouse or The Ram for everyone without stepping on anyone’s toes.
So, really disappointed to hear that political bravo sierra has invaded the con scene. I really hope this serves as a wake-up call to anyone on any side of any disagreement to leave it at home, and just come to the con for four days of fun gaming.